Th08/Spell cards in English

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Translations are from the Touhou wiki's "Imperishable Night/Spell Cards" pages.

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# Name OwnerSpell Practice comment
Stage 1
1 Firefly Sign "Meteors on Earth" Wriggle Nightbug

All fireflies do is flicker repeatedly, but since they're continuously moving, they look like shooting stars waving back and forth down on Earth.

2 Firefly Sign "Comets on Earth" Wriggle Nightbug

You'll ruin your eyes if you study by a firefly's light. Actually, it's impossible to do so with all that synchronized blinking. Don't take folktales too seriously.

3 Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon" Wriggle Nightbug

The luminous phenomenon of a firefly.

4 Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon" Wriggle Nightbug

The luminous phenomenon of a firefly. The bullets' movement does look a little bug-like... but it's certainly not how fireflies move.

5 Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon" Wriggle Nightbug

The luminous phenomenon of a firefly. If anything, it's more like a grasshopper's movement. Well, that's a bug too, so who cares.

6 Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon" Wriggle Nightbug

The luminous phenomenon of a firefly. It's fun to hold onto click beetles. You can feel your finger popping on its own.

7 Wriggle Sign "Little Bug" Wriggle Nightbug

Little bugs. Yucky.

8 Wriggle Sign "Little Bug Storm" Wriggle Nightbug

Little bugs. The moment when larvae hatch from tons of eggs. One of the mysteries of life.

9 Wriggle Sign "Night Bug Storm" Wriggle Nightbug

If you graze the eggs to warm them up, they're sure to grow into better bugs! Wait, but bug eggs don't need any warmth.

10 Wriggle Sign "Nightbug Tornado" Wriggle Nightbug

If I had to compare this to something, it'd be when you lift up a fairly big stone and find it totally lined with ant eggs underneath. That sort of thing.

11 Hidden Bug "Endless Night Seclusion" Wriggle Nightbug

If the night lasts too long, some really nasty bugs will come swarming up too. In Wriggle's Last Spell, the bug tamer joins her bugs.

12 Hidden Bug "Endless Night Seclusion" Wriggle Nightbug

I think fireflies are seen as more special than other bugs, just because they glow. It's one of many techniques for deceiving humans.

13 Hidden Bug "Endless Night Seclusion" Wriggle Nightbug

Firefly larvae living in water are always, without exception, super gross. Don't let Wriggle deceive you.

Stage 2
14 Vocal Sign "Hooting in the Night" Mystia Lorelei

An owl's hooting, seemingly heard from nowhere. Owls have scary eyes.

15 Vocal Sign "Hooting in the Night" Mystia Lorelei

An owl's hooting, seemingly heard from nowhere. The main point is how you can't easily tell where the bullet trajectories are coming from.

16 Vocal Sign "Howl of the Horned Owl" Mystia Lorelei

A horned owl's hooting. I hear there isn't much taxonomic difference between owls and horned owls. In my opinion, horned owls are cooler.

17 Vocal Sign "Howl of the Horned Owl" Mystia Lorelei

A horned owl's hooting. The word for "horned owl" (木菟) is similar to the word for "raspberry" (木苺). All of a sudden, they seem cute.

18 Moth Sign "Hawk Moth's Wingbeats" Mystia Lorelei

The sight of a hawk moth, sprinkling its scales as it flies.

19 Moth Sign "Hawk Moth's Wingbeats" Mystia Lorelei

The sight of a hawk moth, sprinkling its scales as it flies. They're so intimidating. If there was a fighter craft styled after a hawk moth, it'd be great for night combat.

20 Toxin Sign "Poisonous Moth's Scales" Mystia Lorelei

Poisonous scales rush down toward the humans. The speckles on moth wings already have really venomous-looking colors, too. Exquisite.

21 Deadly Toxin "Poisonous Moth's Dance in the Dark" Mystia Lorelei

Are there moths whose scales are so poisonous that they can kill even humans? A poisonous youkai moth that feeds on gelsemium starting from its larval stage... Perhaps in Gensokyo.

22 Hawk Sign "Ill-Starred Dive" Mystia Lorelei

A hawk's assault. ...Pretty slow for a hawk, though.

23 Hawk Sign "Ill-Starred Dive" Mystia Lorelei

A hawk's assault. Even hawks will sometimes carry human babies away. They're copying youkai.

24 Hawk Sign "Ill-Starred Dive" Mystia Lorelei

A hawk's assault. Around one out of every thousand kidnapped babies will become tengu, too.

25 Hawk Sign "Ill-Starred Dive" Mystia Lorelei

"Night Hawk" means something... not very becoming. No, Mystia has nothing to do with that kind of thing.

26 Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow" Mystia Lorelei

Mystia's signature technique as a night sparrow.

27 Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow" Mystia Lorelei

Mystia's signature technique as a night sparrow. It's an old wives' tale that eating lamprey is good for night-blindness. It actually works, too, because they're so rich in vitamin A.

28 Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow" Mystia Lorelei

Mystia's signature technique as a night sparrow. But in the original folktales, it's facing a night sparrow during daytime that will give you night-blindness.

29 Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow" Mystia Lorelei

Mystia's signature technique as a Night Sparrow. By the way, I like sparrows. They're a bit salty --perhaps because of the entrails?-- so they go very well with sake. Bony, though.

30 Night Sparrow "Midnight Chorus Master" Mystia Lorelei

"Chorus master" is synonymous with "conductor." The punchline is that it's not actually Mystia's song, but a chorus of her familiars.

31 Night Sparrow "Midnight Chorus Master" Mystia Lorelei

If I'd written it as "Midnight Conductor," then it wouldn't have been fearsome at all. "Chorus Master" isn't that fearsome, either. The idea wasn't fearsome to begin with.

32 Night Sparrow "Midnight Chorus Master" Mystia Lorelei

Maybe night sparrows just aren't fearsome in general? Well, she's only a Stage 2 boss after all.

Stage 3
33 Spiritual Birth "First Pyramid" Keine Kamishirasawa

The world's oldest Pyramid Power.

34 Spiritual Birth "First Pyramid" Keine Kamishirasawa

The world's oldest Pyramid Power. The triangle symbolizes the gods of musuhi. A harmonious symmetry.

35 Spiritual Birth "First Pyramid" Keine Kamishirasawa

The world's oldest Pyramid Power. Or maybe it's a riceball.

36 Spiritual Birth "First Pyramid" Keine Kamishirasawa

Sometimes when I'm eating things like tuna mayonnaise rice balls I feel sick before I can finish it and have to stop. Really.

37 Origin Sign "Ephemerality 137" Keine Kamishirasawa

And even though his parents lived for hundreds of thousands of years, too. Humans truly are ephemeral, like the foam of a breaking wave.

38 Origin Sign "Ephemerality 137" Keine Kamishirasawa

Still, 137 years feels like an extremely long time. He must have only ever eaten healthy foods.

39 Origin Sign "Ephemerality 137" Keine Kamishirasawa

But Yukari and Remilia have been living far longer than that. Yuyuko? Well, she's been dying...

40 Ambition Sign "Buretsu Crisis" Keine Kamishirasawa

It really doesn't sound like a person's name. Was his true identity a secret?

41 Ambition Sign "Masakado Crisis" Keine Kamishirasawa

Sir Masakado, who has a lot of bizarre stories about him. Perhaps because of Katou? I want to be a man like Katou one day.

42 Ambition Sign "Yoshimitsu Crisis" Keine Kamishirasawa

Yoshimitsu-- that is to say, Ashikaga-san. The bullets start twisting a little bit here. Try to think positively.

43 Ambition Sign "General Headquarters Crisis" Keine Kamishirasawa

And so we come to the present day. It already feels like things have collapsed beyond repair. Good luck, Japan.

44 Land Sign "Three Sacred Treasures - Sword" Keine Kamishirasawa

One of the three divine artifacts. It's amazing because it's a relic from the era of mythology, but its function honestly isn't much different from a simple lawn mower.

45 Land Sign "Three Sacred Treasures - Orb" Keine Kamishirasawa

One of the three divine artifacts. There's something erotic about the curve of the magatama. Just what you'd expect from a divine artifact.

46 Land Sign "Three Sacred Treasures - Mirror" Keine Kamishirasawa

One of the three divine artifacts. They say mirrors were used for magic, but it's really more of a stage trick. Real magic is usually about the art of imitation... oh. I guess mirrors are magic after all, then? Sorry.

47 Land Scheme "Three Sacred Treasures - Country" Keine Kamishirasawa

Not one of the three relics. This is the secret barrage-from-all-directions technique. But for some reason it's really easy. (Ah!

48 Ending Sign "Phantasmal Emperor" Keine Kamishirasawa

A flood of divine light. This is the sort of majesty I wanna have.

49 Ending Sign "Phantasmal Emperor" Keine Kamishirasawa

A flood of divine light. I think I'll have to discover just what this slowly-moving light is made of. Just like Einstein.

50 Pseudo-History "The Legend of Gensokyo" Keine Kamishirasawa

There's no trace of Gensokyo in any history book. That's because it was such a pain to write about it, so nobody bothered.

51 Pseudo-History "The Legend of Gensokyo" Keine Kamishirasawa

There's no trace of Gensokyo in any history book. But, Keine has a good memory, so she remembers. She's smart. Very smart.

52 Future "Gods' Realm" Keine Kamishirasawa

Takamagahara was filled with light. There's so many lasers, it's practically blinding. It's hard to tell when their hit box is actually active.

53 Future "Gods' Realm" Keine Kamishirasawa

Why is "高天原" pronounced "Takamagahara"? Is the "天" the "ga"?? Or is it "maga"??

54 Future "Gods' Realm" Keine Kamishirasawa

This one can actually be really easy. Those high-shot-power characters kick this kind of card's ass.

Stage 4A
55 Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier" Reimu Hakurei

Barriers are created from willpower. The bullets themselves fly in straight lines. Don't be fooled.

56 Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier" Reimu Hakurei

The bullets fly in straight lines, but the barrier distorts their paths. If you mentally fill in the space between the two barriers, this can be an extremely easy card.

57 Dream Land "Great Duplex Barrier" Reimu Hakurei

Humans rely too much on what they see. With Reimu's barriers, your own common sense gets in the way. What an insensible shrine maiden.

58 Dream Land "Great Duplex Barrier" Reimu Hakurei

No matter how hard you run after Reimu, she just gets further away. Have you ever had an experience like this? That's the power of Duplex Barrier.

59 Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Spread-" Reimu Hakurei

The most straightforward approach there is. There is such a thing as "too forthright", you know?

60 Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Spread-" Reimu Hakurei

The most straightforward approach there is. She shoots more bullets as time passes by, so it's unexpectedly easy to die.

61 Scattered Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Worn-" Reimu Hakurei

A worn-out tranquility comes after venting. Reimu gets worn out over and over. Deary me.

62 Scattered Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Worn-" Reimu Hakurei

Honestly, Reimu's not even looking at her opponent at all. She's just shooting wherever. It's like a child's slapfight.

63 Dream Sign "Evil-Sealing Circle" Reimu Hakurei

A spell that seals the opponent using enchanted amulets.

64 Dream Sign "Evil-Sealing Circle" Reimu Hakurei

A spell that seals the opponent using enchanted amulets. If you die, getting your items back will be a pain. Counterattack with your bombs! (no actually don't)

65 Divine Arts "Omnidirectional Demon-Binding Circle" Reimu Hakurei

It kind of looks like Reimu's caught in her own trap. And isn't this more of an instant death than sealing, anyway?

66 Divine Arts "Omnidirectional Dragon-Slaying Circle" Reimu Hakurei

You can't watch how these amulets are moving at all while playing. Who's she even trying to show the amulets' beautiful movement to?

67 Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Concentrate-" Reimu Hakurei

One of the Spell Cards that looks considerably different from the version the player uses. Watch out for the nasty amulets slowly creeping towards you.

68 Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Concentrate-" Reimu Hakurei

One of the Spell Cards that looks considerably different from the version the player uses. The amulets move as if they have minds of their own; it's like something from a dream.

69 Migrating Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Marred-" Reimu Hakurei

It looks like Reimu's having fun with this one, too. The charms are chasing after her enemy on their own.

70 Migrating Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Marred-" Reimu Hakurei

(whispering) They kinda look like squids.

71 Boundary "Duplex Danmaku Barrier" Reimu Hakurei

An attack that you can't dodge without taking advantage of the barriers. Use your opponent's power against them!

72 Boundary "Duplex Danmaku Barrier" Reimu Hakurei

An attack that you can't dodge without taking advantage of the barriers. This would be undodgeable if she simply didn't put the barrier there, but...

73 Great Barrier "Hakurei Danmaku Barrier" Reimu Hakurei

It's flashier compared to Yukari's "Danmaku Barrier", but the difficulty hardly measures up. Well, she's only a human after all.

74 Great Barrier "Hakurei Danmaku Barrier" Reimu Hakurei

It's hardly possible to tell what's going on any more. If you look closely, the barriers turn the background inside-out too.

75 Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-" Reimu Hakurei

Don't worry about which part of it's supposed to be a "blink". She's only flying straight, but you're completely surrounded.

76 Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-" Reimu Hakurei

While it looks relatively simple, it's really easy to crash into things. The combination of slow and fast bullets is the "blink" part.

77 Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-" Reimu Hakurei

The world as Reimu sees it is quite different from the player's perspective. It feels like the player has been sealed in the Reimu Dimension.

Stage 4B
78 Magic Sign "Milky Way" Marisa Kirisame

A magical milky way. The stardust is so colorful.

79 Magic Sign "Milky Way" Marisa Kirisame

A magical milky way. Orihime (Marisa) repels Hikoboshi with stardust. Go, Hikoboshi!

80 Magic Space "Asteroid Belt" Marisa Kirisame

An asteroid belt that's big enough to separate two huge, distracting stars. The stars Marisa shoots look like something out of a comic, though.

81 Magic Space "Asteroid Belt" Marisa Kirisame

An asteroid belt attack that puts Meteo to shame. The real thing seems pretty thin, though. It didn't even hit Voyager (well, obviously).

82 Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie" Marisa Kirisame

A stardust reverie. The space within.

83 Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie" Marisa Kirisame

A stardust reverie. This is a very Marisa-ish attack. A garden of stars that changes its appearance like a kaleidoscope. It really sucks.

84 Black Magic "Event Horizon" Marisa Kirisame

Marisa's horizon. The player can't move any closer or further away than a certain point.

85 Black Magic "Event Horizon" Marisa Kirisame

Marisa's horizon. A barrier done in Marisa's style. However, focusing too much on the border itself misses the point, according to Reimu.

86 Love Sign "Non-Directional Laser" Marisa Kirisame

Lasers fired in all directions. This attack is something we've seen somewhere before.

87 Love Sign "Non-Directional Laser" Marisa Kirisame

Lasers fired in all directions. It's become quite colorful, but it's definitely still an attack we've seen before.

88 Love Storm "Starlight Typhoon" Marisa Kirisame

A revised version of Non-Directional Laser. She tried to fix its weak point (the short duration of the laser), but another weak point popped up in a different place entirely.

89 Love Storm "Starlight Typhoon" Marisa Kirisame

A revised version of Non-Directional Laser. Even Marisa herself has no idea where she was going with this anymore.

90 Love Sign "Master Spark" Marisa Kirisame

A freaking huge magical laser. It can be fired at an angle, too.

91 Love Sign "Master Spark" Marisa Kirisame

A freaking huge magical laser. The real danger is how it makes the screen shake with its incredibly strong energy.

92 Loving Heart "Double Spark" Marisa Kirisame

A freaking huge magical laser. Now she shoots two! Though if she just made them a little wider, it'd be an instant kill...

93 Loving Heart "Double Spark" Marisa Kirisame

A freaking huge magical laser. Still, though, what a terrible "loving heart". It's an annihilating love.

94 Light Sign "Earthlight Ray" Marisa Kirisame

Earth's light. Looks like a search-light.

95 Light Sign "Earthlight Ray" Marisa Kirisame

Marisa ran through everything else, so she had to dig up this nostalgic old spell. It looks like she's shooting at herself in this attack, so she sealed it away.

96 Light Blast "Shoot the Moon" Marisa Kirisame

Shoot the Moon! Oh wait, we'll be down before moon does.

97 Light Blast "Shoot the Moon" Marisa Kirisame

The phrase "shoot the moon" is the biggest irony in this game, in fact. Of course, Marisa isn't thinking about it that deeply.

98 Magicannon "Final Spark" Marisa Kirisame

The final, ultimate magicannon. A magic laser with the full brunt of Marisa's power backing it. It's very refreshing for her.

99 Magicannon "Final Spark" Marisa Kirisame

The final, ultimate magicannon. But, in my opinion, making it thinner and turning around faster would make it much stronger.

100 Magicannon "Final Master Spark" Marisa Kirisame

Marisa's magicannon lecture. When shooting, concentrate your mind, and softly cast the incantation over the Mini-Hakkero. Aim at someone you don't like, and unleash your magicannon of love!

Stage 5
101 Wave Sign "Red-Eyed Hypnosis (Mind Shaker)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

Unresistible, lunatic red eyes. It's all a hallucination. Don't be fooled by the hallucination.

102 Wave Sign "Red-Eyed Hypnosis (Mind Shaker)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

Irresistible, lunatic red eyes. While the hallucination is active, bullets that ought to move straight appear to go in different directions. You can't actually get hit by the hallucination bullets, though.

103 Illusion Wave "Red-Eyed Hypnosis (Mind Blowing)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

Rabbits' eyes are red because when a human sees them, that human's mind falls away at near-light speed. Or, because they're communists.

104 Illusion Wave "Red-Eyed Hypnosis (Mind Blowing)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

If a human's mind suffers enough pain, the empty shell of their body will be all that's left. The body is a human's most important asset? No, no, that's wrong. The mind is the most important asset.

105 Lunatic Sign "Hallucinogenic Tuning (Visionary Tuning)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

Matching the wavelengths for humans and youkai. Oh, the names in parentheses are how you're supposed to read the card names.

106 Lunatic Sign "Hallucinogenic Tuning (Visionary Tuning)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

Tuning the wavelengths of humans and youkai. The hallucinations occur because the wavelengths don't match. That rabbit's really good at putting wavelengths out of sync.

107 Lunatic Gaze "Lunatic Stare Tuning (Illusion Seeker)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

When the waves are out of sync, it won't actually hit you. It's just a hallucination. The real problem is when she suddenly puts the wavelengths back-- wait, you knew that already? Oh.

108 Lunatic Gaze "Lunatic Stare Tuning (Illusion Seeker)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

By the way, Reisen's a moon rabbit. She looks quite short in her portraits, but that's just because I positioned her lower so I could show her ears.

109 Loafing Sign "Life & Spirit Stopping (Idling Wave)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

A wavelength that's too long for the average human to perceive. The hallucinations appear to be frozen in midair.

110 Loafing Sign "Life & Spirit Stopping (Idling Wave)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

A wavelength that's too long for the average human to perceive. The hallucinations appear to be frozen in midair. In ECG terms, it's going "beeeeeeee-"

111 Indolence "Life & Spirit Stopping (Mind Stopper)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

If someone's wavelength is too short, they're seen as a crazy person. If it's too long, they're seen as carefree. The fact that the latter category gets treated better by society is discrimination against weirdos, if you ask me.

112 Indolence "Life & Spirit Stopping (Mind Stopper)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

The person in the middle of this pattern is pretty carefree, too. She's all like, "ehhh, lemme take a breather," and lets the player get away.

113 Spread Sign "Moon of Truth (Invisible Full Moon)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

The true moon is always a thing of madness. When it goes completely out of tune, normal people can't see it any more.

114 Spread Sign "Moon of Truth (Invisible Full Moon)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

The true moon is always a thing of madness. When it goes completely out of tune, normal people can't see it any more. By now, you can't catch sight of it even as a hallucination.

115 Spread Sign "Moon of Truth (Invisible Full Moon)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

Just by shifting things out of tune by a hair's breadth, the whole world vanishes. Because it's out of tune, the true full moon is invisible. ...Does that make it a new moon?

116 Spread Sign "Moon of Truth (Invisible Full Moon)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

Sometimes she realizes, "wait a minute. If I'm not even showing them a hallucination, it's just a bunch of bullets popping out of nowhere!" and hurriedly tunes it back to normal. A real scatterbrain of a moon rabbit.

117 Lunar Eyes "Lunar Rabbit's Remote Mesmerism (Tele-Mesmerism)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

Reinforcements from the moon. At this point, it's no longer to possible to tell whether they're real or hallucinations.

118 Lunar Eyes "Lunar Rabbit's Remote Mesmerism (Tele-Mesmerism)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

To hypnotize people from up on the moon, you need to get them to stare at the moon. Perhaps "moon-viewing" was how ancient Lunarians controlled humans on earth.

119 Lunar Eyes "Lunar Rabbit's Remote Mesmerism (Tele-Mesmerism)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

U-sa-gi-o-ishi. Reisen is actually delicious. Wait, no, scratch that. This song is more of a stalker, if anything. It's the one chasing Reisen around.

Stage 6A
120 Spacesphere "Earth in a Pot" Eirin Yagokoro

A small paradise. ...Actually, it's just a delusion.

121 Spacesphere "Earth in a Pot" Eirin Yagokoro

A small paradise. She's clearly using this term in a very different way from its original meaning.

122 Spacesphere "Earth in a Pot" Eirin Yagokoro

A small paradise. This one would be just atrocious if the familiars actually had hitboxes...

123 Spacesphere "Earth in a Pot" Eirin Yagokoro

A small paradise. Unexpectedly easy? Well, that's Eirin's consideration for you.

124 Awakened God "Memories of the Age of the Gods" Eirin Yagokoro

Lasers that resemble a genealogical tree.

125 Awakened God "Memories of the Age of the Gods" Eirin Yagokoro

Lasers that resemble a genealogical tree. The binary tree grows at drastic speed, bearing a close resemblance to life.

126 God Sign "Genealogy of the Celestials" Eirin Yagokoro

Lasers that resemble a genealogical tree. But with how birth rates are plummeting nowadays, it'd never get this wide.

127 God Sign "Genealogy of the Celestials" Eirin Yagokoro

Lasers that resemble a genealogical tree. Pyramid schemes might be kind of passé these days... well, they're illegal, anyway.

128 Revival "Seimei Yūgi -Life Game-" Eirin Yagokoro

A game of life forms-- that is, the Life Game. You might not understand this one if you're not a physical science grad. Also, it's not a board game.

129 Revival "Seimei Yūgi -Life Game-" Eirin Yagokoro

Life Game. This version only prolongs the cells' lives, though; there's no next generation, and the families all die out. It's not following the rules at all. Their lifespans are too long because she gave them too much medicine.

130 Resurrection "Rising Game" Eirin Yagokoro

Medically improved version of the Life Game. If lifespans get too long and the birth rate gets too low, this is where we'll end up.

131 Resurrection "Rising Game" Eirin Yagokoro

Medically improved version of the Life Game. It has nothing to do with a certain game developer.

132 Leading God "Omoikane's Device" Eirin Yagokoro

An intellect that shows the way. Or rather, gets in the way.

133 Leading God "Omoikane's Device" Eirin Yagokoro

An intellect that shows the way. I can't even dream of this thing being a sensible device.

134 Mind of God "Omoikane's Brain" Eirin Yagokoro

An intellect that shows the way. It's probably got book smarts, though. Old-school games have tons of enemies with their brains exposed. That's so cheap.

135 Mind of God "Omoikane's Brain" Eirin Yagokoro

Having its brain exposed like that just proves how unintelligent it is, in my opinion. A skilled whatsit hides its such-and-such, and all that.

136 Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13" Eirin Yagokoro

13 is an unlucky number. Things like the space program should leave out unlucky numbers.

137 Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13" Eirin Yagokoro

13 is an unlucky number. Only the moon people know the reason why it failed.

138 Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13" Eirin Yagokoro

I always think this, but it's "Apollo" as in the Greek god, right? The god of the sun? Why don't they just fly straight into the sun, then?

139 Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13" Eirin Yagokoro

Ah, Apollo Chocolate. The candy of dreams, as far as kids are concerned. I hear about people eating it from the top end all the time, but considering its origin, it's more realistic to eat it from the bottom.

140 Esoterica "Astronomical Entombing" Eirin Yagokoro

Eirin messes with space for no reason. It's only befitting of the card's extravagant name.

141 Esoterica "Astronomical Entombing" Eirin Yagokoro

She says that the Earth will be one large sealed chamber, but it's clearly the moon that's getting sealed off. Emissaries from the moon will either burn up in the stratosphere, or lose their way.

142 Esoterica "Astronomical Entombing" Eirin Yagokoro

The fake Moon Eirin prepared is more lavish than the original. But it's an "old-fashioned moon," according to Yuyuko. Was it more lavish back in the day?

143 Esoterica "Astronomical Entombing" Eirin Yagokoro

Space sure is romantic, huh? But the wheelchair man's space is so over-complicated. He's the only person left who can correct his own theories. If it's all his imagination, it's just way too good.

144 Forbidden Elixir "Hourai Elixir" Eirin Yagokoro

The Hourai Elixir, which plays an important part in this story.

145 Forbidden Elixir "Hourai Elixir" Eirin Yagokoro

The Hourai Elixir, which plays an important part in this story. All I'm wondering is whether it's bitter or not.

146 Forbidden Elixir "Hourai Elixir" Eirin Yagokoro

The "Hourai" part can mean "it's found in Hourai" too, but it might just be because Kaguya's using her own name on it. So "Kaguya Elixir" would work too.

147 Forbidden Elixir "Hourai Elixir" Eirin Yagokoro

If the public found out that Kaguya can make elixirs of immortality, every person of power would go after her. She'd probably refuse all their offers, though. She's truly an Anti-Cinderella.

Stage 6B
148 Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot" Eirin Yagokoro

Even larger of a scale than Earth. It's still in a pot though.

149 Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot" Eirin Yagokoro

That'd easily make a black hole. I wonder how many eras it'll take for us to build a black hole station.

150 Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot" Eirin Yagokoro

The name "Milky Way" has a wonderful ring to it, with how it compares the stars to a river. Today's Japanese doesn't have much of that exquisite naming sense.

151 Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot" Eirin Yagokoro

A pot with its top and bottom connected. A Klein Bottle that can contain infinite mass. Looks a bit gross, though.

152 Impossible Request "Dragon's Neck's Jewel -Five-Colored Shots-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented. To say nothing of jewels, was there even a dragon to begin with?

153 Impossible Request "Dragon's Neck's Jewel -Five-Colored Shots-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented. Each jewel contains stars, and it's said that if you collect 7 of them, it'll grant anything you wish.

154 Divine Treasure "Brilliant Dragon Bullet" Kaguya Houraisan

In the end, the jewels from the dragon's neck got turned into a weapon (bullets). Humans will destroy anything in war, no matter how valuable it is.

155 Divine Treasure "Brilliant Dragon Bullet" Kaguya Houraisan

When the dragon's eyes turn red, a tsunami will come. ...Or so they often say, but did dragons really appear more often than tsunamis back then?

156 Impossible Request "Buddha's Stone Bowl -Indomitable Will-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented. The most plain-looking treasure there is...

157 Impossible Request "Buddha's Stone Bowl -Indomitable Will-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented. An unbreakable stone bowl. Was Kaguya trying to eat stone-pot bibimbap or something with this?

158 Divine Treasure "Buddhist Diamond" Kaguya Houraisan

This has nothing to do with corrupt priests who wear tons of jangling jewelry. Kaguya thought it was too plain, so she promoted it to jewel status.

159 Divine Treasure "Buddhist Diamond" Kaguya Houraisan

Why did Kaguya want something like this at all? I can't help but imagine a 'bibimbap' sort of thing.

160 Impossible Request "Robe of Fire Rat -Patient Mind-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented. The robe itself isn't actually burning, though.

161 Impossible Request "Robe of Fire Rat -Patient Mind-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented. Did she want a fire-resistant suit or something? Like a "with this, not even phoenix fire can touch ya!" sort of thing.

162 Divine Treasure "Salamander Shield" Kaguya Houraisan

I suppose it can't catch fire if it's already on fire to begin with... But a salamander is a lizard, you know! Or a kind of oven.

163 Divine Treasure "Salamander Shield" Kaguya Houraisan

Fire rats, salamanders and phoenixes are all surrounded by fire, but I wonder if their insides are normal. At the very least, they would need blood that doesn't boil... wait, but Esidi(abbr.)

164 Impossible Request "Swallow's Cowrie Shell -Everlasting Life-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented. This one appears to be the most plain and realistic request.

165 Impossible Request "Swallow's Cowrie Shell -Everlasting Life-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented. Said to be rarely found in swallow's nests, which are considered luxury food. This particular type is edible and delicious, which is uncommon for most such shells.

166 Divine Treasure "Life Spring Infinity" Kaguya Houraisan

An endlessly-flowing spring of life. Since the birth rate here in Japan is getting lower and lower, perhaps this is the most wanted treasure, as opposed to the Jewels of Hourai.

167 Divine Treasure "Life Spring Infinity" Kaguya Houraisan

As the birth rate declines further, the gamer population will get smaller and smaller. I want to make games that aren't just for the sake of getting kids to buy them, but ones that'll take root deep in people's hearts. Some day.

168 Impossible Request "Bullet Branch of Hourai -Rainbow Danmaku-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented...? Ms. Kaguya, there's something wrong with this.

169 Impossible Request "Bullet Branch of Hourai -Rainbow Danmaku-" Kaguya Houraisan

One of the impossible requests that Kaguya presented...? Rumors say that there's a mountain called Hourai in the eastern ocean, and there's a tree that grows danmaku there. Hourai awaits, SHMUPers!

170 Divine Treasure "Jeweled Branch of Hourai -Dreamlike Paradise-" Kaguya Houraisan

Only one real treasure Kaguya has, in her possession. These rainbow colored jewels can be turned into danmaku too. That sucks.

171 Divine Treasure "Jeweled Branch of Hourai -Dreamlike Paradise-" Kaguya Houraisan

It's quite hard for modern people to understand why this plain sphere's so wanted. This sphere's more valuable than silver or gold. I'm talking about the jeweled general in shogi, by the way.

172 "End of Imperishable Night -New Moon-" Kaguya Houraisan

Attempting to use the endless night against Kaguya, whose power is controlling eternity, was too dangerous.

173 "End of Imperishable Night -Crescent Moon-" Kaguya Houraisan

Attempting to use the endless night against Kaguya, whose power is controlling eternity, was too dangerous. Now, the player must pay for what she was up to.

174 "End of Imperishable Night -1st Quarter's Moon-" Kaguya Houraisan

From now on, Kaguya's night begins. By the way, why couldn't she find out who's guilty of the endless night right away?

175 "End of Imperishable Night -Matsuyoi-" Kaguya Houraisan

From now on, Kaguya's night begins. The clock goes at a tremendous speed. Ah, I forgot to tell this, "Time" and "Clock" are two completely different things.

176 "End of Imperishable Night -11 o'Clock-" Kaguya Houraisan

Kaguya's night has just started. This night will be a very short one.

177 "End of Imperishable Night -Half to Midnight-" Kaguya Houraisan

Kaguya's night has just started. She controls her own initiative completely.

178 "End of Imperishable Night -Midnight-" Kaguya Houraisan

Twelve o'clock, the time when a boy in between a good-boy and a bad-boy goes to bed. Or, the time when Spiritual Canister (Television) says "Ashitama!"

179 "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past Midnight-" Kaguya Houraisan

The difficulty differs greatly with a difference of 30 minutes. In fact it skips a whole 2 hours in a matter of 20 seconds. What a waste.

180 "End of Imperishable Night -1 o'Clock-" Kaguya Houraisan

The time when even trees and grasses are sleeping. I'd like to have some sleep.

181 "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 1-" Kaguya Houraisan

The time when even trees and grasses are sleeping, but today's humans often aren't. So they're free to have some tricks for these sleeping trees and grasses.

182 "End of Imperishable Night -Dead of Night-" Kaguya Houraisan

The time when even trees and grasses are sleeping. When I was a child, I seriously feared ghosts and its kind. But if I happened to see ghosts from this game, I wouldn't have feared it in the slightest.

183 "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 2-" Kaguya Houraisan

The time right after when the gate to the Netherworld has opened. So, what did Renko and Merry see, at all?

184 "End of Imperishable Night -3 o'Clock-" Kaguya Houraisan

Three in midnight. If you have work to do tomorrow, you should be sleeping by now.

185 "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 3-" Kaguya Houraisan

Usually I go to bed around this time. This is the time limit that doesn't affect the work of the next day.

186 "End of Imperishable Night -4 o'Clock-" Kaguya Houraisan

Around 4AM, it's no longer night for some people. The definition of morning depends on the person, so the border is very loose.

187 "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 4-" Kaguya Houraisan

At this time, the sky begins to brighten. If you see an old man running around in this time, he's undoubtedly a youkai.

188 "End of Imperishable Night -Morning Mist-" Kaguya Houraisan

Kaguya's night has ended in the blink of an eye, it's now morning. You're great, Kaguya.

189 "End of Imperishable Night -Dawn-" Kaguya Houraisan

Kaguya's night has ended in the blink of an eye, it's now morning. Of course, it wasn't enough for you players, was it?

190 "End of Imperishable Night -Morning Star-" Kaguya Houraisan

So Kaguya made this morning with her own power... Weren't you all supposed to be fighting for something else?

191 "End of Imperishable Night -Rising World-" Kaguya Houraisan

It looks like fun. These girls have power, so their playings are very big too. Well, every other inhabitant of Gensokyo was annoyed by this endless night, though.

Extra Stage
192 Past "Ancient History -Old History-" Keine Kamishirasawa

In fact there's only history in our world, but still leaving one's name on history's thought as something excellent. That's because history's always made-up, or so Keine said.

193 Reincarnation "Returning-Bridge Ichijo" Keine Kamishirasawa

Leaving returning-bridge aside, there're so many returning curtain-fires in the world. But all of them are incomplete for me. This is the perfect returning curtain-fire. Physiologically hard to evade.

194 Future "New History Of Phantasm -Next History-" Keine Kamishirasawa

The next history's the future. The ability to create history's the same as creating the future. People who always look to the future are actually walking backward to the past, or so Keine said.

195 Limiting Edict "Curse of Tsuki-no-Iwakasa" Fujiwara no Mokou

A murder incident that has disappeared from history. An unsolved murder case that's rapidly approaching the statute of limitations. If nobody knows about it, it's no longer a crime.

196 Immortal "Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-" Fujiwara no Mokou

Ho-yoku Tensho~. I don't know how it's set up, but it looks strong. The Phoenix, Fenghuang, and Suzaku are often thought of as the same thing, but is it really so?

197 Fujiwara "Flaw of Forgiving Shrine" Fujiwara no Mokou

A certain powerful person was afraid of curses. Even though he built a temple and did lots of good deeds, curses showered down upon him like rain. But that couldn't be helped, because it was a virus.

198 Deathless "Xu Fu's Dimension" Fujiwara no Mokou

A messenger who felt bored en route and ended up settling down. The reason you see Xu Fu's legend everywhere is because he found the Hourai Elixir and became immortal.

199 Forgiveness "Honest Man's Death" Fujiwara no Mokou

Ah, honest men sure look stupid. But, you know, the reason you think they look stupid is because you have a liar's perspective. In fact, they're the ones who reap the most benefit. Even if they die.

200 Hollow Giant "Woo" Fujiwara no Mokou

Woo. A not-so-beautiful phoenix. It got run over by a car, and splat. This attack is something like putting her hand to the ground, and Touchah! (joking too much)

201 Everlasting "Phoenix's Tail" Fujiwara no Mokou

Phoenix's tail, mass-production model. It's relatively cheap. Lately, immortal society has found it's easier to prolong their lives with something inexpensive like this, rather than look for something as rare as the Hourai Elixir, so it's gotten popular.

202 Hourai "South Wind, Clear Sky -Fujiyama Volcano-" Fujiwara no Mokou

Mt. Fuji's in fact a volcano, that often erupts. I feel like if I got 80% of the way up Mt. Fuji, it'd erupt, so I won't climb it. I'm fine just looking at it from down here.

203 "Possessed by Phoenix" Fujiwara no Mokou

The grilled chicken, not the mahjong term. Please, my favorite chicken wings, please don't suddenly come back to life. Please don't possess me.

204 "Hourai Doll" Fujiwara no Mokou

I see, so it was you. You were that strange human. Well, then, you won't die. After all, you're immortal.

205 "Imperishable Shooting" Fujiwara no Mokou

The shooting doesn't stop, but there isn't any shooting in this attack. There's a reason I named it this, though (It's here!)

Last Word
206 "Unseasonal Butterfly Storm" Wriggle Nightbug

I think Wriggle's a bit slow in the head. It's a pity, since she has to face player characters in this title. Cirno might be better for her to play with.

207 "Blind Nightbird" Mystia Lorelei

Lorelei. I often misspell her name as "Lorarei." Ahh, Lora. It looks as though she has only 3 fingers from these pictures, but she actually has 5 fingers.

208 "Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun" Keine Kamishirasawa

Aah, your shape is too bright to be visible. So, why does she wear that weird skirt anyway? Same for her hat.

209 "Stare of the Hazy Phantom Moon (Lunatic Red Eyes)" Reisen Udongein Inaba

The space rabbit with many stupid nicknames. To vent her anger, she named her spellcards with weird captions. She likes these card names, though.

210 "Heaven Spider's Butterfly-Capturing Web" Eirin Yagokoro

Spider's web that reaches from the ground to the sky, not allowing anything to escape. It's impossible to avoid this. In addition, she monitors EIRIN.

211 "Tree-Ocean of Hourai" Kaguya Houraisan

The ocean of trees that is famous for its turning trap, making compasses inoperative. If you're thinking of going there after you're done with this game, think twice.

212 "Phoenix Rebirth" Fujiwara no Mokou

"妹" (little sister) and "紅" (scarlet) may remind you of someone else's name, but actually, it can mean "paint me red" as well. If it was any more red, though, it'd just be a fireball.

213 "Ancient Duper" Tewi Inaba

Natural born duper. She always gets paid back for her dupe, but she never learns. White ears and black hair... It's hard to tell if she's really a white rabbit.

214 "Total Purification" Keine Kamishirasawa

World reconstruction. It's really stupid for humans to say something like nature conservation. They're being conserved by nature after all, but they speak like if they're above nature...

215 "Fantasy Nature" Reimu Hakurei

A secret technique that is extreme in many ways. With Reimu's ability to float, she floats away from all sorts of things and cannot be attacked. If it wasn't just for play (with time limit), no one could beat her using any method.

216 "Blazing Star" Marisa Kirisame

Her ultimate charging attack where she turns herself into a comet. Plain straight, very her-ish. It's no longer a danmaku, but it's Marisa anyway, so no one really minds.

217 "Deflation World" Sakuya Izayoi

One of her secrets that compresses the flow of time. Compressed time allows the past and future to exist in the present at the same time. You have to deal with all of them, so it's quite a tough move.

218 "Matsuyoi-Reflecting Satellite Slash" Youmu Konpaku

Slash that borrows the power of the Moon. One slash can cover the whole garden of Saigyouji, which is very huge. Power of the Moon calls more power, making its width infinite.

219 "The Phantom of the Grand Guignol" Alice Margatroid

This doll is purely bizarre and really weird, so she seals it most of times. This doll can self-indulgently shed tears, its hair grows, and is capable of even more.

220 "Scarlet Destiny" Remilia Scarlet

High speed scarlet. Showing her power straightforwardly without any cheap tricks. In fact, she's more of the physical type than magic type, dominating everyone with her superior physical strength. Melee trumps Danmaku.

221 "Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana" Yuyuko Saigyouji

Yuyuko's ultimate move, her "death." It's really a shame that there's not many chances to reveal her ability. It doesn't look cool that the brat's killing anything and such.

222 "Profound Danmaku Barrier -Phantasm, Foam, and Shadow-" Yukari Yakumo

Danmaku Barrier is the kaleidoscope of everlasting STGs, The tip of Yukari's finger decides its life and death. How fleeting the lives of humans, and STGs, are.