Touhou Patch Center:常见问题

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This page is a translated version of the page Touhou Patch Center:FAQ and the translation is 67% complete.
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管理人员和编辑人员在很大程度上反对或根本不关心易于解析的 wiki 的想法。编写美观、一致的 MediaWiki 本身就是一项艰巨的任务。说实在的,试图让一个仅供屏幕阅读的 wiki 可解析感觉有点反直觉。
Doing this on would mean that we have to force this format upon the editor base. Not only do we expect to deal with a lot of opposition here, editing these existing pages also takes way longer than just creating them from scratch.
The wiki family concept
When moved from Wikia at the end of 2010, it was decided to include all its existing translations to build a new family of multilingual Touhou wikis hosted on one server. Technically, these wikis are not connected with each other, save for the shared image repository. While giving full autonomy to the individual language communities may be a good thing, it only creates a lot of unnecessary work in our case:
For each language we wanted to support, we would have to open an entire new wiki. Besides the preparation work needed on the server backend, this also involves a lot of duplication of content. We would need a new main page, copy-paste the entire template infrastructure used, hardcode the translations of these pages into the wiki code, and synchronize changes or updates of the translatable content across every one of these wikis.
At our site, creating a translation into a new language is as simple as selecting the language from a drop-down menu. Creating the remaining portals and integration into the automatic updater is a matter of a few minutes.
Seeing themselves as a derivative Touhou work, they feel bound by ZUN's terms of use. Thus, they do not want to post endings, but we would like to. For some, posting them in user space with spoiler toggles may be considered as less of an offense, but there is no reason for us to put up with such childish pretenses.

Even if we did manage to sit down, discuss, and somehow sort out all of these issues, the time spent on achieving this is wasted - there is zero benefit for anyone involved. The fragmentation of content (which, by the way, could be easily mitigated by merely linking here) and need for different user accounts hardly justifies this work.


For the older Windows games, this is probably true, since their English translations for these currently receive more attention than ours. As of Icon th14.png Double Dealing Character though, this has largely become a matter of personal taste.

Since their content is licensed under Creative Commons, we can freely use their existing translations for our cause. This means that we'll be gradually copy-pasting these to our page as long as we don't have our own translation for a certain source. Of course, we give full credit to the original authors whenever we are doing this.


In plain terms, this means the following:

  • In-game dialog tables require a |code= parameter containing the entry and time parameters from the .msg file. Each template call must correspond to one dialog box in-game and contain a maximum of 2 lines of dialog.
  • Spell card templates need to contain the number of the card.




In our opinion, this was the main issue why such a project was never considered. It certainly was a major factor in establishing "the English wiki" and "the English patch group" as separate entities, a distinction we aim to eradicate.









请使用 语言分支主页 来讨论讨论可能出现的任何问题并达成一致。 如果一个友好的解决方案真的不可能或适得其反,我们总是可以为不同的翻译可能性创建单独的语言代码(例如,“Literal字面的”和“idiomatic地道的”翻译),然后它们就可以共存了。






Generally, you should translate everything that can be translated and that would appear clearly visible in the game itself. After all, someone else who speaks the same language, is not connected to you or your translation group, or does not share your views on stupid sounding translations may come in at any time and translate these elements you left out. Of course, if everyone thinks a translation would sound stupid, no translation will ever be entered in the first place. As with this whole project, nobody forces you to do things you don't like to do.

If you prefer certain elements to stay in a different language, you can always use patch stacking and blacklist the respective files using the ignore parameter in your run configuration. This will be made user-friendlier once we have a graphical configuration tool.

In case you do decide to leave out certain things though, please really leave the boxes blank and don't copy-paste the English text in there.


Simply leave a message on the main talk page, and translation will be set up shortly.






Some of it:

  • Any wiki links are filtered out and rendered as expected.
  • Bold and italic text (as well as both at the same time) is displayed as such inside the games themselves.
  • Custom ruby markup (like this) works for in-game dialog in every game starting from Icon th11.png Subterranean Animism. Previously, we even "supported" games prior to that, but deprecated this support as the results weren't really legible in the lower resolution of the older games (see bug #47). That said, Ruby annotations are not really meant for Latin scripts anyway, and should thus be used sparingly with those. Rewriting the translation to somehow reflect the annotated information would be preferable in any case.
    • If the original Japanese text uses Ruby to put dots over (like this:) words (・・・・・・) for emphasis, italics (written using ''this syntax'') would be a better-looking alternative for languages using Latin script.
  • If you absolutely have to pad a text with spaces at the beginning or the end, you can use  . This is necessary for certain hardcoded ASCII strings.
  • HTML tags are generally not supported.




The Double Spoiler music room, displaying one test string comprised of multiple scripts.




当然可以!我们非常乐于引入已有的补丁。将链接发送至 ,我们会看看的。


你们的补丁在Linux或MacOS X上用Wine能用吗?



Nmlgc的script_latin 补丁包包含了对拉丁和西里尔文字足够Unicode覆盖的字体,也封入了必要的字体文件。我们为使用了这些文字的语言提供的所有翻译补丁包均包含了script_latin依赖。

其它未使用这些文字的语言(例如中文)不会包含script_latin,代之以指定一个适合显示该语言的Windows自带的字体(例如繁体中文使用“MingLiU”細明體,简体中文使用“SimHei”黑体)。 "译者注:针对简体中文补丁已有tpZHCNex可用,其效果与script_latin类似。"

Lastly, users can always override any default font setting by specifying a font parameter in the run configuration file created by thcrap.

In case a game uses two or more separate fonts, every replacement font from the second one on is set via hardcoded string translation. Currently, it is not possible to override these.

Is your patch compatible with the demo/trial versions of the Touhou games?

thcrap fully supports all trial versions that were released during the time where it was in active development - that is, all Team Shanghai Alice games released since Icon th14.png Double Dealing Character. Support for the trial versions of older games is still missing, though, as it just hasn't been a priority yet. While the configuration tool detects them, the basic technical support is still missing.









深秘录(Icon th145.png Urban Legend in Limbo)已完全支持。
对绯想天(Icon th105.png Scarlet Weather Rhapsody)、非想天则(Icon th123.png Touhou Hisoutensoku)、 心绮楼(Icon th135.png Hopeless Masquerade)和凭依华(Icon th155.png Antinomy of Common Flowers)的适配依旧进行中。
而最后一个没有被适配的格斗作是萃梦想(Icon th075.png Immaterial and Missing Power),我们将最终完成对它的支持。


We'd love to tackle Shuusou Gyoku and Kioh Gyoku, even more so than the fighting games. Popular opinion, however, will probably think the other way round.

Banshiryuu, on the other hand, is such a trainwreck that we rank it on the same level as a generic and unimportant fan game.


然而,对旧作的多语言翻译是困难的。而终极的ReC98 项目计划计划把旧作迁移至现代系统平台,


Generally, we don't want to deal with any hacking work on those on our own. However, we would definitely be open to provide hosting for any patch that wants to use either

  • this website for storing and serving translations (it will be treated like any other game already translatable on this site)
  • our engine for data injection into the game (in this case, we merely host the patch archive or installer)
  • or both.

The translation group for the respective game still remains responsible to supply the necessary code injection points, assembly hacks, and data conversion scripts.


No problem. This wiki provides text translations in both the JSON format used in our existing patches (example), or in gettext .po format (example, right-click to save with the correct file name). You can then use this data in any way you wish, either as a part of your asset pipeline, or by automatically downloading these client-side, as in thcrap.

Please contact us on discord.png Discord or facebook.png Facebook to organize the process.

However, please keep the following in mind:

  • Both your original text and the translations will have to be licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International, and will be freely readable on this webpage.
  • While our site can provide translations for images, please try to keep the amount of those at a minimum, as image translation is typically rather time-consuming.

Fan games with ZUN's involvement? E.g. Torte le Magic, Magus in Mystic Geometries? Or are they treated the same as 'fan games' above?

The deciding factor is the engine used by the game, not which people were involved in its creation. We are very reluctant to develop automatic patching for an engine that will probably never be used for a different game ever again.

That said, ...


