Th105/Alice's Endings English

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This page is a translated version of the page Th105/Alice's Endings and the translation is 100% complete.

Based on th105 English Static Patch.

Gnome-colors-gtk-edit.svg data/scenario/alice/ed.cv0.jdiff


Summer at the Hakurei Shrine.@

 It was the shrine at the eastern border of Gensokyo, but now it's broken down.@
It still serves its purpose as a shrine, but not as a place to live.


The shrine maiden was very busy trying to rebuild the shrine.@

 Alice was particularly uneasy about some things as she watched over the work.@
 That was because she remembered the celestial saying that
you couldn't protect against earthquakes without her help.


Reimu "Ahh, I'm so busy."@

Alice "It looks like there's a lot of work to be done."@

Reimu "Hey, if you're not gonna help, then get out of the way."


Alice "Well, I believe there's something you need to do before you can really

       worry about bringing the shrine back... ..."@
Reimu "What?"


Alice "Don't you need to go scold whoever did this first?"


Reimu "The culprit? What, you mean a catfish or something?"@

Alice "Y-yes, maybe it's a catfish... or a celestial."@

Reimu "Celestial? Well, whoever it is, I'd like to give them a piece of my mind!"


Reimu "But I can't really do anything until the shrine is rebuilt."@

Alice "Oh, don't tell me you're backing out."@

Reimu "Well, I can't just let the shrine stay like this."


Alice "Look, why don't you go find whoever did this to the shrine

       and make them fix it?@
It's their responsibility, after all."


Reimu "H-hm, maybe you're right.@

       If there really is a culprit... @
But, it's a natural disaster."


Alice "That's right, a natural disaster!@

       A disaster the Heaven has brought upon us!@
So, why don't you try looking into what's going on in Heaven?"


Alice wanted to make Reimu do something.

 Since that celestial had the power to make earthquakes occur,
she probably had the power to prevent them, as well.


The celestial had made an earthquake happen at the shrine, so she was

 probably trying to call out the shrine maiden for some reason.
So, Alice thought she'd have to send the shrine maiden her way.