#0@0 (Yes, this is needed to overwrite the barely visible '+'.)
#0@0 Moriya shrine on the top of the mountain.
#0@1 The cherry blossoms at the foot have already gone, but on the mountain it is the future.
#0@2 Sanae seems to come back from the battle as he comes back from the battle.
#0@3 "Well, I'm trying to protect the ancient Japanese Shinto,
Mr. Soga tried to positively introduce Buddhism from the continent
It was a confrontation. "
#0@4 "When the clerk worships the Buddha statue, the Emperor gets ruined.
#0@5 Because of that, Sogakozako destroyed Moriya, Mr. Mabe
It was destroyed, "
#0@6 "It was in the struggle that Steve Wako also participated.
#0@7 Well, there seems to be something behind. Particularly stubborn.
#0@8 Let's ask those people next time "
Suwako's voice
#0@9 "Sanae, how time is Sanae to make rice"
#0@10 "Huh, I will go now."
#0@11 "That? This is the former 10,000 yen note ..."
#0@12 "……Th-This is!?
#0@13 Is this whisker face Prince Shotoku? Oh, that? "
#0@14 "Well, that's right, right?
#0@15 Well then you are a different person.
#0@16 Who were those people? "
Suwako's voice
#0@17 "Oka! Ha ha!"
#0@18 "Yes,"
#0@19 Sanae is a bit weak in history. It was science.
#0@20 It seemed that he was interested in a bit of ancient history with this thing.
#0@21 However, Sanae moved to Gensokyo had weaknesses.
#0@22 It was not easy to know the latest theory.
#0@23 Yes, now the Prince Shotoku fictitious theory was spreading little by little.
#0@24 What will it bring to Gensokyo,
#0@25 I wonder if time will come to understand Sanae.
#0@26 Ending No.05 Yea But studying at elementary school textbooks
#0@27 Congratulations all clear! You are ashamed!