Hardcoded ASCII strings
Ces chaînes de caractères seront affichées avec les glyphes du fichier ascii.anm, et sont ainsi limités par l'alphabet français (A-Z), 0-9 et quelques caractères spéciaux. L'analyseur syntaxique du serveur assure cette limite et essaie de retranscrire le caractère quand c'est possible. Même si c'est possible d'envoyer un ascii.png modifié pour votre language qui remplace des glyphes inutiles par des lettres modifiées, cela n'est pas recommandé - cela affecterait aussi les noms des joueurs dans les listes des scores et des replays. Vous devez également utiliser les "espaces sans casse" ( ) pour rajouter des espaces à ces chaînes de caractères au début ou à la fin. |
Traduction réalisée par l'équipe de Touhou-Online.
Special font
ID | Text |
th13_ascii_spell_score |
SCORE %8d0 %4d/%4d |
th13_ascii_spell_unknown |
SCORE 00 ----/---- |
th13_ascii_spell_game |
MODE DE JEU %4d/%4d |
th14_ascii_bonus |
BONUS %.1f |
th14_ascii_no_bonus |
Default font
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Dans le jeu
ID | Text |
th06_ascii_centered_stage |
th06_ascii_centered_stage_final |
th06_ascii_centered_stage_extra |
th06_ascii_centered_stage_demo |
th06_ascii_centered_spell_bonus |
Bonus de carte de sort ! |
th06_ascii_fullpower |
Puissance maximale ! |
th06_ascii_bonus_format |
BONUS %8d |
th06_ascii_clear_header |
Niveau terminé |
th06_ascii_clear_header_all |
Réussite totale ! |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_stage |
Niveau × 1000 = %5d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_power |
Puissance × 100 = %5d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_graze |
Frôlement × 10 = %5d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_point |
× Objet de points %3d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_player |
Joueur = %8d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_bomb |
Bombes = %8d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_easy |
Mode Facile ×0,5 |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_normal |
Mode Normal ×1,0 |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_hard |
Mode Difficile ×1,2 |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_lunatic |
Mode Lunatique ×1,5 |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_extra |
Mode Extra ×2,0 |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_penalty_0.5 |
Pénalité joueur ×0,5 |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_penalty_0.2 |
Pénalité joueur ×0,2 |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_total |
Total = %8d |
th06_practice_format |
Menu des replays
Par rapport au jeu non corrigé, ces derniers ont déjà été décalés pour permettre l’affichage de 10 chiffres au lieu des 9 chiffres originaux, étant donné que base_tsa a conclu que la suppression du plafond original de 9 chiffres pour tous n’apporte que des effets positifs.
ID | Text |
th06_ascii_replay_header |
No. Nom Date Joueur Mode |
th06_ascii_replay |
%s %8s %8s %-7s %-7s |
th06_ascii_replay_save_header |
No. Nom Date Joueur Score |
th06_ascii_replay_save_empty |
No.%.2d -------- --/--/-- ------- 0 |
th06_ascii_replay_save |
No.%.2d %8s %8s %7s %10d |
th06_ascii_2_digit_number_format |
No.%2d |
th06_ascii_replay_user |
Joueur |
th06_ascii_reimu_a |
ReimuA |
th06_ascii_reimu_b |
ReimuB |
th06_ascii_marisa_a |
MarisaA |
th06_ascii_marisa_b |
MarisaB |
th06_ascii_easy |
Facile |
th06_ascii_normal |
Normal |
th06_ascii_hard |
Difficile |
th06_ascii_lunatic |
Lunatique |
th06_ascii_extra |
Extra |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_header |
Niveau DernierScore |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_empty |
%-6s --------- |
th06_ascii_replay_stage |
%-6s %10d |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_1 |
Niveau 1 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_2 |
Niveau 2 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_3 |
Niveau 3 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_4 |
Niveau 4 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_5 |
Niveau 5 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_6 |
Niveau 6 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_extra |
Extra |
Menu du score
ID | Text |
th06_ascii_result_clear |
(C) |
Perfect Cherry Blossom
ID | Text |
th07 MAX |
MAX (Affiché sur la jauge de pouvoir au niveau maximal.) |
th07 Full Power |
th07 Supernatural Border |
Barriere surnaturelle !! |
th07 CherryPoint Max |
Points de cerisier au max ! |
th07 Border Bonus Format |
Bonus barriere %7d |
th07 Stage Clear |
Niveau termine |
th07 All Clear |
Reussite totale |
th07 Clear Bonus Format |
Reussi = %8d |
th07 Clear Point Items Format |
Points = %8d |
th07 Clear Graze Format |
Frole. = %8d |
th07 Clear Cherry Format |
Ceris. = %8d0 |
th07 Clear Bonus Life Format |
Vies =%9d |
th07 Clear Bonus Bomb Format |
Bombe = %8d |
th07 Clear Easy Multiplier |
Facile *0,5 |
th07 Clear Normal Multiplier |
Normal *1,0 |
th07 Clear Hard Multiplier |
Difficile *1,2 |
th07 Clear Lunatic Multiplier |
Lunatique *1,5 |
th07 Clear Extra Multiplier |
Extra *2,0 |
th07 Clear Phantasm Multiplier |
Fantasme *2,0 |
th07 Clear Player Penalty*0.5 |
Penalite vie *0,5 |
th07 Clear Player Penalty*0.2 |
Penalite vie *0,2 |
th07 Clear Player Penalty*0.1 |
Penalite vie *0,1 |
th07 Clear Player Penalty*0.05 |
Penalite vie *0,05 |
th07 Clear Total Score Format |
Total = %8d0 |
ID | Text |
th07 Ascii Phantasm |
th07 Practice Stage Header |
th07 Replay Stage Header |
th07 Replay |
th07 Replay Header |
th07 Replay Save Empty |
th07 Replay Save |
th07 Replay Save Header |
th07 Max Bonus |
th07 Results Header |
th07 Date Format |
Imperishable Night
ID | Text |
th08 Spell Bonus Failed |
th08 Last Spell Failed |
th08 Clear Time Orbs Format |
Temps = %8d0 |
th08 Clear Human Format |
< -80%% = %3d.%.2d%% |
th08 Clear Youkai Format |
> 80%% = %3d.%.2d%% |
th08 Clear Last Time Format |
Dernier temps = %2d:%.2d |
th08 Clear Night Bonus |
Bonus de nuit |
ID | Text |
th08 Results Header |
th08 Now Playing |
th08 Spell Practice Total |
th08 Spell Practice Card No |
th08 Spell Replay |
th08 Replay Spell Number |
Phantasmagoria of Flower View
ID | Text |
th09 Stage Format |
th09 No Name |
th09 Com vs Com |
th09 Com vs Human |
th09 Human vs Com |
th09 Human vs Human |
th09 Extra Mode |
th09 Story Mode |
th09 Extra |
th09 Lunatic |
th09 Hard |
th09 Normal |
th09 Easy |
th09 Vs Format |
th09 Replay |
th09 5th |
th09 4th |
th09 3rd |
th09 2nd |
th09 1st |
th09 Extra Ranking |
th09 Lunatic Ranking |
th09 Hard Ranking |
th09 Normal Ranking |
th09 Easy Ranking |
Shoot the Bullet
ID | Text |
th095_scene_photo_count |
th095_scene_score |
th095_scene_hiscore |
th095_bestshot_overwrite |
th095_results_slow_rate |
th095_results_total_score |
th095_results_high_score |
th095_results_score |
th095_results_shot |
th095_results_best_shot |
th095_menu_slow_rate |
th095_menu_high score |
th095_menu_scene_success_amount |
ID | Text |
th095_replay_name_regist |
th095_ascii_replay_save |
th095_ascii_replay_save_empty |
th095_select_replay_number |
th095_ascii_user_replay |
th095_ascii_user_replay_empty |
th095_ascii_replay |
th095_ascii_replay_empty |
Mountain of Faith
ID | Text |
th10_ascii_stage_1 |
Niveau 1 |
th10_ascii_stage_2 |
Niveau 2 |
th10_ascii_stage_3 |
Niveau 3 |
th10_ascii_stage_4 |
Niveau 4 |
th10_ascii_stage_5 |
Niveau 5 |
th10_ascii_stage_6 |
Niveau 6 |
th10_ascii_stage_clear |
Terminé |
High scores
ID | Text |
th10_ascii_score_empty |
%2d %s %9ld%d ----/--/-- --:-- Niveau - ---% |
th10_ascii_ranking |
Classement des résultats |
th13_ascii_credit |
Crédit %d |
Hidden Star in Four Seasons
ID | Text |
th16_ascii_score_empty |
%2d %s %9ld%d ----/--/-- --:-- Saison Niveau - ---%% |
th16_ascii_score_spring |
Printemps |
th16_ascii_score_summer |
Eté |
th16_ascii_score_autumn |
Automne |
th16_ascii_score_winter |
Hiver |
th16_ascii_score_full |
th16_ascii_score_sp |
Pr |
th16_ascii_score_sm |
Et |
th16_ascii_score_at |
Au |
th16_ascii_score_wt |
Hi |
th16_ascii_score_fu |
Violet Detector
thcrap aligne ces éléments correctement à droite automatiquement, vous n’avez donc pas besoin de les remplir d’espaces.
ID | Text |
th165_ascii_replay_sun |
Dim |
th165_ascii_replay_mon |
Lun |
th165_ascii_replay_tue |
Mar |
th165_ascii_replay_wed |
Mer |
th165_ascii_replay_thu |
Jeu |
th165_ascii_replay_fri |
Ven |
th165_ascii_replay_sat |
Sam |
th165_ascii_replay_sun2 |
2e Dim |
th165_ascii_replay_mon2 |
2e Lun |
th165_ascii_replay_tue2 |
2e Mar |
th165_ascii_replay_wed2 |
2e Mer |
th165_ascii_replay_thu2 |
2e Jeu |
th165_ascii_replay_fri2 |
2e Ven |
th165_ascii_replay_sat2 |
2e Sam |
th165_ascii_replay_sun3 |
3e Dim |
th165_ascii_replay_mon3 |
3e Lun |
th165_ascii_replay_tue3 |
3e Mar |
th165_ascii_replay_wed3 |
3e Mer |
th165_ascii_replay_thu3 |
3e Jeu |
th165_ascii_replay_fri3 |
3e Ven |
th165_ascii_replay_sat3 |
3e Sam |
th165_ascii_replay_diary |
Agenda |
Unconnected Marketeers
ID | Text |
th18_ascii_shop_money |
Fonds %d (+%d) |
th18_ascii_shop_cost |
Coût %d |
th18_ascii_ability_slot |
Emplacement %d |
th18_ascii_menu_quit |
Quitter |
th18_ascii_menu_default |
Valeurs par défaut |
th18_ascii_menu_game_start |
Commencer |
th18_ascii_menu_extra_start |
Commencer extra |
th18_ascii_menu_practice |
Entraînement |
th18_ascii_menu_spell_practice |
Pratique des sorts |
th18_ascii_menu_replay |
Reprise vidéo |
th18_ascii_menu_player_data |
Données |
th18_ascii_menu_music_room |
Auditorium |
th18_ascii_menu_option |
Options |
th18_ascii_menu_manual |
Manuel |
th18_ascii_menu_screen |
Affichage |
th18_ascii_menu_window |
Fenêtré |
th18_ascii_menu_fullscreen |
Plein-écran |
th18_ascii_menu_borderlessdbd |
Sans bords pt/pt |
th18_ascii_menu_borderless |
Sans bordures |
th18_ascii_menu_bgm_vol |
Vol. musique |
th18_ascii_menu_se_vol |
Vol. effets |
th18_ascii_menu_keyconfig |
Configuration des touches |
th18_ascii_menu_directinput |
DirectInput |
th18_ascii_menu_xinput |
XInput |
th18_ascii_menu_keyboard |
Clavier |
th18_ascii_menu_shot |
Tir |
th18_ascii_menu_bomb |
Bombe |
th18_ascii_menu_slow |
Concentration |
th18_ascii_menu_item |
Objet |
th18_ascii_menu_change |
Changement |
th18_ascii_menu_pause |
Pause |
100th Black Market
ID | Text |
th185_ascii_menu_achievment |
th185_ascii_menu_magic |
th185_ascii_wave |
th185_ascii_final_wave |
th185_ascii_power |
th185_ascii_s_atk |
th185_ascii_m_atk |
th185_ascii_m_size |
th185_ascii_m_time |
th185_ascii_m_reload |
th185_ascii_m_break |
th185_ascii_m_graze |
th185_ascii_money |
th185_ascii_speed |
th185_ascii_cooltime |
th185_ascii_equip_cost |
th185_ascii_equip_cost_empty |
th185_ascii_shop_cost |
th185_ascii_slot |
th185_ascii_total_cost |
Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost
ID | Text |
th19 VS Mode |
th19 Online VS Mode |
th19_network_status_init |
th19_network_status_connecting |
th19_network_status_joiningroom |
th19_network_status_leavingroom |
th19_network_status_disconnecting |
th19_network_status_exitleavingroom |
th19_network_status_exitdisconnecting |
th19_network_status_exit |
th19_network_status_connecterror |
th19_network_status |
th19_network_room_name |
th19_network_player_name |
th19_network_joining |
th19_network_joined |
th19_network_wait_for_rival |
th19_network_latency_no_delay |
th19_network_latency_low |
th19_network_latency_mid |
th19_network_latency_high |
th19_network_matching_complete |
th19_network_rival_player |
th19_network_error_connect |
th19_network_error_doesnt_exist |
th19_network_error_create_is_first |
th19_network_error_already_exist |
th19_network_error_failed |
th19_warning |
th19_extra_attack_level |
th19_boss_attack_level |
th19_extra_attack |
th19_boss_attack |
th19_menu_keyboard_full |
th19_menu_keyboard_left |
th19_menu_keyboard_right |
th19_menu_gamepad |
th19_menu_controller_select |
th19_menu_1player_1 |
th19_menu_1player_2 |
th19_menu_2player_1 |
th19_menu_2player_2 |
th19_menu_keyconfig_reset |
th19_menu_button_puhs_keyconfig |
th19_menu_charge |
th19_menu_up |
th19_menu_down |
th19_menu_left |
th19_menu_right |