Th08/Ghost Team's Endings

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Revision as of 19:46, 20 March 2023 by SupremeExplosion (talk | contribs) (Either works, but once again, a bit more emotive)
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Credits: Excellen, Aya, Espr, wiki@pooshlmer

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Bad Ending No. 12 (Ghost Team)

8The Netherworld.

10In the end, morning came with nothing settled.

     Yuyuko had gone to sleep without saying anything... 
and an evil dream came to the east.

15Youmu "Since then, Lady Yuyuko hasn't been talking. So she doesn't like humor after all..."

18Youmu "I see. She went right back to bed after getting up once."

22Youmu also looked sleepy. It might be a good idea to take a bit of a vacation.

25The night lasted for a long time, wearing everyone out. That's why Yuyuko quickly fell asleep.

28Bad Ending #12 Keep clearing stages, as far as you can go!

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Normal Ending No. 8 (Ghost Team)

8The Netherworld at night.

10The long-awaited full moon cheerfully illuminated Gensokyo.

     The Netherworld was even more serene.  
It was as if the sound of the moonlight itself could be heard.

14But while the full moon had indeed returned... The Princess of that moon's people had hidden herself somewhere again.

19Yuyuko "Today~ I'm so looking forward to the festival~."

22Youmu "Please don't approach me while singing. Besides, since when is the festival today?"

26Yuyuko "Youmu, the tsukemono are available from today on!"

29Youmu "That's another sudden development..."

32Yuyuko "But I'm already tired. Isn't there someone who'll help me?"

35Youmu "Let's get to it."

38Yuyuko "Let's see if a ghost can prepare tsukemono."

41Youmu "Will they prepare themselves if you leave them like that?

43Don't tell me that the ghosts will prepare it..."

47Yuyuko "It won't get done by itself.

49There's a person within the tsukemono who knows how to do it."

52Youmu "Within the tsukemono, you say..."

55Yuyuko "Tsukemono are pickled vegetables. In other words, the nature of God. It's a gift from the powers of the heavens!"

59Youmu "Oh, so that's how it is.

61Then, what would be the best thing to do with it?"

64Yuyuko "Ah, that's where you have to use your culinary powers.

       It's up to you how to utilize your power and produce the best tasting 
dish from it. Do your best."

69Youmu "Start it by yourself and force it yourself. Is that all?"

72Yuyuko "You have to be good with tsukemono to be a good wife! Cook it till others are jealous of it! Do your best!"

76Youmu "Yeah, I get it, I get it. I'll do it, geez."

79And so, while an ordinary day unrelated to the full moon passed,

     Yuyuko was actually preparing herself for another day.
That means it's time to make preparations for a departure again.

83Yuyuko had realized that the returned full moon was actually not the real moon.

86Normal Ending #8 Try playing again without using continues!

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Good Ending No. 4 (Ghost Team)

8The Netherworld at night.

10The moon's power has reached even the Netherworld.

     Even now, the overflowing jubilation in the Netherworld resembles
that of the living humans.

13Indeed, the real moon has returned to Gensokyo. Compared to the dead papier-mache moon, its power is wildly different.

16The moon until now has been - ah, how shall I say it - vulgar somehow...

18Its image in the night sky brought memories of the moon from long ago.

20Yuyuko found that moon nostalgic, even though it had felt so flimsy.

23A new power is pouring into tonight's moon from the heavens. It's not very nostalgic, but then again, it's reassuring.

26The power of madness had been rising to the point of overflowing. That's probably why the true full moon is being invoked.

29Starting from tonight, the night of the full moon, the moon can be seen directly. She warned Youmu to avoid it.

31Because the moon is always...

33and to everyone...

35an enemy.

39Eirin "So, what is it? Is something the matter? Why did you summon me so suddenly?"

43Yuyuko "Come on, don't get your knickers in a twist. First of all, drink a gulp of tea."

47Eirin "Eh? Ah... Then I will have some."

50Yuyuko "Gelsemium. The tea of elegance."

53Eirin "Oeghhh! Damn it, this is a deadly poison!"

56Yuyuko "Oh my, you really are pretty knowledgeable."

59Eirin "I know the ins and outs of medicine.

       In exchange, poisons and drugs won't work on me.
Trying to poison me is futile."

64Yuyuko "Guess it can't be helped. Of course, I didn't use all of my power~

67I wonder if I should give it to Youmu."

70Eirin "No, hold on. What are you trying to do by killing me?"

74Yuyuko "Actually, my problem is the same as Youmu's.

       In yesterday's battle I looked at the full moon too much,
and now my eyes hurt.

77I couldn't think of anyone else but you who could cure it."

81Eirin "Oh, my, that's bad indeed. However, I can't do anything about the moon's power.

84...Err, anyways, I was going to say... Why were you trying to kill me?"

88Yuyuko "Because you're handy. I thought you might be useful at home."

91Eirin "??"

94Yuyuko "Hey, where is this place?"

97Eirin "The Netherworld."

99Eirin "... No, no. It will be troublesome if you kill me like that. Even I have things that I have to protect no matter what.

102Oh, all right. I'll lend you my medical services any time.

       It's not like you're going to die when you're already
in the Netherworld, though..."

106Yuyuko "It's fun being dead~. Besides, once you die, you can't die again. Eternal youth, you know?"

110Eirin "Say, what's the state of your servant's eyes? You sure talk a lot for someone who just sits around and is cared for."

115Youmu "Oh, what a place to see vengeful spirits!"

118Eirin "Vengeful spirits?"

121Yuyuko "Not just the dead - it seems she's seeing the souls of living people."

125Youmu "And to see them so long and red."

128Eirin "Oh, she has terribly red eyes.

130Just like the eyes of a rabbit. They're very sensitive, and attuned to the moon."

133Eirin "Crimson eyes, eyes of madness. They won't recover by leaving them alone."

136Yuyuko "Actually, it isn't much of a problem if they don't recover. After all, Youmu can go mad and still sweep the garden."

140Youmu "When I close my eyes, I can still see the spirits~."

143Eirin "Let's try a little therapy before I prepare the medicine then. In the meantime, do not look directly at the moon."

147Yuyuko "Amazing! You're like a doctor in a little village. Won't you work in my home after all?"

151Eirin "Once again, I don't want to die. Even then, I've already taken the medicine made with the Princess' power.

154It's a shame, but I cannot take up your offer here in the Netherworld."

157Yuyuko "Is the medicine, by any chance..."

159Yuyuko "Aiiiee!!! My natural enemy~"

162Youmu "Lady Yuyuko? What's the matter? To think that something exists that displeases Lady Yuyuko...

165She is always so agreeable."

168Eirin "Okay, let's fix those red eyes."

171Yuyuko "Oh, Youmu, you can't drink any of that tea. It's too high class for you."

174Youmu "Eh?"

177Eirin "Our treatments are different."

180Yuyuko can manipulate a person's death.

182And so the ghosts that Yuyuko holds in her care achieve Nirvana, and the Netherworld becomes lively.

185But no matter how you look at it, the seemingly-invincible Yuyuko

     has one natural enemy.
The immortal humans created by the Hourai Elixir.

188The reason is that their existence is beyond Yuyuko's power.

190If every human hated death and sought the elixir of immortality,

     then the concept of death would vanish from humanity.
And if no humans ever died...

193Then no new ghosts would come to the Netherworld.

195Humans are supposed to die. But no matter what, the great medicine, the Hourai Elixir, will always exist...

198Good Ending #4 Thanks for playing! (The trial of guts lies ahead...)