Th13/Images in English

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This page is a translated version of the page Th13/Images and the translation is 94% complete.

Font research list

Splash Screen

loading/sig.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Touhou Project

13th Project Shrine Maiden

This game is a work of fiction. All characters and organizations that appear have passed into fantasy.

Presented by
Team Shanghai Alice


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Scotch Modern ("Project"), Seibi Socho Medium ("13th Project Shrine Maiden")
  • English version: Segoe Print, Trajan Pro
  • Spanish version: Segoe Print, Trajan Pro
  • Korean version: 문체부 바탕체 (touhou), 한컴바탕 (team)
  • Hungarian version: AntiquaEnglish ("Project"), BioRhyme ExtraLight ("13th Project Shrine Maiden"),
  • Polish: DFMaruGothic-Bd ("Team Shanghai Alice presents"), Horn Thin ("Xth Project Shrine Maiden"), Times New Roman (fiction disclaimer)


ascii/loading.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries (full image) Translation Translated image


Girls are now praying

Now Loading...


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Ano Bold("NowLoading...")
  • English version: Gabriola("Girls are now praying"), Ano Bold("NowLoading...")
  • Spanish version: Gabriola("Las chicas estan rezando"), Century Gothic("Cargando...")
  • Troll translation: Minnie
  • Hungarian: HG行書体 (The Girls are Praying), Bahnschrift Light("Now Loading...")
  • Polish: Anna Regular (The girls are praying), Harrington Bold (NowLoading)


Title Screen

Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Shot (Select)

Special (Cancel)


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Korinth Serial Light (menu labels), Russel Square (numbers)
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype
  • Korean version: 한양해서
  • Hungarian version: OPTIKorinna-Agency (menu labels), Russel Square (numbers)
  • Polish version: Enchanted (menu labels)


title/title_logo.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries (full image) Translation Translated image
bounds-th13-title-title logo.png


東方神霊廟 (Touhou Shinreibyou - Eastern Divine Spirit Mausoleum)

Ten Desires

(C)opyright 2011 ZUN All rights reserved


Resources Fonts
Algerian (EN/JP title)
  • Polish: Eric Normal (copyright), DFMinchoP WS (Japanese title and romaji)


title/title_ver.v1.00c.png (edited)
Does not need translating. Original transcription:

ver 1.00c

title/result00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Reimu Hakurei

Sanae Kochiya
Type A

Play Time
Marisa Kirisame

Youmu Konpaku
Type B
Nitori Kawashiro
Total Times Used
Times Cleared

Fire Button: Switch between Score/Spell Cards


Resources Fonts
  • Hungarian: HG行書体
  • Polish: Constantia Regular


title/spell.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image






Left/Right Keys: Change Character


Resources Fonts
  • Original/English/Spanish/Polish: Russell Square
  • Russian: AA Futured



help/helpmenu.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


1. Playing the game

2. Controls
3. Game screen
4. Let's go to the spirit realm!
5. Items
6. Small divine spirits
7. Special mechanics
8. Spell Practice


Resources Fonts
  • English version: Palatino Linotype
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype
  • Polish version: Palatino Linotype
  • Hungarian version: Codex LT


help_01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) 1. Playing the game

Shoot down enemies whole dodging their bullets.
At the end of each stage there's a boss. Defeat her to
complete the stage.

"A mysterious substance that comes out of the body.
Known as a divine spirit, it's a phenomenon observed
in humans, youkai and even fairies. It isn't really
harmful, but certain girls can't ignore such things and
head to the Netherworld, the most likely place to
be connected to it."


Resources Fonts
  • English version: Palatino Linotype
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype
  • Polish version: Times New Roman
  • Hungarian version: Codex LT


help_02.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) 2. Controls

 ・Arrow keys:      Move character
 ・SHOT key (Z key):   Shoot
 ・SPECIAL key (X key): Use Spell Card
              (you have only so many)
 ・TRANCE key (C key):  Enter spirit realm
              (explained in detail later)
 ・SLOW key (Shift key): Focused movement
 ・PAUSE key (Esc key): Pause the game

・Special commands
 ・Skip dialogue     Hold SHOT key
 ・Quick retry      In the pause menu, press
              Left + TRANCE + SLOW
              (or just press R key)
 ・Screenshot       P Key

help_03.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) 3. Game screen

・Lives     The number of remaining extra lives.
More literally, "Amount of times you can still Miss", the arcade term for getting hit.
 (pieces)   Get enough pieces for an extra life.
・Spell Card The number of remaining Spell Cards.
 (pieces)   Get enough pieces for an extra Spell Card.

・Power    This is your shot power.
・Value    It's the maximum value of point items.
・Graze    The number of enemy bullets you grazed.

・Spirit realm gauge
  This is the skull and spirit-shaped gauge at the
  bottom left of the screen.
  If you get hit while having one or more icon full,
  you'll enter the spirit realm. (more info later)

help_04.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) 4. Let's go to the spirit realm!

The spirit realm is a fantastic realm that people witness
just before they die. Here, you are immune to enemy
and your own attacks are much stronger.
It also doubles the effects of the spirits you collect.

You will enter the spirit realm if you are hit with at
least one icon filled.

However, once the gauge runs out, your life is lost.
You cannot stop in middle.
You will be unable to escape the grip of death.

If the gauge is filled to the maximum, you can enter
the spirit realm at will by pressing the TRANCE key.
In this case, you won't die when the gauge runs out.

So, even if you get hit, don't give up! Counter with
one last attack! Or at least make it a draw!

help_05.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) 5. Items

P: Power item
  Collect many to increase power of your shot.

点: Point item
  The higher they are collected, the more they are worth.

* You can auto-collect these items by moving near

  the top of the screen.

Small divine spirits
  Defeated enemies can drop items that look like
  spirits. These are the "small divine spirits," and
  they can be collected by moving near them.

* Divine spirits cannot be auto-collected.
help_06.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) 6. Small divine spirits

When you defeat an enemy, it may drop a spirit-like
object. This is a small divine spirit. You can obtain
them like items. There are 4 kinds of them in total.

Remember, all spirits fill your spirit gauge, and in
the spirit realm their effects are doubled.
Blue Divine Spirit (Desire for riches)
  Increases the maximum point item value.
  Appears when you defeat enemies and when you
  shoot bosses from point-blank range.
Purple Divine Spirit (Desire for long life)
  Adds to your life pieces.
  Only certain enemies drop these.
Green Divine Spirit (Desire for bombs)
  Adds to your Spell Card pieces.
  Only certain enemies drop these.
White Divine Spirit (Attachment to the living world)
  Increases your score and fills the spirit gauge
  more than the usual.
  Appears when you quickly spawn a lot of blue spirits.

help_07.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) 7. Special Mechanics
  • If you die with less than two bombs, you will
    revive with two.
  • If a dialogue starts while you are in the spirit realm,
    your trance will end. If you entered the trance
    manually, the gauge will be depleted by one icon.
  • You can graze enemy bullets by going near them. For
    every ten shots grazed, you gain ten points and the
    point item value rises.
  • There is now a quick retry feature. On the pause screen,
    press Left, TRANCE and SLOW at the same time. Or
    you can simply press the R Key.
  • Unlike previous games, you don't need to beat a stage
    to be able to play it in practice mode, you just need to
    reach it.
help_08.png (edited)
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(full image unavailable) 8. Spell Practice

 You can play any Spell Card you've seen at least
 once in practice mode.

 Regardless of which character was used, or whether
 you've continued, you can practice with any character.
 Train hard!

 Also, some Spell Cards have an Overdrive Mode.

 To unlock it, capture the Spell Card on every difficulty
 (either in story mode or in practice mode, both will

 Overdrive Mode is more difficult than Lunatic.
 Expect to die frequently.


Menu Captions

title/select01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Rank Select: Please choose a difficulty

Player Select: Please choose a protagonist
Spell Select: Please choose a Spell Card
Replay: Please choose a Replay
Player Data: Gaze at your combat experience *grins*
Music Room: The Spirit Realm Music Room
Name Regist: Put in your name, alright?
Save Replay: You can save your replay
Stage Select: Please choose a stage
Manual: Instruction Manual


Resources Fonts
  • English: Asia-Extended, Corbel
  • Spanish version: Selznick Remix NF
  • Polish: Asia-Extended (big text), Californian FB (small text)


Difficulty Selection

title/rank00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Prayer for Health and Longevity

Death is a hardship.
For those who want to live a little bit longer.

Prayer for Traffic Safety
Let's discover a safe path.
Have a nice trip.

Prayer for Business Prosperity
If you are confident in your skills,
you should be able to make a profit.

Prayer for IT Data Security
Not even the gods can help you now.
Don't play this.

Prayer for Danmaku Protection
Aah, may I be able to dodge danmaku.
Clap clap.



Resources Fonts
  • Original: Probably Serpentine or Dungeon (difficulty names)
  • English: Palatino Linotype
  • Spanish: Palatino Linotype, Russell Square
  • Polish: Dungeon (difficulty names), Palatino Linotype (difficulty text), Japaneso Regular (clear'd)


Character Selection

title/weapon_00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) "All these increasing mysterious divine spirits are getting annoying!"

Feels angry because small divine spirits are being born everywhere.

Shrine Maiden of Five Desires
Reimu Hakurei

The Foul Play Automatic Type
Shot: Unfocused - Homing Amulet
Focused - Persuasion Needle
Spell Card: Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal"

Special Abilities: Gathers small divine spirits when in the Spirit Realm.
Small hurtbox.


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Dutch 801 WGL Roman (names)
  • English version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console, Codex LT
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console
  • Hungarian version: EucrosiaUPC (names), HG行書体 (title), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L (name subtitles and top text), Kozuka Mincho Pr6N M (shots, spellcards and abilities)
  • Polish version: Palatino Linotype (English name and title), Codex LT (top text), Lucida Bright Demibold (shot, spell cards and abilities), Yu Mincho Demibold (Japanese name)


title/weapon_00ex.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) The youkai bared their fangs, shuddering at the saint‘s revival.

"I don't care who it is; If it's a youkai, I'll just exterminate it!"

Shrine Maiden of Five Desires
Reimu Hakurei

The Foul Play Automatic Type
Shot: Unfocused - Homing Amulet
Focused - Persuasion Needle
Spell Card: Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal"

Special Abilities: Gathers small divine spirits when in the Spirit Realm.
Small hurtbox.


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Dutch 801 WGL Roman (names)
  • English version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console, Codex LT
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console
  • Hungarian version: EucrosiaUPC (names), HG行書体 (title), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L (name subtitles and top text), Kozuka Mincho Pr6N M (shots, spellcards and abilities)
  • Polish version: Palatino Linotype (English name and title), Codex LT (top text), Lucida Bright Demibold (shot, spell cards and abilities), Yu Mincho Demibold (Japanese name)


title/weapon_01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) "There's lots of these strange spirits gatherin' - very interestin'!"

The small divine spirits' true identity are whispers of human desires.
Desires that call out to a greedy human.

Greedy Magician
Marisa Kirisame

The Trusty Power Type
Shot: Unfocused - Illusion Laser
Focused - Magic Missile
Spell Card: Love Sign "Master Spark"

Special Abilities: Increased power and speed in the Spirit Realm.
Easier item collection.


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Dutch 801 WGL Roman (names)
  • English version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console, Codex LT
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console
  • Hungarian version: EucrosiaUPC (names), HG行書体 (title), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L (name subtitles and top text), Kozuka Mincho Pr6N M (shots, spellcards and abilities)
  • Polish version: Palatino Linotype (English name and title), Codex LT (top text), Lucida Bright Demibold (shot, spell cards and abilities), Yu Mincho Demibold (Japanese name)


title/weapon_01ex.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) The youkai bared their fangs, shuddering at the saint‘s revival.

"Is that Miko girl really that scary?"

Greedy Magician
Marisa Kirisame

The Trusty Power Type
Shot: Unfocused - Illusion Laser
Focused - Magic Missile
Spell Card: Love Sign "Master Spark"

Special Abilities: Increased power and speed in the Spirit Realm.
Easier item collection.


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Dutch 801 WGL Roman (names)
  • English version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console, Codex LT
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console
  • Hungarian version: EucrosiaUPC (names), HG行書体 (title), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L (name subtitles and top text), Kozuka Mincho Pr6N M (shots, spellcards and abilities)
  • Polish version: Palatino Linotype (English name and title), Codex LT (top text), Lucida Bright Demibold (shot, spell cards and abilities), Yu Mincho Demibold (Japanese name)


title/weapon_02.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) "No matter what they are, these divine spirits must be valuable to the shrine!"

People‘s desires provide the best benefits.
Faith comes from human desires.

Shrine Maiden of Selfish Desires
Sanae Kochiya

The Comforting Wide Type
Shot: (Unfocused) Mighty Wind
(Focused) Wind Blast
Spell Card: Esoterica "Gray Thaumaturgy"

Special Ability: The Spirit Realm gauge fills up faster.


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Dutch 801 WGL Roman (names)
  • English version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console, Codex LT
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console
  • Hungarian version: EucrosiaUPC (names), HG行書体 (title), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L (name subtitles and top text), Kozuka Mincho Pr6N M (shots, spellcards and abilities)
  • Polish version: Palatino Linotype (English name and title), Codex LT (top text), Lucida Bright Demibold (shot, spell cards and abilities), Yu Mincho Demibold (Japanese name)


title/weapon_02ex.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) The youkai bared their fangs, shuddering at the saint‘s revival.

"Hmm, another youkai newcomer? I wonder who it is."

Shrine Maiden of Selfish Desires
Sanae Kochiya

The Comforting Wide Type
Shot: (Unfocused) Mighty Wind
(Focused) Wind Blast
Spell Card: Esoterica "Gray Thaumaturgy"

Special Ability: The Spirit Realm gauge fills up faster.


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Dutch 801 WGL Roman (names)
  • English version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console, Codex LT
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console
  • Hungarian version: EucrosiaUPC (names), HG行書体 (title), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L (name subtitles and top text), Kozuka Mincho Pr6N M (shots, spellcards and abilities)
  • Polish version: Palatino Linotype (English name and title), Codex LT (top text), Lucida Bright Demibold (shot, spell cards and abilities), Yu Mincho Demibold (Japanese name)


title/weapon_03.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) "The Netherworld has limited space, so I'll cut down all the extra souls!"

She couldn't leave the enigma of the small divine spirits alone
so she goes out to investigate.

Half-Phantom with Deathly Desires
Youmu Konpaku

The Fierce Iaido Type
Unfocused Shot: Sword Slash
Collecting Shot: Lotus Posture Slash
*Cannot fire normal shots while focused.
Spell Card: Voidness Sword "Slash Clearing the Six Senses"

Special Abilities: Extremely small hurtbox while focused.
ZUN oversight, this doesn't actually happen.
Increased power in the Spirit Realm.


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Dutch 801 WGL Roman (names)
  • English version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console, Codex LT
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console
  • Hungarian version: EucrosiaUPC (names), HG行書体 (title), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L (name subtitles and top text), Kozuka Mincho Pr6N M (shots, spellcards and abilities)
  • Polish version: Palatino Linotype (English name and title), Codex LT (top text), Lucida Bright Demibold (shot, spell cards and abilities), Yu Mincho Demibold (Japanese name)


title/weapon_03ex.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) The youkai bared their fangs, shuddering at the saint‘s revival.

"I came to the Myouren Temple like Lady Yuyuko asked, but..."

Half-Phantom with Deathly Desires
Youmu Konpaku

The Fierce Iaido Type
Unfocused Shot: Sword Slash
Collecting Shot: Lotus Posture Slash

  • Cannot fire normal shots while focused.

Spell Card: Voidness Sword "Slash Clearing the Six Senses"

Special Abilities: Extremely small hurtbox while focused.
Increased power in the Spirit Realm.


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Dutch 801 WGL Roman (names)
  • English version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console, Codex LT
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype, Lucida Console
  • Hungarian version: EucrosiaUPC (names), HG行書体 (title), Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L (name subtitles and top text), Kozuka Mincho Pr6N M (shots, spellcards and abilities)
  • Polish version: Palatino Linotype (English name and title), Codex LT (top text), Lucida Bright Demibold (shot, spell cards and abilities), Yu Mincho Demibold (Japanese name)



Covered by script_latin

Bonus History Failed
0123456789 PowerUp
89. s

ascii/pause.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Temporary Halt (Pause Menu) Grievous Bodily Harm (Game Over) Playback End (Pause Menu)

Unpause (Return to Game)

Return to the Title Screen (Return to Title)
(Yes) Yes Yes Yes

Start from the Beginning (Give up and Retry)
No (No No No)

Save a Replay and Exit the Game (Save Replay and Return to Title)

Are you really sure? (Really?)

Save a Replay (Save Replay)

Replay it once more (Replay Again)
Rechallenge (Retry)

To the Next Coverage (Next Scene)
Take a break (Return to Title) Perfect Photo Hit! (Mission Complete!)

Decisive Instant Shot
Left/Right Choose photo [S] Key Save photo
This is pretty much a copy and paste of GFW's version, with only change being the leaf decoration.


Resources Fonts
  • English version: UA Squared
  • Spanish version: UA Squared
  • Russian version: League Gothic
  • Polish version: Russel Square (small text), Gabriola (big text)


front/front00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries (full image) Translation Translated image


Hi-Score Spell Card

Score Graze
Lives 点 Value
(Pieces) P Power
0123456789 / Failed MAX
Get Spell Card Bonus!!
Challenge next stage!
Full PowerUp!
Hi Score!
Item Get Border Line!
EASY Clear Time
NORMAL Actual Time
Bonus Failed...
東方神霊廟 (Touhou Shinreibyou - Eastern Divine Spirit Mausoleum)
Demo Play


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Revue(Difficulties), Peignot(Spell Card bonus, Full power, etc.),  ???("Item Get Border Line!")
  • English version: UA Squared("Top Score", "Score", etc.)
  • Spanish version: Revue(Difficulties), Peignot(Spell Card bonus, Full power, etc.), UA Squared("Alto Punt.", "Puntuacion", etc.), Gabriola("¡Límite de obtención de objetos!")
  • Polish version: Mermaid Bold (Hiscore, Player, etc.), Revue (Difficulties), Gill Sans MT Regular (Spellcard Capture, Next Stage, etc.), University Roman Std (Item Get Border Line!), DFMincho-SU (Japanese game title in demo play), Raavi (Failed), Serpentine Sans ICG Regular (Time), Cobalt Thin (Demo Play)


Does not need translating. Original transcription:

Clear Bonus

Stage Logos

front/logo/st01logo.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Enjoyment, Even in Death

What are these faint divine spirits that are scattered and swept away by the cherry blossoms? They only activate moments before death.

STAGE 1 Night Cherry Blossoms in the Netherworld

BGM. Night Sakura of Dead Spirits
BGM. Ghost Lead


Resources Fonts
  • English: Palatino Linotype(Level name), Lucida Console(Location), Peignot(Music title), Gloucester MT Extra Condensed(Description)
  • Spanish: Palatino Linotype(Level name), Lucida Console(Level number, location), Peignot(Music title), Gloucester MT Extra Condensed(Description)
  • Polish: Palatino Linotype(Level name), Lucida Bright Demibold(Level number, location), Peignot(Music title), Gill Sans MT Condensed(Description)


front/logo/st02logo.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


The Youkai Before the Gate, Reading an Unlearnable Sutra

Heading toward the Myouren Temple Cemetery under the strange guidance of that ghost...
Might the ones there be related to the divine spirits?

STAGE 2 The Road to the Myouren Temple

BGM. Welcome to Youkai Temple
BGM. Youkai Girl at the Gate

front/logo/st03logo.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


A Straight Line Paradise

Are those living in the cemetery humans? Specters? Or are they youkai?
Why are the spirits everyone calls "divine spirits" gushing towards the cemetery?

STAGE 3 Myouren Temple Cemetery

BGM. Let's Live in a Lovely Cemetery
BGM. Rigid Paradise

front/logo/st04logo.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Accelerating Luxury

The divine spirits, pulled into fine strings of light toward the cavern's depth...
The scenery was unlike anything of this world.

STAGE 4 A Hole in the Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum

BGM. Desire Drive
BGM. Old Yuanxian

front/logo/st05logo.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Blood of Those with Hidden Power

A huge remnant was hidden behind the doors.
Are the divine spirits aware of what lies within?

STAGE 5 The Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum

BGM. The Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
BGM. Omiwa Legend

front/logo/st06logo.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Hold Harmony Sacred

The massive quantity of gathered divine spirits resembled a starry sky.
They silently wait for the one to give her voice.

LAST STAGE The Divine Spirit Mausoleum

BGM. Starry Sky of Small Desires
BGM. Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator

front/logo/st07logo.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Raise the Flag of Rebellion!

After Miko's revival, the power of the saint has grown too strong!
Now is the time to commence the youkai rebellion!

EXTRA STAGE Myouren Temple

BGM. Youkai Shrine's Back Road
BGM. Futatsuiwa from Sado


Boss Names

Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
bounds-th13-front-ename full.png


Yuyuko Saigyouji

Kyouko Kasodani
Kogasa Tatara
Yoshika Miyako
Seiga Kaku
Soga no Tojiko
Mononobe no Futo
Toyosatomimi no Miko
Nue Houjuu
Mamizou Futatsuiwa


Resources Fonts
Original: Russel Square (anti-aliasing turned off)


face/enemy1/ename01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Stationary Ghost

Yuyuko Saigyouji


Resources Fonts
  • Original: DFOYoJun Std W5(name)
  • English, Literal English, Literal Serbian and Spanish: Palatino Linotype(name), Gabriola(title)
  • Troll translations: Jokerman
  • Hungarian: Practiqua (name), Neil (name subtitles), Codex LT (title)
  • Polish: PT Serif Caption (titles), Bradley Hand ITC (English names), DFGMinchoP W5 (Japanese names)


face/enemy2/ename01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Sutra-Reciting Yamabiko

Kyouko Kasodani

face/enemy3m/ename01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Troubled Forgotten Item

Kogasa Tatara

face/enemy3/ename01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Loyal Corpse

Yoshika Miyako

face/enemy4/ename01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) The Wicked Hermit of Passing Through Walls

Lady Seiga

face/enemy5/ename01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Shikaisen from Ancient Japan

Mononobe no Futo

face/enemy6/ename01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Shoutoku Taoist

Toyosatomimi no Miko

face/enemy7m/ename01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Old Youkai #1

Nue Houjuu

face/enemy7/ename01.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) The Bake-danuki with Ten Transformations

Mamizou Futatsuiwa


Character Portraits

face/enemy2/face02dp.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) De~li~ver



Resources Fonts
  • Original: Most likely handwritten, not a font
  • Hungarian: Neil
  • Polish: Segoe Script


face/enemy2/face02n2.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Gyate~ Gyate~

Part of the Heart Sutra.


Resources Fonts
  • Original: Most likely handwritten, not a font
  • Hungarian: Neil



Does not need translating. Original transcription:

Spell Card. Attack of Little Girl...
Spell Card. Attack of Little Girl...
Spell Card. Attack of Little Girl...
Spell Card. Attack of Little Girl...
Border of Life Border of Life
Spell Card Attack!!


stgenm/stage05/enm5.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries (full image) Translation Translated image


Thou art mine!

Not worth the mention!
T'is not over yet!
Still on thy feet?


Resources Fonts
  • English: Aroania
  • Troll translations: Garfield
  • Polish: Segoe UI


stgenm/stage05/enm5s.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Get a load of this!

You darn fool!
Oh dear...


Resources Fonts
  • English: Aroania
  • Troll translations: Garfield
  • Polish: Segoe UI


stgenm/stage06/enm6.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries (full image) Translation Translated image


Playtime's over now! Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • English: Aroania
  • Troll translations: Garfield
  • Polish: Segoe UI



Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Resources Fonts
Please tell us!
ending/e01b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Whoopsy-daisy! Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


ending/e02a.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) YEAH!



Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


ending/e02b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Here

Have this shawl♥
It's just a cheap one, but...

Go away!


Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Resources Fonts
Please tell us!
ending/e03b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Got any money?

Hey, I'm hungry...

Gotta look out for the
Spirit Gauge!

I wanna see
a secret ending!


Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


ending/e04a.png (edited)
Does not need translating. Original transcription:


ending/e05a.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Cry nightingale!

Serves you right!

Grade 6. Book

in normal clothes

啼くよ鶯、平安京 appears to be the beginning phrase of the Heian era.


Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


ending/e05b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) (It was this guy)

Old 10,000 Yen Note


Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


ending/e06a.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) S-she's just making

a fool of you!


Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


ending/e07a.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Yay~♡ Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


ending/e07b.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) (Yuyuko) Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


ending/e08a.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Hoh hoh hooh...

False beard


Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Resources Fonts
Please tell us!
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Resources Fonts
Please tell us!
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Resources Fonts
Please tell us!
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Resources Fonts
Please tell us!
ending/ebg00.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Sleepy...



Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Resources Fonts
Please tell us!
ending/ebg02.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Donations Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


ending/ebg03.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Around here♥ Upload...

Resources Fonts
  • English version: Segoe Script
  • Spanish version: Segoe Script
  • Polish version: Segoe Script (dialogue), Segoe Print (text), Gill Sans MT Condensed (Sanae's book)


Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Upload...

Resources Fonts
Please tell us!
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image
(full image unavailable) Spring is heeere~! Upload...

Resources Fonts
Please tell us!

Staff Roll

ending/staff.png (edited)
Source image Sprite boundaries Translation Translated image


Touhou Project Thirteenth Edition

13th Project Shrine Maiden

東方神霊廟 (Touhou Shinreibyou - Eastern Divine Spirit Mausoleum)
Ten Desires.
Heisei Era Twenty-Third Year, Eighth Month
August, 2011
Original erroneously says October
Program, Graphic, Music, etc...

(Desire: Wants to go beer drinking in Germany or Belgium)

Drinking Fellows
Special Thanks


The Sales-boys/girls and all queue organizers
Event Staff

And lastly

Since you have fulfilled your desire to play
Thank you for playing!


Resources Fonts
  • Original version: Iwata Mincho Medium (ZUN)
  • Spanish version: Palatino Linotype
  • Hungarian version: Jacques Francois (large text), Codex LT (small text)
  • Polish version: Minion Pro (small text), Constantia (big text)
