Th105/Alice's Scenario English
Stage 1
Alice |
Ah, I'm too late. |
Alice |
My prediction was correct, though…… |
Reimu |
Who's there!? |
Reimu |
Oh, it's just you. |
Alice |
So there was earthquake after all? |
Reimu |
What do you mean, "after all"? |
Alice |
It's these scarlet clouds we've been seeing a lot lately. That and the huge hail. |
Alice |
They're large-scale omens that an earthquake is about to take place. |
Reimu |
Scarlet clouds? What hail? |
Alice |
Huh? The hail stopped……@ Even though it's been falling constantly around here. |
Reimu |
If you knew there was going to be an earthquake, you should have told me! |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Reimu |
Aah, What should I do with the anger that I don't know who to take it out on? |
⧼win⧽ | |
Alice |
I was still in the middle of investigating myself. I didn't realize the earthquake would happen so soon…… |
Reimu |
Oh, really. |
Alice |
But the omens haven't disappeared yet. |
Alice |
There's still a possibility of another earthquake…… We can't let our guard down. |
Stage 2
Alice |
Uhyaa…… |
Alice |
Bizarre weather like this is way beyond simple hail. |
Youmu |
Hold it, you can't just waltz in here…… |
Alice |
I'd heard that Hakugyokurou was in bad shape, same as the shrine was. |
Alice |
I thought that meant it had collapsed in the earthquake too, but…… To think you were having such a heavy snowfall, and in the middle of summer…… |
Youmu |
But that doesn't mean you can come in here without permission, you know? |
Alice |
You ought to watch out for earthquakes too. |
Alice |
These strange events may be omens that one is about to happen. |
Youmu |
Earthquakes? |
Alice |
I'm just going to take a look around, okay? |
Youmu |
No, I'm telling you it's not okay. |
Youmu |
Whatever your reasons are, I can't just let you wander into the manor. |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Youmu |
The summer snow and the earthquake must be related somehow. |
⧼win⧽ | |
Alice |
I'm doing this for everyone's sake. |
Youmu |
What makes you think there's going to be an earthquake……? |
Alice |
The endlessly falling hail, the scarlet clouds…… All this strange weather may be a harbinger of an earthquake. |
Alice |
In fact, the shrine has already been levelled. |
Youmu |
Eh? |
Youmu |
But we didn't notice anything…… And it'd have to have been a big one to knock down the shrine. |
Alice |
Hmm? I guess so…… |
Stage 3
Patchouli |
What? |
Alice |
There's something I wanted to ask about, that's all. |
Patchouli |
... |
Patchouli |
Your temperament is hail. |
Patchouli |
A weather pattern in which lumps of ice become too heavy for rising air currents to support, and thus fall from the sky. |
Patchouli |
How fitting for you. |
Alice |
What are you talking about? |
Patchouli |
You're here to find out about the weather, yes? |
Alice |
No, I'm here to find out about earthquakes! |
Patchouli |
Earthquakes……?@ Why earthquakes at a time like this? |
Patchouli |
Right now you should be more concerned about the weather.@ Though it seems you remain clueless. |
Alice |
What was that? |
Alice |
Fine, I'll just look it up myself then! |
Patchouli |
Hmph. Amateur. |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Patchouli |
Earthquakes, you say?@ Hmm, you can look at it that way. |
⧼win⧽ | |
Alice |
Now then, I'll just go study by myself! |
Patchouli |
Please, this is hardly the time for-- |
Sakuya |
Lady Patchouli, it's time for tea. |
Alice |
Why, thank you. |
Sakuya |
I didn't bring any for you. Besides, when did you sneak in here? |
Patchouli |
Sakuya, throw her out of here. |
Sakuya |
Understood. |
Stage 4
Alice |
But I have research to do. |
Sakuya |
Lady Patchouli is very busy with something.@ Every day she's been going on about weather this and clouds that... |
Alice |
Yes, she said something about that before.@ Clouds...could she mean those scarlet clouds? |
Alice |
Hmm.@ The clouds, is it.... |
Sakuya |
It sounds like you have your own problems to worry about. However, I'm afraid you need to be punished.... |
Alice |
What, really? |
Sakuya |
Yes, we can't have you setting a bad example for others, after all. |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Sakuya |
Originally, the only user of this library was Lady Patchouli, |
Sakuya |
since it was built for her private use. |
⧼win⧽ | |
Alice |
I understand. I won't disturb her work. |
Sakuya |
What was it you wanted to ask about? |
Alice |
I saw some large-scale omens that an earthquake is going to occur, so I wanted to find out more about them.... |
Alice |
At any rate, those scarlet clouds are definitely abnormal.... |
Alice |
There's a possibility that they aren't a natural phenomenon. |
Stage 5
Alice |
It's a lot stormier in these clouds than I expected. |
Alice |
I hope I can find some kind of clue.... |
Iku |
What stains the sky scarlet is the yawning of the earth. |
Iku |
The yawning of the earth is a sign of its awakening. |
Iku |
Gensokyo's awakening draws near. A violent awakening, and a cruel one. |
Alice |
Swimming about in the middle of such dark clouds……@ You're no ordinary person. |
Iku |
I'm just a messenger of the Dragon Palace, here to inform everyone of the danger.@ Swimming in scarlet clouds is my job. |
Iku |
You, on the other hand, went out of your way to climb up here. From my perspective, you're the strange one. |
Alice |
A messenger...of the Dragon Palace? |
Iku |
Yes, we're messengers whose sole purpose is to swim in scarlet clouds. |
Alice |
A messenger of the Dragon Palace.... I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before. |
Alice |
Messenger of the Dragon Palace...@ Ah, I remember now! |
Alice |
Messengers of the Dragon Palace appearing is a large-scale omen of an earthquake! |
Iku |
That's right. Unfortunately, there will be an earthquake. |
Alice |
Hmmmnh. At last, I have proof that my prediction was correct.... |
Iku |
It is a cruel but unavoidable reality. |
Alice |
What to do.... |
Alice |
Oh, right, if I get rid of all the omens, then that should stop the earthquake from happening. I read that in a book once. |
Iku |
Eh? |
Alice |
If I get rid of you, and then take care of these scarlet clouds, then maybe...! |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Iku |
I'm afraid the earthquake will occur regardless of my defeat. |
Iku |
It's better for you to watch for fire hazards so that your dolls don't all burn in a fire. |
⧼win⧽ | |
Alice |
For now at least, I've won! |
Iku |
I'm afraid the earthquake will occur regardless of my defeat. You have changed nothing. |
Alice |
Won't know unless I try, will I? |
Alice |
Now there's just the scarlet clouds to take care of.... But that's the tricky part, isn't it? |
Iku |
The scarlet clouds...@ It may be that they are something deliberately created. |
Alice |
What do you mean? |
Iku |
The basis for these clouds doesn't seem to be water...@ Instead, they're composed of the temperament of living things. |
Iku |
I did think it was rather strange... |
Iku |
But when scarlet clouds show up, we do have to do our jobs. |
Alice |
See, you were being manipulated too!@ There's definitely some mastermind plotting to cause an earthquake! |
Stage 6
Alice |
Well, I was getting enthusiastic about it all but... |
Alice |
I wonder where the one responsible for the scarlet clouds might be. |
Alice |
What, an earthquake!? |
Tenshi |
With Heaven, control the Earth. |
Tenshi |
With Earth, remove its hinge. |
Tenshi |
The scarletness of human hearts will be reflected. |
Alice |
So, so the earthquakes are... |
Tenshi |
The preparations for awakening the earthquake are in good order. |
Alice |
What the devil are you...? |
Tenshi |
I am Hinanawi Tenshi. A celestial who sings and dances in this heavenly world. |
Alice |
Actually, I was wondering more about the earthquakes, scarlet clouds or other things like that. |
Tenshi |
Earthquakes will happen. (Probably a parody of "Accidents will happen" (じこはおこるさ) of TV series Thomas & Friends.) |
Alice |
As I thought.... So you must be.... |
Tenshi |
Well, as the one awakening the earthquakes I surely would know. |
Alice |
I thought as much. Quite unnatural omens happened abound. |
Alice |
So, defeating you will bring an end to the earthquakes then? |
Tenshi |
Who knows? I can't guarantee that. |
Alice |
Ah? |
Tenshi |
I transform the temperaments of the surface dwellers into scarlet clouds in order to change the weather. |
Tenshi |
Those scarlet clouds then in turn... |
Tenshi |
Summon the earthquakes. |
Tenshi |
Those who notice that I am the origin of the earthquakes would do well to come here. |
Tenshi |
At first, I tried summoning a little quake at the shrine. I thought that would bring me the shrine maiden for sure... |
Tenshi |
but anyone will do.@ I just needed a waste of time. |
Tenshi |
Now, wherever and however should I summon the next quake? I am not certain, but it should be fine however it turns out. |
Tenshi |
We're floating out in the skies anyway. |
Alice |
...You are simply hilarious. |
Alice |
So, why all the unilateralism? |
Tenshi |
It's just you people being stingy and all. I want to play with all the humans and youkai too you know. |
Alice |
...In any case, it simply would not do if the living daylights were not beaten out of you now would it? |
Tenshi |
Quite right, <color FFFFFF>this</color> is just what I've been preparing for all this time.@ Now, come at me with all your magic in this Bhava-Aagra! |