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○東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment o Scarlet Deil. Efterwird Shanghai Ailis Correspondence vol. 1 Team Shanghai Alice Leider ZUN 2002/08/11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The'r spuylers heer, sae for thaim at haesna baet the gemm, juist reed this if ye'r no caeran aboot yon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But it's juist extra wriytin. Shottin gemms disna haurdlie hae that monie spuylers in the first place. ==================================================================== 0. Omake Efterwird Taeble o Contents ==================================================================== ==================================================================== 1. Omake Efterwird ==================================================================== Niys ti meet ye, this is ZUN. For thaim at's met me aureddie, this isna the first tiym we'v met. This C62 Summer Comiket is ma first tiym as a participant. I howp ye enjoy the gemms I mak frae nou on. In sum sense, I jalouse this wad be seen as ma maiden gemm? The Embodiment o the Scarlet Deil is a gemm makkit bi a danmaku airtist at's richt inti danmaku for thaim at's richt inti danmaku. Nouadays, the independent an commercial shmups haes been chiynjan at a slau raet hiydlins, an that wisna thinkable juist a puckle yeer siyn. That's the wey I'm cryan this a Laet 20t centurie stiyl, 21st centurie shmup. Ae thing I want ti mak cleir is I didna feel onie nostaljia for the gemms o the laet 90's an say: "Ay, shmups thanadays wis the best." An deciyd ti mak a new gemm. (^^; If I wis ti say sumthing lik yon, I wadna be makkan a new gemm, I'd be biyan thaim. "Ay, no juist wi shmups, but wi authing, I want ti find the joy in tryan new things." ―― Maed Wi Luv Sae it's Au Richt By the wey, whit think ye o the muisic? I wis ettlan ti mak it aboot three tiyms mair brichter nor ordinar, an seean as I'v no new seen it in gemm muisic, I pat sum jazz fuesion intil it. I wis wantan ti mak it by-ordinar an gie it qualities o "This is whit I think aboot whan I'm thinkan on gemm muisic!" yet I wis kin o wantan ti haud awa frae the muid at ye get a lot in gemm muisic. ...But it's mair lik I didna mak oniething BUT thon kin o sangs. (Even wi as lang's I'v been componan muisic...) If I wis ti sum up the melodies in ae wird, I jalouse I'd say "auld"? I dinna think "nostaljic" quiyt haes the saem meinin, oniewey. (^^; ==================================================================== 2. Extra Storie ==================================================================== The backstorie o the Extra Stage. Marisa: It's puer het. I'm gaun'i dee heer. Reimu: If ye dee, I'll feed yer corp ti the birds. Remilia: Losh, it'd be raer if ye'd lat me see ti that. Marisa: The'r nae chance in hell o that happenan. Sumhou the scarlet deil wis thaer, but it wis the ordinar. Marisa: Is't auricht ti lei' yer hoose this aften? Remilia: I lei' it ti Sakuya, sae it's auricht. Reimu: I dout it's no auricht, sae awa haem nou. Remilia: Oh? It seems sho's rainan aboot me, juist. Reimu: Fairlie that, mebbe ye'v been cursed? Marisa: She's ey been cursed. Remilia: This isna guid. I canna gang back in this staet. Reimu: Or mebbe thay maed it sae's ye canna win haem? Marisa: At last, ye'v been pappit oot the hoose. Remilia: This is a trauchle, naither me or her can meev in rain... The rain winna lat even ae pairt o a deil traivel. ==================================================================== 3. Caracter Snippets ==================================================================== Sae withoot onie adviys, heer's the caracter back stories. Abielitie: Can flee, an guvern naitural spierits. The protagonist. ○The Queer Majiecian Marisa Kirisame Abielitie: Owerance o majic This lassie's aen o the protagonists an au. ○Youkai o the Gloamin Rumia Abielitie: Owerance o daurkness Stage 1 boss. A youkai. 3 caird attacks authegither. ○Iys Brounie o the Loch Cirno Abielitie: Owerance o cauld Stage 2 boss. A quiyn o snau. 4 caird attacks authegither. ○Chinese Lass Hong Meiling Abielitie: Owerance o Ki 7 caird attacks authegither. Abielitie: Owerance o fiyr, watter, wid, yird, metal, sun, an muin The 4t stage boss. She's the freend o the yung mistress an is a witch at's lieved for 100 yeer. The "Ae-ouk Quein". 21 caird attacks authegither. ○Maid o the Scarlet Deil Hoose Sakuya Izayoi Abielitie: Owerance o tiym 5t stage boss. Plays the role o a hueman maid aboot 10~20 yeer auld. Her pouer pits distance atween her an the hueman raece. She's gien up tryan ti relaet til ordinar fowk. She isna caeran aboot honor or pouer; she thinks bean maid til the Scarlet Deil Hoose is auricht, sae lang's she gets sum scran. She's the heid maid an cleiner o the Scarlet Deil Hoose, an ey gets the guid o her abielitie ti stop tiym whan wirkan. (If she cleins whan tiym's stoppit, it winna raise stour.) 9 caird attacks authegither. ○The Ey Yung Scarlet Muin Remilia Scarlet The last boss. She's been the mistress for aboot 500 yeer. She disna bring this up hersel in the gemm, but she's a vampiyr. She pat a blanket o majic mist ower Gensokyo sae's she's nae exposed ti sunlicht. Autho she's been lievan for 500 yeer, she haes the personalitie o a haem-drauchtit bairn. She disna eit muckle. In ither wirds, she can aenlie drink a bit bluid at a tiym an maun leiv the laev ahint. The huemans she feeds aff o becums a bit anemic, but thay'r ey in liyf, for ordinar. This is the wey she niver can eik ti the nummer o her kiynd. She aften skails mair bluid nor she drinks. The skailt bluid dyes her dress a deep scarlet, an thon's the wey she's cryed the "Scarlet Deil". 10 caird attacks authegither. ○Sister o the Deil Flandre Scarlet Abielitie: Destruction o oniething an authing The Extra Boss. The Mistress's wee sister. 10 caird attacks authegither. ==================================================================== 4. Muisic Comments ==================================================================== ♪1. A Dreim Mair Scarlet nor Reid The sang for the tiytl screen. For ordinar, I'dcry it “Touhou Koumakyou” lik the gemm, but seean as the melodie soondit gey laenlie I didna. (^^; This tiym “reid”'s the keywird. Thaer's a lot o reids 'ithin. ♪2. A Saul sae Scarlet as a Grund Cherrie A saul at’s sae reid an roond as a hōzuki floatan in the dairkness o the skreich o day. It’s juist a common bau o fiyr. A hōzuki's a saesonal flouer an its meinin is “joukerie-paukerie”. Even tho I say saesonal it’s gaun'i be selt at the summer comiket sae the saeson is summer. Thaer cud be fowk biyan it at the winter comiket tui… ♪3. Youkai Nicht Paraud “You-Ma-Ya-Kou” it kin o soonds lik sumbodie frae Bhutan Seean as thaer's nae a lot o iemajes o fell heitit fechts, the muisic is sumthing at feels fresh Is a deil at’s nae a Yohma nae strange? ♪4. Luenaet Elf The elf at’s spoken aboot heer isna the aen wi the puyntie lugs but the fairie. Thaer’s nae meinin ti this. Is a fairie at’s nae a Yousei nae queer? ♪6. Shanghai Teahoose ~ Chinese Tea I wantit sumthing Chinese soondin but it didna end up verra Chinese. (Sweits) I’v no drunk black tea in a whiyl. But black tea maed o bluid is gey an sinfu. Weel, the tea at Remilia an that drinks is raelie juist hueman bluid. Can I raelie cau that black tea? ♪7. Shanghai Ailice o Meiji 17 I winder whit liyk Shanghai wis back siyn? Meiji 17t yeer is the yeer o the Sino-French war. Even wi ither plaeces in ither kintras, thaer’s fient a toun fits the naem o sic a “Mato” . An “Mato” isna a cuttie form o “Makai cietie – Shinjuku” ♪12. The Yung Descendant o Țepeș Tepes meaning Vlad Tepes. He’s weel-kent for bean the model o Count Dracula. I'v heerd tell at he impaelt twintie thoosand captivs an stuid thaim bi the road….. Autho Remilia isna his descendant. It micht be better ti reed thir aen at a tiym. -Aboot Patchouli’s “Philosopher’s Staen” Ye canna connach the beuks aboot her, sae aim for Patchouli hersel. -Aboot Flandre’s 9t attack. Juist for this attack, if ye dinna dee an dinna uise a bomb ye can get a spell caird bonus yet even if ye rin oot o tiym.