Tvrdokodirani ASCII stringovi
Ovi stringovi su renderovani sa glifovima u ascii.anm i zato su ograničeni na Engleski alfabet (A-Z), 0-9 i neke specijalne karaktere. Molimo Vas da ne koristite bilo šta drugo. Dok je moguće da se postavi proizvoljan ascii.png koji menja nepotrebne glifove sa proizvoljnim slovima, ovo nije preporučeno - ovo bi takođe uticalo na imena igrača u listama rezultata i riplejeva. Takođe ako Vam treba nelomljujući razmak ( ) da centrirate bilo koji od ovih stringova na početak ili na kraj. |
Special font
ID | Text |
th13_ascii_spell_score |
Rezultat %8d0 %4d/%4d |
th13_ascii_spell_unknown |
Rezultat 00 ----/---- |
th13_ascii_spell_game |
MOD IGRE %4d/%4d |
th14_ascii_bonus |
BONUS %.1f |
th14_ascii_no_bonus |
Default font
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
U igri
ID | Text |
th06_ascii_centered_stage |
NIVO %d |
th06_ascii_centered_stage_final |
th06_ascii_centered_stage_extra |
th06_ascii_centered_stage_demo |
th06_ascii_centered_spell_bonus |
th06_ascii_fullpower |
Puna snaga!! |
th06_ascii_bonus_format |
BONUS %8d |
th06_ascii_clear_header |
Nivo Predjen |
th06_ascii_clear_header_all |
Sve Predjeno! |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_stage |
Nivo * 1000 = %5d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_power |
Snaga * 100 = %5d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_graze |
Okrzaj * 10 = %5d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_point |
* Predmet Poena %3d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_player |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_bomb |
Bombe = %8d |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_easy |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_normal |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_hard |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_lunatic |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_extra |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_penalty_0.5 |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_penalty_0.2 |
th06_ascii_clear_bonus_total |
th06_practice_format |
U poređenju sa originalnom igricom, ovi su pomereni da imaju 10 cifara umesto originalnih 9, jer je base_tsa zaključio da ukljanjanjem originalnog ograničenja od 9 cifara za svakoga podrazumevano ima samo pozitivne efekte.
ID | Text |
th06_ascii_replay_header |
Br. Ime Datum Player Rank |
th06_ascii_replay |
%s %8s %8s %-7s %-7s |
th06_ascii_replay_save_header |
Br. Ime Datum Player Rezultat |
th06_ascii_replay_save_empty |
Br.%.2d -------- --/--/-- ------- 0 |
th06_ascii_replay_save |
Br.%.2d %8s %8s %7s %10d |
th06_ascii_2_digit_number_format |
Br.%2d |
th06_ascii_replay_user |
Korisnik |
th06_ascii_reimu_a |
ReimuA |
th06_ascii_reimu_b |
ReimuB |
th06_ascii_marisa_a |
MarisaA |
th06_ascii_marisa_b |
MarisaB |
th06_ascii_easy |
th06_ascii_normal |
th06_ascii_hard |
th06_ascii_lunatic |
th06_ascii_extra |
Ekstra |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_header |
Nivo PoslednjiRezultat |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_empty |
%-6s --------- |
th06_ascii_replay_stage |
%-6s %10d |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_1 |
Nivo1 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_2 |
Nivo2 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_3 |
Nivo3 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_4 |
Nivo4 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_5 |
Nivo5 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_6 |
Nivo6 |
th06_ascii_replay_stage_extra |
Ekstra |
Meni rezultata
ID | Text |
th06_ascii_result_clear |
(C) |
Perfect Cherry Blossom
ID | Text |
th07 MAX |
MAKS (Displayed on the power gauge at maximum power.) |
th07 Full Power |
th07 Supernatural Border |
Nadprirodna Granica!! |
th07 CherryPoint Max |
TrešnjaPoen Maks! |
th07 Border Bonus Format |
Bonus Granice %7d |
th07 Stage Clear |
Nivo Predjen |
th07 All Clear |
Sve Predjeno |
th07 Clear Bonus Format |
Predjeno = %8d |
th07 Clear Point Items Format |
Poen = %8d |
th07 Clear Graze Format |
Okrzaj = %8d |
th07 Clear Cherry Format |
th07 Clear Bonus Life Format |
th07 Clear Bonus Bomb Format |
Bomba = %8d |
th07 Clear Easy Multiplier |
th07 Clear Normal Multiplier |
th07 Clear Hard Multiplier |
th07 Clear Lunatic Multiplier |
th07 Clear Extra Multiplier |
Ekstra Rank *2.0 |
th07 Clear Phantasm Multiplier |
Fantazma Rank*2.0 |
th07 Clear Player Penalty*0.5 |
th07 Clear Player Penalty*0.2 |
th07 Clear Player Penalty*0.1 |
th07 Clear Player Penalty*0.05 |
th07 Clear Total Score Format |
Ukupno = %8d0 |
ID | Text |
th07 Ascii Phantasm |
th07 Practice Stage Header |
th07 Replay Stage Header |
th07 Replay |
th07 Replay Header |
th07 Replay Save Empty |
th07 Replay Save |
th07 Replay Save Header |
th07 Max Bonus |
th07 Results Header |
th07 Date Format |
Imperishable Night
ID | Text |
th08 Spell Bonus Failed |
Spell Bonus Propao |
th08 Last Spell Failed |
th08 Clear Time Orbs Format |
Vreme = %8d0 |
th08 Clear Human Format |
ispod-80%% = %3d.%.2d%% |
th08 Clear Youkai Format |
iznad 80%% = %3d.%.2d%% |
th08 Clear Last Time Format |
Poslednji Put = %2d:%.2d |
th08 Clear Night Bonus |
ID | Text |
th08 Results Header |
th08 Now Playing |
th08 Spell Practice Total |
th08 Spell Practice Card No |
th08 Spell Replay |
th08 Replay Spell Number |
Phantasmagoria of Flower View
ID | Text |
th09 Stage Format |
th09 No Name |
th09 Com vs Com |
th09 Com vs Human |
th09 Human vs Com |
th09 Human vs Human |
th09 Extra Mode |
th09 Story Mode |
th09 Extra |
th09 Lunatic |
th09 Hard |
th09 Normal |
th09 Easy |
th09 Vs Format |
th09 Replay |
th09 5th |
th09 4th |
th09 3rd |
th09 2nd |
th09 1st |
th09 Extra Ranking |
th09 Lunatic Ranking |
th09 Hard Ranking |
th09 Normal Ranking |
th09 Easy Ranking |
Shoot the Bullet
ID | Text |
th095_scene_photo_count |
th095_scene_score |
th095_scene_hiscore |
th095_bestshot_overwrite |
th095_results_slow_rate |
th095_results_total_score |
th095_results_high_score |
th095_results_score |
th095_results_shot |
th095_results_best_shot |
th095_menu_slow_rate |
th095_menu_high score |
th095_menu_scene_success_amount |
ID | Text |
th095_replay_name_regist |
th095_ascii_replay_save |
th095_ascii_replay_save_empty |
th095_select_replay_number |
th095_ascii_user_replay |
th095_ascii_user_replay_empty |
th095_ascii_replay |
th095_ascii_replay_empty |
Mountain of Faith
ID | Text |
th10_ascii_stage_1 |
Nivo 1 |
th10_ascii_stage_2 |
Nivo 2 |
th10_ascii_stage_3 |
Nivo 3 |
th10_ascii_stage_4 |
Nivo 4 |
th10_ascii_stage_5 |
Nivo 5 |
th10_ascii_stage_6 |
Nivo 6 |
th10_ascii_stage_clear |
Predjeno |
High scores
ID | Text |
th10_ascii_score_empty |
%2d %s %9ld%d ----/--/-- --:-- Stage - ---% |
th10_ascii_ranking |
Rangiranje Rezultata!! |
th13_ascii_credit |
Kredit %d |
Hidden Star in Four Seasons
ID | Text |
th16_ascii_score_empty |
%2d %s %9ld%d ----/--/-- --:-- Sezona Nivo - ---%% |
th16_ascii_score_spring |
Prolece |
th16_ascii_score_summer |
Leto |
th16_ascii_score_autumn |
Jesen |
th16_ascii_score_winter |
Zima |
th16_ascii_score_full |
Pun |
th16_ascii_score_sp |
Pr |
th16_ascii_score_sm |
Le |
th16_ascii_score_at |
Je |
th16_ascii_score_wt |
Zi |
th16_ascii_score_fu |
Pn |
Violet Detector
thcrap automatski tačno poravna ove na desno, tako da ne morate da ih nameštate razmacima.
ID | Text |
th165_ascii_replay_sun |
Ned |
th165_ascii_replay_mon |
Pon |
th165_ascii_replay_tue |
Uto |
th165_ascii_replay_wed |
Sre |
th165_ascii_replay_thu |
Chet |
th165_ascii_replay_fri |
Pet |
th165_ascii_replay_sat |
Sub |
th165_ascii_replay_sun2 |
2. Ned |
th165_ascii_replay_mon2 |
2. Pon |
th165_ascii_replay_tue2 |
2. Uto |
th165_ascii_replay_wed2 |
2. Sre |
th165_ascii_replay_thu2 |
2. Chet |
th165_ascii_replay_fri2 |
2. Pet |
th165_ascii_replay_sat2 |
2. Sub |
th165_ascii_replay_sun3 |
3. Ned |
th165_ascii_replay_mon3 |
3. Pon |
th165_ascii_replay_tue3 |
3. Uto |
th165_ascii_replay_wed3 |
3. Sre |
th165_ascii_replay_thu3 |
3. Cet |
th165_ascii_replay_fri3 |
3. Pet |
th165_ascii_replay_sat3 |
3. Sub |
th165_ascii_replay_diary |
Dnevnik |
Unconnected Marketeers
ID | Text |
th18_ascii_shop_money |
Novac %d (+%d) |
th18_ascii_shop_cost |
Cena %d |
th18_ascii_ability_slot |
Mesto %d |
th18_ascii_menu_quit |
Izadji |
th18_ascii_menu_default |
th18_ascii_menu_game_start |
th18_ascii_menu_extra_start |
th18_ascii_menu_practice |
th18_ascii_menu_spell_practice |
th18_ascii_menu_replay |
Riplej |
th18_ascii_menu_player_data |
th18_ascii_menu_music_room |
th18_ascii_menu_option |
Opcije |
th18_ascii_menu_manual |
Uputstvo |
th18_ascii_menu_screen |
Ekran |
th18_ascii_menu_window |
Prozor |
th18_ascii_menu_fullscreen |
Pun Ekran |
th18_ascii_menu_borderlessdbd |
th18_ascii_menu_borderless |
th18_ascii_menu_bgm_vol |
th18_ascii_menu_se_vol |
th18_ascii_menu_keyconfig |
th18_ascii_menu_directinput |
th18_ascii_menu_xinput |
th18_ascii_menu_keyboard |
Tastatura |
th18_ascii_menu_shot |
Kratko |
th18_ascii_menu_bomb |
Bomba |
th18_ascii_menu_slow |
Sporo |
th18_ascii_menu_item |
Predmet |
th18_ascii_menu_change |
Promena |
th18_ascii_menu_pause |
Pauza |
100th Black Market
ID | Text |
th185_ascii_menu_achievment |
th185_ascii_menu_magic |
th185_ascii_wave |
th185_ascii_final_wave |
th185_ascii_power |
th185_ascii_s_atk |
th185_ascii_m_atk |
th185_ascii_m_size |
th185_ascii_m_time |
th185_ascii_m_reload |
th185_ascii_m_break |
th185_ascii_m_graze |
th185_ascii_money |
th185_ascii_speed |
th185_ascii_cooltime |
th185_ascii_equip_cost |
th185_ascii_equip_cost_empty |
th185_ascii_shop_cost |
th185_ascii_slot |
th185_ascii_total_cost |
Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost
ID | Text |
th19 VS Mode |
th19 Online VS Mode |
th19_network_status_init |
th19_network_status_connecting |
th19_network_status_joiningroom |
th19_network_status_leavingroom |
th19_network_status_disconnecting |
th19_network_status_exitleavingroom |
th19_network_status_exitdisconnecting |
th19_network_status_exit |
th19_network_status_connecterror |
th19_network_status |
th19_network_room_name |
th19_network_player_name |
th19_network_joining |
th19_network_joined |
th19_network_wait_for_rival |
th19_network_latency_no_delay |
th19_network_latency_low |
th19_network_latency_mid |
th19_network_latency_high |
th19_network_matching_complete |
th19_network_rival_player |
th19_network_error_connect |
th19_network_error_doesnt_exist |
th19_network_error_create_is_first |
th19_network_error_already_exist |
th19_network_error_failed |
th19_warning |
th19_extra_attack_level |
th19_boss_attack_level |
th19_extra_attack |
th19_boss_attack |
th19_menu_keyboard_full |
th19_menu_keyboard_left |
th19_menu_keyboard_right |
th19_menu_gamepad |
th19_menu_controller_select |
th19_menu_1player_1 |
th19_menu_1player_2 |
th19_menu_2player_1 |
th19_menu_2player_2 |
th19_menu_keyconfig_reset |
th19_menu_button_puhs_keyconfig |
th19_menu_charge |
th19_menu_up |
th19_menu_down |
th19_menu_left |
th19_menu_right |
[[Category:MediaWiki:Cat lang/sr]]