Th08/Scarlet Team's Endings/en: Difference between revisions

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==Good Ending No. 3 (Scarlet Team)==
{{dt/color|404060}}{{tt|nochar|code=8|tl=      Nighttime at the Scarlet Devil Mansion.}}
{{dt/color|404060}}{{tt|nochar|code=8|tl=      Nighttime at the Scarlet Devil Mansion.}}

Revision as of 19:23, 3 June 2021

Credits: Excellen, Aya, Espr, wiki@pooshlmer

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Bad Ending No. 11 (Scarlet Team)

8The Scarlet Devil Mansion.

10In the end, morning came with nothing settled yet.

     Although Lady Remilia was slightly miffed, 
thanks to Sakuya, she quietly went to sleep.

15Sakuya "That was troublesome. Looks like I'll have to go defeat tonight's outlaws again."

18Sakuya "I could also use some rest."

21There is no rest for a maid. They must always work dawn to dusk.

24However, no one knew this particular maid's way of resting...

27Bad Ending #11 Keep clearing stages, as far as you can go!

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Normal Ending No. 7 (Scarlet Team)

8Nighttime at the Scarlet Mansion.

10After many nights of the full moon, the denizens of Gensokyo became suspicious.

14The denizens of the Scarlet Devil Mansion noticed that the Moon

     was becoming brighter and brighter, rivaling the sun's light,
while its shape became more and more exaggerated.

19Yet, certainly the moon had been restored....... Ah, the Princess of the Moon. Where had she taken it away to?

22Sakuya "Mistress, let me pour you some fresh tea."

25Remilia "Crimson moonlight and tea... Gensokyo is such a wonderful place, don't you agree?"

27Sakuya "It certainly is. This moon is especially red, but...."

30Sakuya "It's not supposed to be that way, is it?"

33Remilia "It's so wonderful, though. Why do you suppose it's so red?"

37Sakuya "It's very nice. The moon only reflects light shone on it.

         What we see is only the light from our hearts,
but why would that be red?"

40Sakuya "This is Gensokyo, unscientific is the way things are."

43Remilia "Really? I'll tell you why the moon is red."

46Remilia "The color of the moon is derived from that light which isn't absorbed by it.

48Blood-red light, being the only color left, reflects off the moon and rains down upon Gensokyo.

50Ah, this light will cause humans to bleed a deeper shade for us."

53Sakuya "That's very scientific."

56Remilia "Ah, but it's odd that I didn't notice the moon was red till tonight... Sakuya, what do you think?"

60Sakuya "I agree.

62However, it is not my place to question such things."

65Remilia "Just tell me what's on your mind."

68Sakuya "I think that tonight's moon is very red...

        That this may be part of the Moon Rabbit's madness...
And that this time, the moon isn't the only battlefield."

73Remilia "Typical Gensokyo.

75As usual, I have no idea what's going on. And where did that Moon Rabbit run off to, anyway?

78We'll have to track it down to figure out what happened."

81Gensokyo's moon was so unnatural that it had turned red.

       It was obviously fake.
Of course, both Sakuya and Remilia already knew that.

85And while they both knew it, they had never spoken of it before. To find the truth, they would have to venture out again to investigate.

88Normal Ending #7 Try playing again without using a continue!

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Good Ending No. 3 (Scarlet Team)

8Nighttime at the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

10The real moon had at last returned to Gensokyo.

12As it turned out, the fake moon had been nothing more than a paper toy,

14while the real moon had been obscured by the distortion of madness

16Naturally, the human eye could not see past such an illusion

     The light reflected from the moon had been polarized, it's wave-length 
     altered to the point that it was no longer in the visible spectrum.  
After time, though, this would drive those humans affected by it insane.

20The invisible and silent nocturnal creatures were at an advantage.

22Highly sensitive humans were affected worst of all, and went mad.

     To get to the root of the madness, the person who controlled it
would have to be found, somewhere in Gensokyo...

26The tranquil light of the full moon shone down on Gensokyo.

     The black lake shone white in the moonlight, while the forest
     formed a wreath of darkness around it.
The light from the lake sprayed across the ruby-tinted Scarlet Mansion.

32Sakuya "Going to the moon...

34Is this meeting even necessary? As a matter of fact, weren't they exiled?"

37Sakuya "Ah, but after being away from home for centuries,

       what do you talk about?
       Whatever was in vogue in the capital of the Moon has long gone 
out of style by now.

40And do you even think they like Gensokyo's trends?"

42Sakuya "What do we do... Earthlings, humans and youkai, we have nothing in common.

44and after this is all over, what do we do then?"

46???? "Sweet."

50Remilia "These three Japanese food trays are nice."

52Sakuya "Sweet, yet subtle."

55Remilia "Truth is, humans have already been to the moon. The era of devils like us has already come to an end."

59Sakuya "But I'm not a devil, am I? What about me?"

63Remilia "You've been here with us for such a long time that it hardly seems fitting to still call you human."

66Sakuya "Are you saying that you would like another human servant?

68It takes a lot of training to bring someone up for this position..."

71Remilia "Hmm..."

73Remilia "I see.

75Well, let's leave for the moon now."

78Sakuya "Eh? A trip to the moon? What for?"

81Remilia "Rabbit hunting."

84Sakuya "As you said, that era came to an end long ago."

87Remilia "Quickly, then, make the preparations.

89Oh, are you coming as well, Patchy?"

93Patchy "..... It's not as simple as that.

95My expertise may prove necessary."

98Sakuya "Ah, you may be right."

101Remilia "Are we ready to go yet?

103I want this house immaculate before we leave."

106Sakuya "This uniform isn't just for show, I'll have you know."

109Remilia "Well, what do we need?"

112Patchy "To start with......

114we'd need a lightweight yet durable rocket engine."

117Sakuya "Such a different world..."

120Patchy "That is, something able to transmute something else into pure energy for the purpose of propulsion."

123Remilia "This could take some time, I see."

126Sakuya "Is this for real?"

129Remilia "I've heard Marisa mention something like that before."

132Patchy "Of course... there's always liquid fuel."

135Remilia "Blood?"

138Sakuya "Yes, blood."

141Patchy "Blood."

143Patchy "Using blood..."

145Sakuya "Uh, how much do you think would be necessary for this?"

148Patchy "For this, I would say roughly a thousand's worth."

151Remilia "They sure have made a lot of progress in the outside world. So, what do we need next?"

154Patchy "Next, we need... Armstrong."

157Remilia "Sakuya, can you take care of that one, please?"

160Sakuya "How can I get something when I don't even know what it is? A strong arm...?"

163Remilia "Well, do you want to go to the moon tonight or not?"

166The moon had driven them mad.

168They had absolutely no chance of going to the moon, yet they wouldn't let go of the idea.

171It was just not meant to be.

     The madness brought forth from the capital of the moon...
     The eyes of ordinary people could not see it.  
For the real moon was nothing but an invisible full moon to them.

176Through the crimson madness of the full moon, the shape of

     a rabbit could still be seen.
     Sakuya simply decided that everyone else had lost their mind
from staring at the moon too long.

179Good Ending #3 Thanks for playing! (The trial of guts lies ahead...)