Th105/omake.txt English

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This page is a translated version of the page Th105/omake.txt and the translation is 98% complete.
○東方緋想天 (Touhou Hisouten: Eastern Scarlet Perfecption Heaven) ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.

Afterword, etc...

                 Team Shanghai Alice Leader ZUN
■0.Settings TOC
 ■1. Extra Story 
 ■2. Character Settings

There's lots of extreme spoilers here, even about the ending.
Only look at it if you've given up on clearing it, or just don't mind that sort of thing.

	             Move down 1000 ri from here

1. Character Settings (Only new characters)

* Traditional Reporter of Fantasy
Aya Shameimaru

Race: Tengu (crow)
Place of residence: the Youkai Mountain
Ability: Manipulating wind

Or, perhaps it would be better to say her movement is the wind.
She rides the wind, listens to the wind, and can cause wind whenever she pleases.

She's also good at collecting the wind's rumors.

Personality: Very intelligent, and courteous towards others. Non-combative.

Her mental faculties are extremely sharp, and turns thoughts about in her head much more quickly than humans.
It's very difficult to tell what she's thinking. On top of that, she changes her mannerisms to match whoever she's with, so nobody feels entirely comfortable around her.

She doesn't particularly like to fight, but she tends to pick fights a lot. However, not many can really challenge her, so few take her up on it, and she has to just let them be.

* Lunatic Red Eyes
Reisen Udongein Inaba

Race: Moon rabbit
Place of residence: Eientei
Ability: Manipulating insanity

It's common knowledge that light is made of waves, but there's more to sight than just that. Space itself is waves, and the creatures, things, and of course, light in it are also all made of waves.

Naturally, the thoughts and feelings of living things also consist of waves, and their wavelengths determine personalities.

Reisen can tamper with these waves.

Short wavelengths induce madness, and long wavelengths induce an easygoing nature. And, if you completely invert the waves' phases ... she can completely disappear from her opponent's perception.

Personality: Both carefree and crazed. Is a different person in battle.

Since she is not originally a creature of Earth, she cannot get along with humans very well. She can change her personality completely to match her circumstances.

Though she has never been friendly, she sometimes shows her dumb side just like Reimu.

* Guide of the Sanzu River
Komachi Onozuka

Race: Shinigami
Place of residence: Hell
Ability: Manipulating distance

Especially the ability to change the length of a path.
She can also affect apparent distance, so she can make it look as if you're staying in the same place when you're really getting closer or farther away.

Not all shinigami are like this; this is her own personality. There are various different types of shinigami.

Personality: good-natured, but laid back.

She clearly has a very "Edoite"-like good nature about her. She tends to slack off from work a lot, but never acts bad-natured about it.

Enjoys riling up her opponents and telling anecdotes.

Not all shinigami are like this; this is her own personality. There are various different types of shinigami.

* Beautiful Scarlet Cloth
Iku Nagae

Species: Youkai (Oarfish)

A youkai that lives between the world of dragons and the world of humans. Sometimes humans find traces or dead bodies of her kind, but very rarely they do show their living form to humans. It is said that they can understand a dragon's words, and only the important words are relayed to human and youkai.

The edges of their long veils radiating a scarlet color are indescribably beautiful. Rumor says that if a human wears this veil, they will be able to fly through the sky.

Location: Inside clouds

She spends most of her time swimming through clouds. Doing nothing in particular, she observes the dragon god as she swims elegantly through clouds. Thus she causes almost no harm to humans.

Ability: Reading the atmosphere.

She can read the mood of a place, and adapt to it right away. She doesn't try to break the mood unless there's a very urgent reason.

Flexibility is stronger than stiffness. When necessary, she vanishes completely and parries any attack.

Personality: Never takes the lead role. Lazy.

She's always laid-back and has no interest in others' behavior. She almost never insists on her own opinion, and mostly watches what others do.

* Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception
Tenshi Hinanawi

Species: Fallen Celestial

A delinquent celestial living in the heavens.

The Hinanawi clan used to be a family of priests who were tasked to protect their keystone, which kept earthquakes under control.

However, even with the Hinanawi keystone, earthquakes occurred rather often. They occurred so often that it went out of the hands of Oomura-no-Kami, a celestial who was in charge of earthquakes at that time, so the Nawi clan, who had been serving the celestials, was ordered to take over the job around the Gensokyo area.

The Nawi clan was a family of earthbound priests, but were enshrined as divine spirits after their death in a small shrine beside a mountain lake known as Nawi-no-Kami. The Nawi-no-Kami still watch quietly watch over Gensokyo.

At the same time, the Hinanawi clan ascended to the heavens as a reward for serving Nawi-no-Kami when they were still alive.

However, unlike other celestials, the Hinanawis became celestials only by serving Nawi-no-Kami; that is, not through training. So they didn't have the reputation expected of celestials, and some even called them "bad" celestials.

When the Hinanawis became celestials, their daughter Chiko Hinanawi followed them and became a celestial as well, even though she was a young girl.

Chiko renamed herself Tenshi when she moved to heaven. She was not satisfied with how she was treated there, and often looked down on Gensokyo with jealousy toward the humans and youkai living on the ground.

One day, a sudden urge hit her as she saw the youkai on land enjoying using their power to invoke disaster and cause chaos.

"Geez, I'm tired of this boring celestial life! I can invoke a disaster, too!!"

Then she flew from her house, with the Sword of Hisou, a celestial tool, in hand...

Location: Heaven
Ability: Manipulating the earth

Ability to calm or cause earthquakes. Although effective area is not wide, she can cause an earthquake in a remote area as long as it's inside Gensokyo. This ability also allows her to cause disasters such as subsidence or mudslide.

Also, only the Hinanawi clan is allowed to put or remove Keystones in Gensokyo.

It is said that upon removal of the Keystones, all the ground in Gensokyo will tremble.

Sword of Hisou's ability: Identifying one's spirit

The Sword of Hisou is a celestial-only item that allows the wielder to exploit the opponent's weakness, no matter what. First, the sword converts the opponent's spirit to scarlet mist, then to the form that everyone can see. As the opponent's nature has surfaced, the sword can change itself to the most effective attributes.

Spirit surfaced by the sword takes the form of weather. Spirits slashed by the sword become scarlet mist, then the mist changes the weather.

Tenshi thinks that with her Keystone and Sword of Hisou, she can control all heaven, earth, and people.

Personality: Had a sheltered upbringing. Selfish. Top of the world.

She is very earthly for a celestial, and lacks charisma. That's not surprising, however, because she became a celestial only because the entire Hinanawi family became celestials when the Nawi became divine spirits. Therefore, she lacks awareness of what it means to be a celestial.

An overly privileged environment obviously had a negative effect on her playful nature. She doesn't consider what her actions mean to other people.

She has absolute confidence in her abilities, and gets mad if someone insults them.

Crimson in the Black Sea ~ Legendary Fish

Iku Nagae's theme.

This is a pretty old story, but I saw an oarfish mummy in an aquarium once.
I'd seen pictures before, but seeing it in person leaves a totally different impact. It's a flat and unusually long fish.
It's hard to believe it's something from this world.

This is the theme song for that sort of Iku.

Catastrophe in Bhavaagra ~ Wonderful Heaven

Tenshi Hinanawi's theme.

The key image is of a very willful and self-centered character.
She's as self-centered as Remilia is.

Heaven is really full of enlightened persons of character, but even among them there are inferior ones like her.
Still, that gives her an almost human feel. Turning it around, you might say she's an oasis within Heaven.

Not that this has anything to do with the song, really.

Bhavaagra As Seen Through a Child's Mind

The Last Spell theme.

I made "Catastrophe in Bhavaagra" to sound space-like in my own way.
Pipe organs are very space-like, aren't they?