Th13/Sanae's Endings in English

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This page is a translated version of the page Th13/Sanae's Endings and the translation is 100% complete.

Translations are from

Good Ending No. 05

Gnome-colors-gtk-edit.svg e05.msg.jdiff


(Yes, this is needed to overwrite the barely visible '+'.)

#0@0The Moriya Shrine, up on the mountain.

#0@1The cherry blossoms had already fallen at the base, but had yet to on the mountain.

#0@2Sanae returned from the battle to her room and shut herself in.


#0@3"Uh, let's see... In ancient Japan, there were two opposing clans:

The house of Mononobe – which followed Shinto – and the Soga –

who brought Buddhism from the continent and actively spread it."


#0@4"Mononobe no Moriya desecrated the Buddha, which brought a divine curse upon the imperial family.


#0@5For this reason Soga no Umako destroyed Moriya, and the Mononobe clan collapsed."


#0@6"And Prince Umayado was involved in the battle, too..."

(Umayado is the birthname of Shōtoku.)


#0@7Hm, there's certainly more to this. Especially the ‘curse’ part.


#0@8Maybe I'll ask those girls more about it later..."

Suwako's voice 

#0@9"Sanaeee! You need to get cooking!"


#0@10"Yes, I'll be right theeere!"


#0@11"Huh? This is an old ¥10,000 bill..."


#0@12"...What on earth?!


#0@13This bearded face is Prince Shoutoku? H-Huh?"


#0@14"Y-Yes, that's right. Of course he's bearded.


#0@15Well then, surely they're different people.


#0@16I wonder what on earth those girls were, then...?"

Suwako's voice 

#0@17"Gim-me food! Gim-me food!"


#0@18"Right, right..."

#0@19Sanae was never good at history. She was more of a science person.

#0@20After the recent event, she took a little bit of interest in ancient history.

#0@21But having moved into Gensokyo, Sanae had a disadvantage.

#0@22She no longer had an easy way of knowing current rumors.

#0@23Yes, at current, word was spreading that Prince Shoutoku did not actually exist.

#0@24Who knows if there'll ever come a time when Sanae realizes

#0@25that's what had brought about the events in Gensokyo?

#0@26<c$Ending No.05 — But really, studying an elementary school textbook?$>

#0@27<c$Congratulations, all clear! Just as I'd expected!$>

Parallel Ending No. 06

Gnome-colors-gtk-edit.svg e06.msg.jdiff

#0@0A dojo constructed in a secret land.

#0@1It was built in a sealed world solely for Miko and her followers.

#0@2This was a place even Gensokyo didn't know of.




#0@4"Nice shout!"




#0@6"You've got it!"

#0@7Sanae had converted.

#0@8She was ultimately won over by their overwhelming charisma.



(This is a chant associated with Aomori Nebuta Matsuri.)




#0@11"Is this really what Tao training is like?"


#0@12"That is right. It certainly is. Now keep at it!"



#0@14Sanae thought the gathering of divine spirits (= desires) was connected to faith.

#0@15That was the entirety of her reason for converting and training.

#0@16However, she came to notice she wasn't getting any faith herself.

#0@17Where had Sanae mistaken her way?

#0@18Actually, this wasn't a mistake at all.

#0@19Japanese Shinto has close ties to the continent's Buddhism and Taoism.

#0@20Sanae was enlightened to the fact that trying to gather faith without realizing such was meaningless.

#0@21<c$Ending No.06 — Of course, it seems she'll convert right back soon.$>

#0@22<c$This is a Parallel Ending! Congratulations!$>

Bad Ending No. 11

Gnome-colors-gtk-edit.svg e11.msg.jdiff

#0@0The mausoleum where Miko had been slumbering.

#0@1Victory was somehow won, but not without severe damages.


#0@2"My, Prince Shoutoku?!


#0@3That's a bit more of an opponent than I can manage!"

#0@4Sanae feared her opponent and made a hasty retreat.

#0@5But after having confirmed she had not been followed, she felt the yearning for a rematch growing within her.

#0@6<c$Ending No.11 — She'll be waiting for a rematch anytime.$>

#0@7<c$Try to beat the game without continuing!$>