Touhou Patch Center:Dounlaid

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This page is a translated version of the page Touhou Patch Center:Download and the translation is 38% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Projek owerview
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Main Package (Multi-Language, Multi-Game)

Gnome-dev-zipdisk.svg Dounlaid
Soorce code: @ GitHub
Pre-packaged patches based on our English translation (not recommended).
Universal THCRAP Launcher, recommended quick launch addon, and Read this for how to install

System Requirements

  • Windows XP wi at laest Service Pack 2, or a laeter version o Windows; wirks wi Wine an au (but read this)
  • A internet connection's juist needit for initial configuraetion an updaetin; withoot a connection, thcrap will juist uise the staet at wis dounlaidit last

Setup Instructions


=== ===



  • First of all, you don't need to extract this into a specific game directory. The patcher can run from any directory.
  • Run thcrap.exe and follow the instructions to create your patch configuration.
  • You'll end up with a .js file (the configuration itself) as well as links to start every Touhou game found on your system with this configuration. Note that thcrap does not modify any existing Touhou installation on your system.


  1. Dounlaid the Patch an unzip (the directorie disna hae ti be specified; feel free ti pit it whauriver ye want ti)
  2. Rin thcrap for ti find the Touhou gemms.
  3. Chuise yer langages.
    Ay, plueral. If ye unnerstaund onie amoont o English, we recommend ey haean lang_en at the boddom, an yer naetiv langage on tap o that. Reed mair on the topic o patch stackin heer.
  4. Wait for the patches ti dounlaid.
  5. In the brousin dialog, wael the path whaur yer Touhou gemms is locaet, or hit Cancel for ti leuk throu yer hael sistem.
  6. Wael yer preferred version oot on the Touhou gemms wi a wheen o versions on your system.
  7. Uise shortcuts.
  8. Hiv fun.

Running on top of vpatch

This is possible as of the 2013-10-25 build. Due to the DLL-centric design of vpatch, thcrap doesn't automate this yet, so this requires a few manual steps for now:

  1. If you don't have vpatch yet, please download it from Touhou Wiki or from the author's download page.
  2. Configure your patch stack as usual. If you have multiple versions of the games installed, it is merely important to choose the correct directory at this point.
  3. Open the generated games.js in a plaintext editor, and replace the game's .exe file names with vpatch.exe (or whatever the local vpatch executable is called).
  4. Starting the games through the shortcuts will then launch thcrap, vpatch and the game itself. thcrap will automatically enable support for Japanese characters and file names, so AppLocale is not required (yes, not even for 東方紅魔郷.exe).

HELP! Ma Icon th06.png Embodiment of Scarlet Devil rins lik a Tengu jet fechter on steroids!!

Touhou 06 needs vpatch for ti rin on Windows 10.

  1. Dounlaid this vpatch th06 for thcrap package. It haes vpatch (rev4) an oor modified Unicode vpatch DLL.
  2. Extract the zip contents intil yer EoSD directorie.
  3. If yer EoSD directorie aureddie haes a fiyl caued vpatch_th06.dll, remuiv it. Ye'll juist need vpatch_th06_unicode.dll.
  4. If yer gemm executable's cryed th06.exe, renaem it til 東方紅魔郷.exe. This is necessar cause vpatch.exe will expeck ti find this fiyl, juist. If ye ainlie hae th06e.exe an naither 東方紅魔郷.exe or th06.exe, ye'r uisan the modified English static patch. We recommend uisan a clein Japanese orieginal 1.02h version insteid.
  5. Open thcrap\config\games.js wi a text editor an mak th06 airt til vpatch.exe insteid o the gemm executable.
  6. If ye hae a lot o screen teirin, open vpatch.ini in a text editor an set vsync = 0 til vsync = 1.


Fiyl Ootpit

This'll dump au the orieginal, unpatched fiyls loadit bi a gemm as it rins.


  1. Find the .js fiyl at's maed whan ye rin thcrap.exe (this wad be whitiver ye cryed yer shortcuts, sae if ye caued yer shortcut "en" than the .js fiyl will be caued en.js an au).
  2. Open it wi yer text editor (notepad, editpadpro, etc)
  3. Chiynj "dat_dump": false ti aether
  • "dat_dump": true - this'll ootpit fiyls ti whauriver ye pat yer orieginal gemm, in a directorie cryed dat
  • "dat_dump": "C:/naem/ti/dump/path/" - this'll ootpit fiyls intil the gien directorie.

Siyn, rin the shortcut.

Steam integration

We'd actually need a new guide how to do this at this place!


How to debug a game crash, freeze, or other issue unrelated to translation

A complete patch setup is made up of a number of individual parts, any one of which will be responsible for the issue you're experiencing. If possible, please try to pin down the cause before reporting an issue to us.

  • Does the issue appear in the original, unpatched game?
While thcrap fixes some of the bugs in the original games as part of its patch support, we sadly don't have the capacities to fix all of them, as we are mostly busy with thcrap's own bugs and features, first and foremost. Still, please report the issue, maybe it is trivial enough that one of our developers can look at it and fix it fairly quickly.
  • Try removing patches from your stack, one by one, starting at the bottom.
  • To do this, edit the run configuration .js file generated by thcrap in a plaintext editor like Notepad.
For example, if you only selected the English translation, you'd edit en.js (or whatever you've named it). You'd first remove the
, { "archive": "thpatch/lang_en/" }
section, then check whether that fixed your error, using your existing shortcuts or launchers. If it didn't, remove the next patch, and so on.
If you are unfamiliar with JSON, use JSONLint or JSON Formatter to verify the syntax of your edited file. This site also gives you helpful error messages if you e.g. left a comma at the end of the "patches" section.
  • If necessary, repeat this until you have no patches left. Note that running thcrap with no patches is still different from running the original, unpatched game. It still applies the game-independent features of thcrap, like its locale independence code or its propagation to child processes, onto the game, which might be the cause of your bug.
If the bug still appears with no patches, you're done. But if you could identify a patch that caused your issue:
  • Temporarily delete or rename thcrap_update.dll in the thcrap directory in order to disable automatic updates.
  • Look at thcrap_log.txt and check which files of that patch are actually loaded by the game. These are indicated by lines beginning with a + .
  • Delete those files one by one, until the bug doesn't appear any more.
These files will be re-downloaded once you restore thcrap_update.dll.

Kent iesues

The configuraetion tuil disna recogniys ma gemm, an nae shortcut's maed

If thon gemm happens ti be Icon th075.png Immaterial and Missing Power: thcrap disna support it yet.

If you're on Linux or MacOS with Wine, there seems to be a bug when when the game is in a subfolder of the selected folder (which happens when you add your folder with all your games in it). If this happens, you'll need to use the "Find games in a specific folder..." button to add each game one by one.

If it's no that, post the gemm's executable on aether discord.png Discord or irc.png wir IRC channel #thcrap on We'll see whit we can dui.


Untranslated Japanese text appears blank on Wine

This is a bug in Wine, and has not been fixed as of October 2017. Even if Japanese fonts are installed and work as intended on an unpatched game, Wine's font substitution is not sophisticated enough yet to use glyphs from these fonts in case the currently selected font (Touhou Biolinum for Latin script languages) does not contain Japanese glyphs.

Dialog disna fit in text box

For a pietie, ZUN's injin haes niver been aeble ti pit in liyn braks bi itsel, an we'r no wantan ti teckle this wi haean the wiki parser gess whaur ti pit a liyn brak. This meins that ilka liyn braks haes ti be pitten in manual-liyk.

If you see such a line, just log in, look for the corresponding page and split it yourself. If it's a third-party patch, then e-mail the project leader about the issue, or tell them on GitHub or wherever they host their patch.


Japanese text error
The ZUN Mutex

The error on the richt is shaun whan a Touhou gemm's stairtit an the'r anither Touhou gemm process activ, meinan that ye canna rin twa Touhou gemms at the saem tiym. Leuk in the Task Manager for ti see if the'r onie zombie processes an kill thaim if need be.

Sum translaets isna duin or is missan

Leuk at the text page for the translaet on this siyt; the translaets thaer liyklie haesna been feenisht yet.

Patch configuration

Hou dis Patch X no wirk wi Patch Y?

Whan ye'r uisan a wheen o patches, the order's important. For example sumbodie micht want ti uise Gamer251's Mima patch for the Mima spriyt an dialog, the Alphes patch for Alphes-style airt, an oor English patch for ti hae the laev o the gemm pitten in English. If thay wis ti uise the Mima patch first, than the Alphes patch, than the English aen, thay'd find oot that whiyl the ither patches wis applyed, the English tiytle screen wis applyed ti Mima's custom tiytle. Sae for a ordinar patch selection, the richt wey ti wael a patch, if it's no aureddie addit for you (as seen wi Nazeo's gangster patch), is ti uise the main langage first, than the mod.

The'r a error at says "version.js not found" whan uisan Wine (Linux an Mac)

This is a kent bug. Copie au the DLL fiyls frae the thcrap/bin directorie ti the thcrap directorie an try again, it sud wirk.

Also, if you previously applied the workaround where you copied some DLL files around, delete them. This workaround is no longer needed, and having old DLL files in the thcrap directory can cause a crash. You should not have any DLL file in the thcrap root folder.

The patch disna seem ti updaet.

A fou, manual reinstau o the newest version o thcrap fixes this for ordinar.


Something not covered here? Everything just going wrong? We have the solution! (Most of the time.)

Please visit our discord.png Discord or IRC channel #thcrap on Things we would need are OS, game, what you were doing, and the patcher's log file (thcrap_log.txt).

Run configuration parameters

Root level


Dumps original game data from the .dat archive as it's loaded.
As of the 2013-07-29 build, this also dumps the sprite boundaries for all graphic files.
values: false to disable, directory string to specify directory, anything else will enable dumping into game directory/dat


Turns the on-screen patch debuggin console on or aff.
values: true / false


Chiynjes the font uised in the gemm ti onie ither font instaued on yer sistem.
values: string

Patch level


Specifies the base directory of this patch. Must end in a forward slash (/).
As of the 2014-01-03 build, this can be a directory relative to the one the run configuration is stored in.
value: string


Ignores any files from this patch that match the given wildcard.
value: array of strings

Example: Disabling music title and spell card translations for a specific language

	"archive": "thpatch/lang_en/"
	"archive": "thpatch/lang_pt-br/",
	"ignore": ["*themes.js", "*spells.js"]


Set to false to disable automatic updates for this patch.
value: true/false

Alternatively, you can safely delete thcrap_update.dll after configuration to remove all on-line functionality.