Th09/Gambar-gambar dalam bahasa Indonesia

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Dalam proses edit; bisa mohon bantuan terjemahannya, terutama beberapa spell di player select yang aneh kalo direct translate dan gatau yang setaranya gimana. Belum diterjemahkan.

Halaman Pembuka

Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Team Shanghai Alice

Game ini adalah Tembak Menembak Danmaku.
Para gadis sedang berjuang dan mempersiapkan diri. Mohon ditunggu hingga mereka siap.
Surgawi Teratai telah diwarnai dengan halus. Apa yang akan kamu lihat di dunia yang tanpa warna?

Touhou Project
Project Shrine Maiden.


Resources Fonts
  • Original: Galant (Touhou Project, Project Shrine Maiden)
  • Hungarian: Galant ("Touhou Project", "Project Shrine Maiden"), DFPTF LeiSho W5 ("Team Shanghai Alice"), You are a TOY (paragraph)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Comic Sans MS Bold(Team Shanghai Alice and paragraph), Crimson Pro(Touhou Project, Project Shrine Maiden)


data/ascii/loading.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries (full image) Translation Translated image


Para gadis sedang berdoa

Sedang Memuat ....


Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFGFu un W12 (JP text), Salina (Loading)
  • English: Harrington (JP text)
  • Brazilian Portuguese/Literal Serbian: Harrington (JP text), Salina (NowLoading...)



Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Hak Cipta 2005 ZUN Dilindungi Hukum. Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • Original: Enchanted


data/title/title02.v1.50a.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) 東方花映塚 (Touhou Kaeidzuka - Bukit Panorama Bunga Ketimuran)

Phantasmagoria of Flower View

ver 1.50a


Resources Fonts
  • English/German/Brazilian Portuguese: Harrington Bold (JP title)
  • Korean: 휴먼아미체
  • Hungarian: November Sky Demo (JP title)
  • Literal Serbian:Harrington Bold (JP title and it's translation), Josefin Slab Light Italic(English Title Translation), diacritics are borrowed from Crimson Pro.
  • Vietnamese: Constantia Bold Italic


data/title/title01.png (edited)
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Mode Cerita Mode Extra Pertandingan Replay

Skor Ruang Musik Konfig Keluar Penuh
Nyawa Gambar Vol. Musik Vol. Suara Layar MIDI
Atur Ulang Atur Tombol ✔ ✘ 16Bit 32Bit Wav
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kecil  % 1P 2P
Tembak Bom Fokus Lewati Jeda ↑ Fokus Tembak Bom Lewati Jeda Musik Player
Tipe Kontrol Tipe Charge Slow Charge
PAD1 PAD2 KeyBoard Full ← →


Resources Fonts
  • Original/Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski):Exotic 350 BT Demibold
  • Korean: 휴먼편지체
  • Hungarian: Peignot Regular
  • Polish: Segoe UI


data/result/result02.png (edited)
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Ingin menyimpan replay?

Ya Tidak

Replay tidak bisa disimpan
karena memakai credit.

Ingin menimpa save?


Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFFuunStd-W7
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Papyrus Regular
  • Hungarian: Architect's Daughter
  • Simp. Chinese: DFBuDingGB-W12
  • Literal Serbian: GNU unifont


music00.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Ruang Musik Musiman

↑/↓: Pilih Musik Shift: Redupkan
Tembak: Putar R: Putar Ulang
Cancel: Keluar Q: Jeda/Batal



Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFShinTenStd-W5 (Title), DFPOPMixStd-W5 (Desc), DFKaiShoStd-W9 (再生中), University, Peignot (bg)
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Quixotte Regular (Title), Peignot Regular (Play), Diavlo Book (Desc)
  • Hungarian: November Sky (Title), DFKaiShoStd-W9 (Now Playing), DFPOPMixStd-W5 (Desc)
  • Simp. Chinese: DFNewChuanSC24-W5 (Title), DFHuaZongGB-Std-W5 (Desc), DFKaiShuStd-W9 (再生中)
  • Literal Serbian: Segoe Script (Title), Excotic 350 BT Demibold (Playing), Gill Sans MT (Desc)


replay00.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Replay Semerbak Bunga Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Quixotte Regular
  • Korean: 휴먼편지체
  • Hungarian: November Sky Demo
  • Literal Serbian: Segoe Script


result00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Pertarungan Semerbak Bunga Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Quixotte Regular
  • Korean: 휴먼편지체
  • Hungarian: November Sky Demo
  • Literal Serbian: Segoe Script


Halaman Pemilihan

data/title/sl_text.png (edited)
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bounds-th09-data-title-sl text.png


Pilih Ritual Duel.

Pilih Level.
Pilih Gadis Protagonis.
Pilih Stage.


Resources Fonts
  • English: Harrington (Plain)
  • Brazilian Portuguese: Harrington (Plain), ITC Zapf Chancery Light (English text)
  • Hungarian: DFKuoTaiBei W4 B5 (Large text), Chancellor (Small text)
  • Literal Serbian: Prima Regular
  • Polish: Harrington (main text), Chancellor (secondary text)


data/title/selectitem.png (edited)
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Pemain vs. Pemain

Duel antara teman atau bukan teman

Pemain vs. Kom
Duel melawan komputer

Kom vs. Pemain Duel melawan manusia (Untuk balas dendam)

Kom vs. Kom Simak duel komputer melawan komputer

Youkai vs. Youkai
Duel daring

Rumput Daruma: EASY LEVEL
Tingkat kesulitan yang mudah.

Mata Burung Pegar: NORMAL LEVEL
Tingkat kesulitan standar.

Camellia Sasanqua: HARD LEVEL
Agak mulai sedikit sulit.

Bunga Lili Laba-Laba Merah: LUNATIC LEVEL
Tingkat Kesulitan yang tidak terjangkau.

Saigyou Ayakashi: EXTRA LEVEL
Terus hindari hujan kelopak sakura itu.

Darah awal (Shift+↑/↓ untuk pindah)


Resources Fonts
  • English: Cirno Regular (Titles & start health), Peignot Regular (Desc), Anna Regular (Diff mode), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Health)
  • Brazilian Portuguese: Cirno Regular (Titles), Peignot Regular (Desc), ITC Anna Std Regular (Diff mode), Ink Free (Cleared), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Health)
  • Polish: Trebuchet MS (Names), Peignot Regular (Desc), Anna Regular (Diff mode), Segoe UI (health text), Segoe Script (Cleared)
  • Literal Serbian: Touhou Biolinum Regular (Titles), Anna Regular(Difficulty Names), Excotic 350 BT Demibold, Gill Sans MT(Initial Health), Segoe Script(Cleared)
  • Vietnamese: VL Nexa Bold (Titles), VNI-Peignot (Desc), ITC Anna (Diff mode, fixed diacritics), Times New Roman (Starting health)


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Resources Fonts
  • Original: Asia
  • English/German/Literal Serbian: Anna Regular
  • Brazilian Portuguese: ITC Anna Std


data/title/slpl00tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Miko Kayangan nan Mengagumkan

Reimu Hakurei

Kec. Normal: ★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★★★★
Bentuk Scope: Lingkaran besar
Focused Speed: ★
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★
Skill Khusus: Hitbox kecil

Serangan Ekstra:
Bola Yin-Yang
Bola Misterius yang memantul melewati perbatasan.

Serangan Charge:
Jimat Hakurei
Serangan yang mengincar.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl01tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Penyihir Biasa

Marisa Kirisame

Kec. Normal: ★★★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★★
Bentuk Scope: Lurus ke depan
Focused Speed: ★★★☆ (setengah bintang)
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★
Skill Khusus: Meteran cepat terisi

Serangan Ekstra:
Cahaya Sinar Rembulan
Menembakan laser yang besar dari belakang.

Serangan Charge:
Laser Ilusi
Laser Menembus.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl02tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Pelayan Sempurna nan Elegan

Sakuya Izayoi

Kec. Normal: ★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★★★
Bentuk Scope: Kipas terbalik
Focused Speed: ★★★★
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★★★
Skill Khusus: Roh yang diaktifkan tidak bergerak.

Serangan Ekstra:
Another Murder
Menyerang lawan secara langsung.

Charge Shot
Jack the Ripper
Menyerang musuh secara langsung.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl03tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Setengah Manusia, Setengah Hantu, Setengah Matang

Youmu Konpaku

Kec. Normal: ★★★★★
Kec. Charge: ☆ (setengah bintang)
Bentuk Scope: Lingkaran yang membesar perlahan
Focused Speed: ★
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★
Skill Khusus: Pedangnya bisa menebas peluru

Serangan Ekstra:
Jiwa nan Tegas
Mengunci arwah tanpa meninggalkan celah.

Serangan Charge:
Pedang yang menghentikan/menghukum
Serangan mematikan.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl04tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Kelinci Bulan yang Gila

Reisen Udongein Inaba

Kec. Normal: ★★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★★☆ (setengah bintang)
Bentuk Scope: Tipe Mata yang Berputar
Focused Speed: ★★☆ (setengah bintang)
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★★★
Skill Khusus: Roh yang diaktifkan bergerak dengan cepat.

Serangan Ekstra:
Metaphysical Mind
Halusinasi yang memikat kemudian meledak.

Serangan Charge:
Mind Explosion
Halusinasi yang meledak.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl05tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Peri Es Kecil


Kec. Normal: ★★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★☆ (setengah bintang)
Bentuk Scope: Lingkaran kecil
Focused Speed: ★★★★★
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★★★
Skill Khusus: Roh yang diaktifkan tidak meledak seperti yang lain.

Serangan Ekstra:
Icicle Fall
Es yang berjatuhan.

Serangan Charge:
Icicle Attack
Serangan es dari segala arah.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl06tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Arwah Pemain Piano

Lyrica Prismriver

Kec. Normal: ★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★
Bentuk Scope: Vertikal panjang
Focused Speed: ★☆ (setengah bintang)
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★
Skill Khusus: Bisa menembak dari belakang

Serangan Ekstra:
Phantom Noise
Memainkan suara agresif.

Serangan Charge:
Keyboard Spirit
Serangan suara piano.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl07tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Penampakan Burung Pipit Malam

Mystia Lorelei

Kec. Normal: ★★★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★☆ (setengah bintang)
Bentuk Scope: Lingaran kecil lurus ke depan
Focused Speed: ★★★★★
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★
Skill Khusus: Roh seringkali bergerak menuju ke arahnya

Serangan Ekstra:
Bird Watching
Serangan yang ditembakan oleh seekor burung.

Serangan Charge:
Little Battalion
Kawanan burung-burung kecil.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl08tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Kelinci Putih Keberuntungan

Tewi Inaba

Kec. Normal: ★★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★★★★
Bentuk Scope: Mata
Focused Speed: ☆ (setengah bintang)
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★
Skill Khusus: Spell Card Otomatis (saat meteran nyawa mencapai 0.5)

Serangan Ekstra:
Kelinci Berhiaskan Permata
Serangan yang meloncat ke sana ke mari.

Serangan Charge:
Dua Kelinci
Hancurkan semua yang ada di sekitarmu.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl09tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Penguasa Bunga Empat Musim

Yuuka Kazami

Kec. Normal: ☆ (setengah bintang)
Kec. Charge: ★★★★★
Bentuk Scope: Bunga
Focused Speed: ☆ (setengah bintang)
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★★★
Skill Khusus: Bisa menyerang 3 arah

Serangan Ekstra:
Bunga Musim Semi Fantastis
Bunga raksasa yang menimpamu dengan lembut.

Serangan Charge:
Flower Shooting
Serangan melingkar yang lebar.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl10tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Reporter Fantasi Tradisional

Aya Shameimaru

Kec. Normal: ★★★★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★★★★
Bentuk Scope: Kipas lurus ke depan
Focused Speed: ★★★★★☆ (setengah bintang)
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★
Skill Khusus: Serangan di area miliknya menjadi agak lambat

Serangan Ekstra:
Badai Peluru Tengu
Peluru yang terbang dengan sangat cepat.

Serangan Charge:
Kipas Ekstra
Tembakan beruntun.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl11tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Racun Kecil Manis

Medicine Melancholy

Kec. Normal: ★★★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★
Bentuk Scope: Bintang
Focused Speed: ★★
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★★★
Special Skills: Tidak terluka ketika menyentuh roh.

Serangan Ekstra:
Sweet Poison
Racun yang memperlambat dirimu dan menghalagi pengelihatan.

Serangan Charge:
Poison Bee
Tembakan bidikan lebar yang menghalagi.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl12tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Pemandu Sungai Sanzu

Komachi Onozuka

Kec. Normal: ★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★★
Bentuk Scope: Memenuhi layar, tetapi langsung mengecil
Focused Speed: ★☆ (setengah bintang)
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★★★★★
Skill Khusus: Dapat langsung mengaktifkan semua roh di layar

Serangan Ekstra:
Keterikatan dengan yang telah Mati
Melemparkan koin emas, perak, dan tembaga.

Serangan Charge:
Nyawa Di Ujung Tanduk
Lemparkan koin tepat menuju musuh.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl13tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Hakim Surga Maha Agung

Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu

Kec. Normal: ★★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★★
Bentuk Scope: Lingkaran Besar Instan
Focused Speed: ★★
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★★★★
Skill Khusus: Roh hanya menembakan satu peluru merah

Serangan Ekstra:
Penghukuman Danmaku
Danmaku yang menampilkan dosa-dosa.

Serangan Charge:
Beban Kebajikan
Serangan terkonsentrasi ke depan.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl14tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Arwah Pemain Terompet

Merlin Prismriver

Kec. Normal: ★★☆ (setengah bintang)
Kec. Charge: ★
Bentuk Scope: Horinzontal panjang
Focused Speed: ★
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★
Special Skills: Bisa menembakkan peluru miring

Serangan Ekstra:
Trumpet Soul
Suara terompet bahagia.

Serangan Charge:
Riverside Song
Tembakan membidik ke tepi.


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slpl15tx.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) Arwah Pemain Biola

Lunasa Prismriver

Kec. Normal: ★★★★
Kec. Charge: ★★★
Bentuk Scope: Infinite cross
Focused Speed: ★★☆ (setengah bintang)
Laju Pengisian Bidikan: ★★★
Skill Khusus: Bisa menyerang 3 arah

Serangan Ekstra:
Slow Sound
Suara biola melankolis.

Serangan Charge:
Tembakan 3 Arah


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese: Gill Sans MT Regular (Most of the text), Cirno Regular (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R (Stars, half-stars are rasterized)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Names), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (The Rest of the Text)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (Names),Gill Sans MT Regular (Rest of the text, half-stars are rasterized)


data/title/slstname.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Hutan Bambu nan Menyesatkan - REIMU -

Hutan Bambu nan Menyesatkan - MARISA -
Padang Rumput Berhantu - SAKUYA -
Tangga Hakugyokurou - YOUMU -
Eientei - REISEN -
Danau Berkabut - CIRNO -
Perbatasan Hidup & Mati - LYRICA -
Jalan/Jejak Youkai - MYSTIA -
Hutan Bambu nan Menyesatkan - TEWI -
Taman Matahari - YUUKA -
Kolam Katak Raksasa - AYA -
Bukit Tanpa Nama - MEDICINE -
Jalan Reinkarnasi - KOMACHI -
Muenzuka - EIKI SHIKI -
Lokasi yang Disediakan
Pilih Lokasi Acak


Resources Fonts
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese/Literal Serbian: pxl Regular (Locations), Anna Regular (Names)
  • Hungarian: Crimson Pro ExtraBold Italic (Locations), Kozuka Gothic Pro Regular (Names)
  • Vietnamese: UTM Azuki (Locations), ITC Anna (Names)



data/front/front.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries (full image) Translation Translated image


Poin Spell

0123456789 Hit


Serangan Spell Card akan segera dimulai!

Sudah Cukup! Game Selesai!
Mencapai Kejayaan! Menang!
Bertekuk Lutut Tersisih

Bonus Poin Anda
Bonus Sisa Nyawa
Bonus Combo
Bonus Serangan Spell Card
Bonus Serangan Bos
Bonus Pembalikan Bos
Bonus Sisa Orang
Sanksi Pertambahan Orang

Para gadis! Bersiap?

Saatnya Duel! Dimulai!
Level Kelas Peri

Level Kelas Penyihir
Level Kelas Naga
Level Kelas Dewa

0123456789 / :
Kesempatan Tembak Charge MAX!!
Meteran Penuh
Nyawa Terakhir!
Lily Muncul!



Resources Fonts
Original: DFPGuYinMedium-B5 ("Dejected Loser")
  • English: Bradley Hand ITC Regular (warning text), Peignot Regular (massive text), YUYUKO Script (loser), TeX Gyre Adventor Regular (sub text), Codex LT Regular (scoring)
  • Literal Serbian: exotic 350 demibold BT (that's it, win, lose and ready huge text, WARNING), TeX Gyre Adventor Regular(sub text), Segoe Script (EPISODE, FINAL, text below WARNING), Impact (Spell Point, Class, Charge, MAX, Shoot Chance, Caution, Lily Appeared!), Crimson Pro (scoring)


data/ascii/ascii.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries (full image) Translation Translated image



0123456789 BONUS! Bos


Resources Fonts
  • Literal Serbian: Gill Sans MT(Boss)


data/ascii/pause.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Istirahat / Jeda Hard Easy Lunatic Normal

Lanjutkan / Kembali ke Game
Keluar dan Kembali ke Judul
Simpan Replay dan Keluar Simpan Replay.
Tantang Lagi? Terus menantang
Tersisa [12345] Nyawa Ya Tidak
1 2 3 4 5 Extra Last Word
Tanding Ulang
Ganti Karakter


Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFGYuGaSo W5
  • English/German/Brazilian Portuguese: Bart Regular
  • Polish: Bart (main text); Segoe Print (secondary text + mode text)
  • Literal Serbian: Prima Regular(primary text) ,Prima Cursive(secondary text)


data/front/mname.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


BGM. Jejak Musim Semi ~ Colorful Path

BGM. Oriental Dark Flight
BGM. Flowering Night
BGM. Mimpi Memesona Timur ~ Ancient Temple
BGM. Mata Merah Kegilaan ~ Invisible Full Moon
BGM. Petualangan Gadis Tomboi yang Jatuh Cinta
BGM. Orkestra Roh ~ Phantom Ensemble
BGM. Tuli, Kecuali pada Lagunya ~ Flower Mix
BGM. Bendera Putih Kuil Usa
BGM. Gensokyo, Dahulu dan Sekarang ~ Flower Land
BGM. Gadis Dewa Angin
BGM. Poison Body ~ Forsaken Doll
BGM. Kembali ke Higan ~ Riverside View
BGM. Sidang Timur Enam Puluh tahun - Fate of Sixty Years
BGM. Nada Reimu


Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFPKakuPop
  • English: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R
  • German: Centaur Regular
  • Polish: Segoe UI


Nama Boss

data/pl/pl00/pl00_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl00-pl00 ct00.png


Miko Surga nan Mengagumkan

Reimu Hakurei

Mengikuti Arus


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl00b/pl00b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl00b-pl00b ct00.png


Miko Surga nan Mengagumkan

Reimu Hakurei

Mengikuti Arus


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl01/pl01_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl01-pl01 ct00.png


Penyihir Biasa

Marisa Kirisame

Badai dan Tekanan


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl01b/pl01b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl01b-pl01b ct00.png


Penyihir Biasa

Marisa Kirisame

Badai dan Tekanan


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl02/pl02_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl02-pl02 ct00.png


Pelayan Sempurna nan Elegan

Sakuya Izayoi

Memotong Simpul Gordian


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl02b/pl02b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl02b-pl02b ct00.png


Pelayan Sempurna nan Elegan

Sakuya Izayoi

Memotong Simpul Gordian


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl03/pl03_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl03-pl03 ct00.png


Setengah Manusia, Setengah Hantu, Setengah Matang

Youmu Konpaku

Beri Semuanya, Tubuh dan Jiwa


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl03b/pl03b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl03b-pl03b ct00.png


Half-human, Half-Phantom, and Half-Baked

Youmu Konpaku

Beri Semuanya, Tubuh dan Jiwa


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl04/pl04_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl04-pl04 ct00.png


Kelinci Bulan yang Gila

Reisen Udongein Inaba

Hidup Kadang di Atas, Kadang Di Bawah


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl04b/pl04b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl04b-pl04b ct00.png


Kelinci Bulan yang Gila

Reisen Udongein Inaba

Hidup Kadang di Atas, Kadang Di Bawah


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl05/pl05_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl05-pl05 ct00.png


Peri Es Kecil


Bunuh Dua Burung dengan Satu Batu


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl05b/pl05b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl05b-pl05b ct00.png


Peri Es Kecil


Bunuh Dua Burung dengan Satu Batu


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl06/pl06_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl06-pl06 ct00.png


Arwah Pemain Piano

Lyrica Prismriver

Gemilang Mempesona


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl06b/pl06b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl06b-pl06b ct00.png


Arwah Pemain Piano

Lyrica Prismriver

Gemilang Mempesona


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl07/pl07_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl07-pl07 ct00.png


Penampakan Burung Pipit

Mystia Lorelei

Menyanyikan Isi Hati


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl07b/pl07b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl07b-pl07b ct00.png


Penampakan Burung Pipit

Mystia Lorelei

Menyanyikan Isi Hati


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl08/pl08_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl08-pl08 ct00.png


Kelinci Putih Keberuntungan

Tewi Inaba

Kelinci yang Bijak Menggali Tiga Lubang


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl08b/pl08b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl08b-pl08b ct00.png


Kelinci Putih Keberuntungan

Tewi Inaba

Kelinci yang Bijak Menggali Tiga Lubang


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl09/pl09_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl09-pl09 ct00.png


Penguasa Bunga Empat Musim

Yuuka Kazami

Awan Menutup Bulan, Angin Meniup Bunga


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl09b/pl09b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl09b-pl09b ct00.png


Penguasa Bunga Empat Musim

Yuuka Kazami

Awan Menutup Bulan, Angin Meniup Bunga


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl10/pl10_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl10-pl10 ct00.png


Reporter Fantasi Tradisional

Aya Shameimaru

Diam itu Emas


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl10b/pl10b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl10b-pl10b ct00.png


Reporter Fantasi Tradisional

Aya Shameimaru

Diam itu Emas


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl11/pl11_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl11-pl11 ct00.png


Racun Kecil Manis

Medicine Melancholy

Racun Bisa Menjadi Obat dengan Dosis yang Tepat


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl11b/pl11b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl11b-pl11b ct00.png


Racun Kecil Manis

Medicine Melancholy

Racun Bisa Menjadi Obat dengan Dosis yang Tepat


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl12/pl12_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl12-pl12 ct00.png


Pemandu Sungai Sanzu

Komachi Onozuka

Sekarat Ialah Kerugian Kematian, Hidup Ialah Keuntungan Hayat


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl12b/pl12b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl12b-pl12b ct00.png


Pemandu Sungai Sanzu

Komachi Onozuka

Sekarat Ialah Kerugian Kematian, Hidup Ialah Keuntungan Hayat


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl13/pl13_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl13-pl13 ct00.png


Hakim Surga Maha Agung

Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu

Langit Tahu, Surga Tahu, Aku Tahu, Kamu pun Tahu


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl13b/pl13b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl13b-pl13b ct00.png


Hakim Surga Maha Agung

Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu

Langit Tahu, Surga Tahu, Aku Tahu, Kamu pun Tahu


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl14/pl14_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl14-pl14 ct00.png



Arus Alpen


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl14b/pl14b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl14b-pl14b ct00.png



Arus Alpen


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl15/pl15_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl15-pl15 ct00.png



Gemilang Mempesona


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)


data/pl/pl15b/pl15b_ct00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th09-data-pl-pl15b-pl15b ct00.png



Gemilang Mempesona


Resources Fonts
  • English: Peignot Regular (titles), Cirno Regular (names), DomoAregato Normal (sub-titles)
  • Korean: 나눔명조(sub-titles)
  • Hungarian: Kozuka Gothic Pro M (names and titles), Walter Turncoat (name subtitles), Crimson Bold Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Polish: Oswald Regular (titles), Cirno (English names), DFKoIn W4 (Japanese names), Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (spell attack text), Kalam Regular (spell attack quotes)
  • Literal Serbian(Bukvalni Srpski): Touhou Biolinum (titles and names), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), Crimson Pro Extrabold Italic (quotes)
  • Literal English: Touhou Biolinum (titles), Pretendard JP(names in Japanese), Anna Regular (spell attack text), DomoAregato Normal (quotes)



Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image



Resources Fonts
  • Brazilian Portuguese: Gabriola Regular (Border of Life)
  • Literal Serbian: Codex LT Regular (Spell Card. Attack of Little Girl...), Crimson Pro Italic (Border of Life)
  • Polish: Aleo


data/pl/pl06/eff04b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Dua Melodi Bersajak Sedih

2. Last Spring


Resources Fonts
  • Literal Serbian: Crimson Pro
  • Polish: Aleo


data/pl/pl06b/eff04b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Dua Melodi Bersajak Sedih

2. Last Spring

data/pl/pl14/eff04b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Dua Melodi Bersajak Sedih

2. Last Spring

data/pl/pl14b/eff04b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Dua Melodi Bersajak Sedih

2. Last Spring

data/pl/pl15/eff04b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Dua Melodi Bersajak Sedih

2. Last Spring

data/pl/pl15b/eff04b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Staff Roll

data/end/staff00a00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image



Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFPRyuSeki-W9 (Japanese text)
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese/Literal Serbian/Vietnamese: Constantia Regular
  • Hungarian: Cambria Math


data/end/staff00a01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image



Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFPRyuSeki-W9 (Japanese text)
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese/Literal Serbian/Vietnamese: Constantia Regular
  • Hungarian: Cambria Math


data/end/staff00a02.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image



Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFPRyuSeki-W9 (Japanese text)
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese/Literal Serbian/Vietnamese: Constantia Regular
  • Hungarian: Cambria Math


data/end/staff00a03.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image



Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFPRyuSeki-W9 (Japanese text)
  • English/Brazilian Portuguese/Literal Serbian/Vietnamese: Constantia Regular
  • Hungarian: Cambria Math


data/end/staff00a04.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • Literal Serbian/Polish/Brazilian Portuguese: Constantia Regular
