Recent changes
Useful links
- Ithkuil site
- parser
- formative composer
Complicated stuff
Here are words/phrases I don't know how to translate/want someone to check, also translator notes
- TNIL seems very different from Ithkuil, current translations might be outdated even if you caluqed them
- Tsukumo and Prismriver sisters are ukţalolp (sisters in name only) because they aren't really sisters; might use REA1/? instead
- sign/符 in spellcard names
- magic/supernatural phenomenon; Five Magic Stones should be Asţál aktiál magic-PUR
- or one could say "five stones who are supernatural beings"???? still would like to have magic though, maybe for other purposes
- Fortune teller's name in Japanese is 万歳楽 which is a name of a Japanese song or something
- generic hair
- enemy is gotta be something with -ZB-, same with danmaku duels
- doll is öqalôpt (fake girl) (must be man-made somehow)
- power, right now it's ňskale
- distinguish spirit/ghost and fairy, althal now
- spirits could be althal while fairy could be a(incorporate nature/some phenomena/idk)lthal(some format)
- whole game is -V- +CST, one stage is -V- +UNI, really don't like this anymore, stage should be a place
- (IN) I don't use *pël when player characters address each other, it's implied anyway and omitting it makes them sound more intimate/informal (you can do that according to JQ)
- I'm also treating Ithkuil like a pro-drop language when I feel like it, JQ says it's ok (look up uibyalox)
- I'm patterning -RSF- (ash) after -XL-, not -Ph- because it makes more sense that way
- A better way to say midnight, right now it's Âżalânļ (peak of the night process)
- difficulty is pattern+stem of -SY- + EFT2/*, lunatic is DSG2/1 or 2
- all of the incorporated roots, apparently you can do weird case/ca stuff with suffixes
- "Šl" as a bias, apparently it means laughing but I'm also gonna use it for amusement, feel free to suggest anything else
- race (human/youkai) is qokvalo (degree of humanity)
- mistia should ask how human player characters are then
- they answer "qokvalido" (zero percent human basically) which seems more like an adverb???? should refactor their dialogue somehow maybe
- mistia should ask how human player characters are then
- review ALL the questions
- also review ALL the formatives with incorporated roots, apparently you can do case/ca stuff with suffix and format combinations
- also insert sanction/phase everywhere
- referring to humans as op*l, to youkai as âp*l, to Youmu and maybe others as ap*l
Guideline-like thing
You need the THBiolinum font form nmlgc/script_latin for unicode stuff to show up
punctuation: nothing except periods, commas, colons for quotes : like this : (also for names of spell cards) and vertical ellipses U+22EE for transliterations ⋮ like this ⋮ (for other names) like in the script (I included spaces there because it looks better in-game), maybe exclamation/question marks. Double spaces because they look nice and they offset the clutterness of words. I use uppercase letters but I'm not sure if I really need them.
- God = eltʰal
- Youkai = ultʰal
Ithkuil romaji: like Hepburn except:
- sh is <š>;
- ch is <č>;
- ts is <c>;
- z is <ż>;
- ni is <nyi> because the Japanese pronounce it as [ɲi];
- hya, hi, hyu, hyo are <ça, çi, çu, ço>;
- wi, we, wo are <ì, e, o>;
- ん is syllabic so it's <ň-ň> before velars, at the end of words, between vowels, before fricatives and y, <m-m> before labial consonants, <n-n> elsewhere;
- aa, ii, uu, ee/ei, oo/ou are <â, î, û, ê, ô> but ei/ou are <eì> and <où> when they are pronounced separately like in している or 問う;
- ki, si, chi, hi, ti; ku, su, tsu, fu, tu are <kç, šš, čš, çç, tç; kx, sx, ff, tx> before unvoiced consonants;
- chi, tsu are <čč, cc> at the end of phrases (pronounced same as above according to the phonology page, just an orthographic thing);
- au, iu, eu, ai, ui, oi are <aù, iù, eù, aì, uì, oì>
TNIL romaji: like Ithkuil romaji except:
- <ç> is <hy>
- no syllabic sonorants anymore so transliterations of ん don't have the dash
- aa, ii, uu, ee/ei, oo/ou are <aa, ii, uu, ee, oo> but ei/ou are <eì> and <où> when they are pronounced separately like in している or 問う;
- no vowel unvoicing because phonotactics forbid it