Touhou Patch Center: Popis pjesama

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This page is a translated version of the page Touhou Patch Center:List of music themes and the translation is 5% complete.


The Touhou series contains a total of 826 individual pieces of music, 873 when taking slightly arranged versions into account. This is a complete list of these pieces, containing their original Japanese titles, their English translations, information about their arrangement relation among each other, and links to further commentary about the music.

The translations can be edited through the Theme Database translation group. To display translations into a different language not present in the language selector on the top of this page, simply start a new translation of this page into the desired language.


This theme database was developed to create a central point to serve theme data, most importantly ever-changing translations, to whatever other project may need them. This is why it also includes themes of music CDs and games our patch engine doesn't cover.

The underlying data can be retrieved in JSON format at the following URLs:

  • Japanese titles:

  • English titles:

  • Source theme data:

For more information, refer to the API documentation.

Arrangement / duplicate distinction

This page lists every occurrence of every track in Music Room or CD order. Extra tracks appearing on OST releases only are counted toward the main game.

  • Duplicates are reappearances of a certain theme, which were not or only slightly altered. Versions which only differ in the instruments used or in their production also fall in this category.
  • Arrangements, on the other hand, significantly differ and add new musical ideas. Thus, they should be counted as individual pieces.

This distinction was originally created for a cleaner and more powerful organization of fan arrangements (see Building a Western Touhou arrangement community through a centralized database, page 9). Even though nothing ever came out of that concept document, we're still providing the data gathered in case someone might want to do something with it after all.

Glavna serija

# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th_main テーマ・オブ・イースタンストーリー ''Theme of Eastern Story''



Icon th01.png Highly Responsive to Prayers


Track 12 and 13 are known under two different titles—the original title listed in the Highly Responsive to Prayers music test and a newer title used on all later releases (i.e. in the Mystic Square music room and on Akyu's Untouched Score). This leads to the conclusion that ZUN wanted to retroactively rename these tracks, with the later title being preferred over the older one. Thus, the new titles are assigned to the standard track number, and the original titles are preserved under 12a and 13a.

# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th01_01 A Sacred Lot ''A Sacred Lot''
th01_02 永遠の巫女 Vječna svećenica
th01_03 The Positive and Negative ''The Positive and Negative''
th01_04 Highly Responsive to Prayers ''Highly Responsive to Prayers''
th01_05 東方怪奇談 Čudna istočna diskusija
th01_06 天使伝説 Anđeoska legenda
th01_07 Oriental Magician ''Oriental Magician''
th01_08 破邪の小太刀 Kodachi savladavanja zla
th01_09 魔鏡 Čarobno ogledalo
th01_10 the Legend of KAGE ''the Legend of KAGE''
th01_11 いざ、倒れ逝くその時まで Od sad do trenutka srmti
th01_12 Civilization of Magic ''Civilization of Magic''
th01_12a 死なばもろとも Umrimo skupa
th01_13 星幽天使 Anđeo blijede zvijezde
th01_13a 星幽剣士 Mačeovac blijede zvijezde
th01_14 アイリス ''Iris''
th01_15 風の神社 Svetište vjetra


Icon th02.png Story of Eastern Wonderland


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th02_01 東方封魔録 ~浄土曼荼羅 Touhou: Zlopečateći zapis ~ Mandala čiste zemlje
th02_02 博麗 ~Eastern Wind Hakurei ~ ''Eastern Wind''
th02_03 She's in a temper!! ''She's in a temper!!''
th02_04 End of Daylight ''End of Daylight''
th02_05 やみのちから Moć tame
th02_06 幻夢界 Svijet fantazije
th02_07 死を賭して Klađenje na smrt
th02_08 ひもろぎ、むらさきにもえ Himorogi, gori ljubičasto
th02_09 恋色マジック Magija boje ljubavi
th02_10 東方封魔録 ~幽幻乱舞 Touhou: Zlopečateći zapis ~ Buran ples fantoma
th02_11 Complete Darkness ''Complete Darkness''
th02_12 エキストララブ ''Extra Love''
th02_13 戦車むすめのみるゆめ San djevojke tenka
th02_14 遠野の森 Šuma Tōno
th02_15 昔話わんだーらんど Legendarna zemlja čudesa
th02_16 博麗神社境内 Zemljište svetišta Hakurei
th02_17 陽落ちて Zalazak sunca
th02_18 封魔終演 Finale zapečaćenog zla


Icon th03.png Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th03_01 夢は時空を越えて San koji prolazi prostorvremenom
th03_02 Selection ''Selection''
th03_03 東方妖恋談 Čudna istočna ljubavna priča
th03_04 Reincarnation ''Reincarnation''
th03_05 Dim. Dream ''Dim. Dream''
th03_06 Tabula rasa ~空白少女 ''Tabula rasa'' ~ Šuplja djevojka
th03_07 Maniacal Princess ''Maniacal Princess''
th03_08 夢消失 ~Lost Dream Nestajanje sna ~ ''Lost Dream''
th03_09 夢幻遊戯 ~Dream War Vizionarna igra ~ ''Dream War''
th03_10 勝利デモ Demonstracija pobjede
th03_11 魔法決戦!~Fight it out! Ključna čarobna bitka! ~ ''Fight it out!''
th03_12 非統一魔法世界論 Nejedinstvena teorija polja čarolije
th03_13 Sailor of Time ''Sailor of Time''
th03_14 魔法鐘愛 Strast za magiju
th03_15 Strawberry Crisis!! ''Strawberry Crisis!!''
th03_16 久遠の夢 Vječiti san
th03_17 東方の青い空 Plavo istočno nebo
th03_18 永遠の満月 Puni mjesec vječnosti
th03_19 Maple Dream... ''Maple Dream...''
th03_20 ゲームオーバー ''Game Over''
th03_21 霊人の休日 Duhov blagdan
th03_22 時の風 Vjetar vremena
th03_23 スターボウドリーム ''Starbow Dream''
th03_24 Phantasmagoria ''Phantasmagoria''


Icon th04.png Lotus Land Story


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th04_01 幻想郷 ~ Lotus Land Story Zemlja fantazije ~ ''Lotus Land Story''
th04_02 Witching Dream ''Witching Dream''
th04_03 Selene's Light ''Selene's Light''
th04_04 装飾戦 ~ Decoration Battle Ukrasna bitka ~ ''Decoration Battle''
th04_05 Break the Sabbath ''Break the Sabbath''
th04_06 紅響曲 ~ Scarlet Phoneme Crvena simfonija ~ ''Scarlet Phoneme''
th04_07 Bad Apple!! ''Bad Apple!!''
th04_08 霊戦 ~ Perdition crisis Duhovna bitka ~ ''Perdition crisis''
th04_09 アリスマエステラ ''Alice Maestra''
th04_10 少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio Djevin capriccio ~ ''Capriccio''
th04_11 星の器 ~ Casket of Star Zvjezdana posuda ~ ''Casket of Star''
th04_12 Lotus Love ''Lotus Love''
th04_13 眠れる恐怖 ~ Sleeping Terror Usnuli strah ~ ''Sleeping Terror''
th04_14 Dream Land ''Dream Land''
th04_15 幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream Blijedi san ~ ''Inanimate Dream''
th04_16 禁じざるをえない遊戯 Trajno zabranjena igra
th04_17 メイド幻想 ~ Icemilk Magic Fantazija sluškinje ~ ''Icemilk Magic''
th04_18 かわいい悪魔 ~ Innocence Slatka vražica ~ ''Innocence''
th04_19 Days ''Days''
th04_20 Peaceful ''Peaceful''
th04_21 Arcadian Dream ''Arcadian Dream''
th04_22 幻想の住人 Stanovnici fantazije
th04_23 Lotus Road ''Lotus Road''
th04_24 Dreamy Pilot ''Dreamy Pilot''
th04_25 Incomplete Plot ''Incomplete Plot''
th04_26 Border Land ''Border Land''
th04_27 Magic Shop of Raspberry ''Magic Shop of Raspberry''
th04_28 Crescent Dream ''Crescent Dream''
th04_29 装飾戦 ~ Decoration Battle (未使用バージョン) Ukrasna bitka ~ ''Decoration Battle'' (nekorištena verzija) th04_04 (obrada)
th04_30 幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream (未使用バージョン) Blijedi san ~ ''Inanimate Dream'' (nekorištena verzija) th04_15 (obrada)


Icon th05.png Mystic Square


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th05_01 怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square Bizarna romantična priča ~ ''Mystic Square''
th05_02 Dream Express ''Dream Express''
th05_03 魔法陣 ~ Magic Square Čarobni krug ~ ''Magic Square''
th05_04 夢想時空 Vizionarno prostorvrijeme
th05_05 霊天 ~ Spiritual Heaven Duhovna nebesa ~ ''Spiritual Heaven''
th05_06 Romantic Children ''Romantic Children''
th05_07 プラスチックマインド ''Plastic Mind''
th05_08 メイプルワイズ ''Maple Wise''
th05_09 禁断の魔法 ~ Forbidden Magic Zabranjena čarolija ~ ''Forbidden Magic''
th05_10 真紅の少女 ~ Crimson Dead!! Grimizna djevojka ~ ''Crimson Dead!!''
th05_11 裏切りの少女 ~ Judas Kiss Izdajnička djevojka ~ ''Judas Kiss''
th05_12 the Last Judgement ''the Last Judgement''
th05_13 悲しき人形 ~ Doll of Misery Jadna lutka ~ ''Doll of Misery''
th05_14 世界の果て ~ World's End Kraj svijeta ~ ''World's End''
th05_15 神話幻想 ~ Infinite Being Legendarna fantazija ~ ''Infinite Being''
th05_16 不思議の国のアリス Alisa u zemlji čudesa
th05_17 the Grimoire of Alice ''the Grimoire of Alice''
th05_18 神社 Svetište
th05_19 Endless ''Endless''
th05_20 久遠の楽園 Vječiti raj
th05_21 Mystic Dream ''Mystic Dream''
th05_22 魂の休らむ所 Dušino mjesto pokoja
th05_23 Peaceful Romancer ''Peaceful Romancer''

=== Windows ===


Icon th06.png Embodiment of Scarlet Devil


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th06_01 赤より紅い夢 San više skrletan nego crven th_main (obrada)
th06_02 ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 Duša skrletna kao šumska mjehurica
th06_03 妖魔夜行 Sablasti se noću kreću
th06_04 ルーネイトエルフ <i$Lunate Elf >
th06_05 おてんば恋娘 Zaljubljena muškaračica
th06_06 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea Šangajska kuća čaja ~ <i$Chinese Tea >
th06_07 明治十七年の上海アリス Šangajska Alice Meijija 17
th06_08 ヴワル魔法図書館 Voile, čarobna knjižnica
th06_09 ラクトガール ~ 少女密室 <i$Locked Girl> ~ Djevojkina zaključana soba
th06_10 メイドと血の懐中時計 Sluškinja i krvav džepni sat
th06_11 月時計 ~ ルナ・ダイアル Mjesečev sat ~ <i$Luna Dial >
th06_12 ツェペシュの幼き末裔 Djetinjasta potomkinja Tepeša
th06_13 亡き王女の為のセプテット Septet za mrtvu princezu
th06_14 魔法少女達の百年祭 Stogodišnjica za čarobne djevojke
th06_15 U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? U.N. Owen je bila ona?
th06_16 紅より儚い永遠 Vječnost više prolazna nego skrletna th_main (obrada)
th06_17 紅楼 ~ Eastern Dream... Skrletni paviljon ~ <i$Eastern Dream...>


Icon th07.png Perfect Cherry Blossom


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th07_01 妖々夢 ~ Snow or Cherry Petal Sablasan san ~ <i$Snow or Cherry Petal> th_main (obrada)
th07_02 無何有の郷 ~ Deep Mountain Zemljani raj ~ <i$Deep Mountain>
th07_03 クリスタライズシルバー <i$Crystallized Silver>
th07_04 遠野幻想物語 Fantastične priče iz Tōnoa
th07_05 ティアオイエツォン(withered leaf) <i$Diāo yè zōng (withered leaf)>
th07_06 ブクレシュティの人形師 Lutkarica iz Bukurešta
th07_07 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女 Lutkin sud ~ Djevojka koja se igra s figurama ljudi
th07_08 天空の花の都 Nebeski grad cvijeća
th07_09 幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble Orkestar fantoma ~ <i$Phantom Ensemble>
th07_10 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple Istočan sablasan san ~ <i$Ancient Temple>
th07_11 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? Hiroari puca u čudnu pticu ~ <i$Till When?>
th07_12 アルティメットトゥルース <i$Ultimate Truth>
th07_13 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life Cvjetaj plemenito, crna trešnjo ~ <i$Border of Life>
th07_14 ボーダーオブライフ <i$Border of Life> th07_13 (obrada)
th07_15 妖々跋扈 Sablasno divljanje
th07_16 少女幻葬 ~ Necro-Fantasy Djevin iluzorni sprovod ~ <i$Necro-Fantasy>
th07_17 妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it! Sablasno divljanje ~ <i$Who done it!> th07_15 (duplikat)
th07_18 ネクロファンタジア <i$Necrofantasia> th07_16 (obrada)
th07_19 春風の夢 San o proljetnom povjetarcu
th07_20 さくらさくら ~ Japanize Dream... Sakura, sakura ~ <i$Japanize Dream...>


Icon th075.png Immaterial and Missing Power touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th075_01 萃夢想 (untranslated) th075_34 (obrada) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #01
th075_02 東方妖恋談 Čudna istočna ljubavna priča th03_03 (obrada) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #02
th075_03 少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio Djevin capriccio ~ ''Capriccio'' th04_10 (obrada) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #03
th075_04 恋色マジック Magija boje ljubavi th02_09 (obrada) [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #04
th075_05 魔女達の舞踏会 (untranslated) sh01_17 (obrada) [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #05
th075_06 メイドと血の懐中時計 Sluškinja i krvav džepni sat th06_10 (obrada) [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #06
th075_07 月時計 ~ ルナ・ダイアル Mjesečev sat ~ <i$Luna Dial > th06_11 (obrada) [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #07
th075_08 ブクレシュティの人形師 Lutkarica iz Bukurešta th07_06 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #08
th075_09 人形裁判 Lutkin sud th07_07 (obrada) [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #09
th075_10 ラクトガール ~ 少女密室 <i$Locked Girl> ~ Djevojkina zaključana soba th06_09 (obrada) [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #10
th075_11 ヴワル魔法図書館 Voile, čarobna knjižnica th06_08 (obrada) [[:hr:


#11| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #11
th075_12 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? Hiroari puca u čudnu pticu ~ <i$Till When?> th07_11 (obrada) [[:hr:


#12| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #12
th075_13 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple Istočan sablasan san ~ <i$Ancient Temple> th07_10 (obrada) [[:hr:


#13| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #13
th075_14 亡き王女の為のセプテット Septet za mrtvu princezu th06_13 (obrada) [[:hr:


#14| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #14
th075_15 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life Cvjetaj plemenito, crna trešnjo ~ <i$Border of Life> th07_13 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#15| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #15
th075_16 Demystify Feast <i$Demystify Feast> [[:hr:


#16| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #16
th075_17 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star (untranslated) [[:hr:


#17| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #17
th075_18 御伽の国の鬼が島 ~ Missing Power (untranslated) [[:hr:


#18| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #18
th075_19 夏明き (untranslated) [[:hr:


#19| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #19
th075_20 東方萃夢想 (untranslated) th075_34 (obrada) [[:hr:


#20| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #20
th075_21 魔所 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#21| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #21
th075_22 月輪 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#22| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #22
th075_23 遍参 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#23| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #23
th075_24 裏心 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#24| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #24
th075_25 Intermezzo Intermezzo [[:hr:


#25| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #25
th075_26 あゆのかぜ (untranslated) [[:hr:


#26| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #26
th075_27 森閑 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#27| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #27
th075_28 仰空 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#28| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #28
th075_29 幽境 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#29| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #29
th075_30 珍客 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#30| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #30
th075_31 紅夜 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#31| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #31
th075_32 戦迅 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#32| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #32
th075_33 禍機 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#33| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #33
th075_34 砕月 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#34| ]] link=:hr: Immaterial_and_Missing_Power/Music #34


Icon th08.png Imperishable Night


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th08_01 永夜抄 ~ Eastern Night Ulomak iz vječne noći ~ <i$Eastern Night> th_main (obrada)
th08_02 幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes Noć iluzija ~ <i$Ghostly Eyes> mcd_02_05 (duplikat)
th08_03 蠢々秋月 ~ Mooned Insect Gmižući jesenjski mjesec ~ <i$Mooned Insect>
th08_04 夜雀の歌声 ~ Night Bird Pjesma noćnog vrapca ~ <i$Night Bird>
th08_05 もう歌しか聞こえない Sad se samo pjesma čuje
th08_06 懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World Sjetna krv istoka ~ <i$Old World>
th08_07 プレインエイジア <i$Plain Asia>
th08_08 永夜の報い ~ Imperishable Night Odmazda za vječnu noć ~ <i$Imperishable Night> th_main (obrada)
th08_09 少女綺想曲 ~ Dream Battle Djevin capriccio ~ <i$Dream Battle> th04_10 (obrada)
th08_10 恋色マスタースパーク <i$Master Spark> boje ljubavi th02_09 (obrada)
th08_11 シンデレラケージ ~ Kagome-Kagome <i$Cinderella Cage> ~ <i$Kagome-Kagome>
th08_12 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon Oči lunatizma ~ <i$Invisible Full Moon>
th08_13 ヴォヤージュ1969 <i$Voyage 1969>
th08_14 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon Gensokyovo tisućljeće ~ <i$History of the Moon>
th08_15 竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic Princess Bijeg rezača bambusa ~ <i$Lunatic Princess>
th08_16 ヴォヤージュ1970 <i$Voyage 1970>
th08_17 エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人 <i$Extend Ash> ~ Horajska osoba
th08_18 月まで届け、不死の煙 Dosegni mjesec, dime besmrtnosti
th08_19 月見草 Noćurak
th08_20 Eternal Dream ~ 幽玄の槭樹 <i$Eternal Dream> ~ Mistični javor th03_19 (obrada)
th08_21 東方妖怪小町 Istočna yōkai ljepotica


Icon th09.png Phantasmagoria of Flower View


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th09_01 花映塚 ~ Higan Retour Odražavajući cvjetni humak ~ Higan Retour th_main (obrada)
th09_02 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path Proljetni puteljak ~ Colorful Path
th09_03 オリエンタルダークフライト Oriental Dark Flight
th09_04 フラワリングナイト Flowering Night
th09_05 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple Istočan sablasan san ~ <i$Ancient Temple> mcd_02_03 (duplikat)
th09_06 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon Oči lunatizma ~ <i$Invisible Full Moon> th08_12 (duplikat)
th09_07 おてんば恋娘の冒険 Avanture zaljubljene muškaračice th06_05 (obrada)
th09_08 幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble Orkestar fantoma ~ <i$Phantom Ensemble> th07_09 (duplikat)
th09_09 もう歌しか聞こえない ~ Flower Mix Sad se samo pjesma čuje ~ Flower Mix th08_05 (duplikat)
th09_10 お宇佐さまの素い幡 Bijeli barjak Use
th09_11 風神少女 Djevojka božica vjetra
th09_12 ポイズンボディ ~ Forsaken Doll Poison Body ~ Forsaken Doll
th09_13 今昔幻想郷 ~ Flower Land Gensokyova prošlost i sadašnjost ~ Flower Land
th09_14 彼岸帰航 ~ Riverside View Povratak u Higan ~ Riverside View
th09_15 六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years Sud istoku u šezdesetoj godini ~ Fate of Sixty Years
th09_16 花の映る塚 Humak gdje se odražava cvijeće th09_01 (obrada)
th09_17 此岸の塚 Humak Shigana
th09_18 花は幻想のままに Cvijeće ostaje fantazija
th09_19 魂の花 ~ Another Dream... Cvijeće duha ~ Another Dream...


Icon th095.png Shoot the Bullet


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th095_01 天狗の手帖 ~ Mysterious Note Tenguina bilježnica ~ Mysterious Note th_main (obrada)
th095_02 風の循環 ~ Wind Tour Cirkulacija vjetra ~ Wind Tour
th095_03 天狗が見ている ~ Black Eyes Tengu motri ~ Black Eyes
th095_04 東の国の眠らない夜 Besana noć istoka
th095_05 レトロスペクティブ京都 Retrospective Kyoto
th095_06 風神少女 Djevojka božica vjetra th09_11 (duplikat)


Icon th10.png Mountain of Faith


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th10_01 封印されし神々 Zapečaćeni bogovi th_main (obrada)
th10_02 人恋し神様 ~ Romantic Fall Božica koja žudi za ljudima ~ Romantic Fall
th10_03 稲田姫様に叱られるから Jer me kori princeza Inada
th10_04 厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road Put boga nesreće ~ Dark Road
th10_05 運命のダークサイド Tamna strana sudbine
th10_06 神々が恋した幻想郷 Gensokyo koji su voljeli bogovi
th10_07 芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend Akutagawa Ryuunosukina „Kappa” ~ Candid Friend
th10_08 フォールオブフォール ~ 秋めく滝 Fall of Fall ~ Jesenjski slap
th10_09 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain Gora yōkaija ~ Mysterious Mountain
th10_10 少女が見た日本の原風景 Iskonski prizor Japana koji je djevojka vidjela
th10_11 信仰は儚き人間の為に Vjera je za prolazne ljude
th10_12 御柱の墓場 ~ Grave of Being Groblje onbashira ~ Grave of Being
th10_13 神さびた古戦場 ~ Suwa Foughten Field Veličanstveno drevno bojište ~ Suwa Foughten Field
th10_14 明日ハレの日、ケの昨日 Sutra će biti posebno, jučer nije bilo
th10_15 ネイティブフェイス Native Faith
th10_16 麓の神社 Svetište na podnožju gore
th10_17 神は恵みの雨を降らす ~ Sylphid Dream Bogovi nam šalju blagoslovljenu kišu ~ Sylphid Dream
th10_18 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score th10_13 (obrada)


Icon th105.png Scarlet Weather Rhapsody touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th105_01 緋想天 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #01
th105_02 日常坐臥 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #02
th105_03 地の色は黄色 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #03
th105_04 甲論乙駁 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #04
th105_05 風光明媚 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #05
th105_06 香る樹葉花 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #06
th105_07 踊る水飛沫 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #07
th105_08 以魚駆蠅 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #08
th105_09 放縦不羈 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #09
th105_10 嘲りの遊戯 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #10
th105_11 冷吟閑酔 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#11| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #11
th105_12 雲外蒼天 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#12| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #12
th105_13 黒い海に紅く ~ Legendary Fish (untranslated) [[:hr:


#13| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #13
th105_14 天衣無縫 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#14| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #14
th105_15 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven (untranslated) [[:hr:


#15| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #15
th105_16 幼心地の有頂天 (untranslated) th105_15 (obrada) [[:hr:


#16| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #16
th105_17 暮色蒼然 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#17| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #17
th105_18 東方緋想天 (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#18| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #18
th105_19 東方妖恋談 Čudna istočna ljubavna priča th03_03 (obrada) [[:hr:


#19| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #19
th105_20 星の器 ~ Casket of Star Zvjezdana posuda ~ ''Casket of Star'' th04_11 (obrada) [[:hr:


#20| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #20
th105_21 フラワリングナイト Flowering Night th09_04 (obrada) [[:hr:


#21| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #21
th105_22 ブクレシュティの人形師 Lutkarica iz Bukurešta th07_06 (obrada) [[:hr:


#22| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #22
th105_23 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? Hiroari puca u čudnu pticu ~ <i$Till When?> th07_11 (obrada) [[:hr:


#23| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #23
th105_24 ラクトガール ~ 少女密室 <i$Locked Girl> ~ Djevojkina zaključana soba th06_09 (obrada) [[:hr:


#24| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #24
th105_25 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life Cvjetaj plemenito, crna trešnjo ~ <i$Border of Life> th07_13 (obrada) [[:hr:


#25| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #25
th105_26 亡き王女の為のセプテット Septet za mrtvu princezu th06_13 (obrada) [[:hr:


#26| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #26
th105_27 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star (untranslated) th075_17 (obrada) [[:hr:


#27| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #27
th105_28 砕月 (untranslated) th075_34 (obrada) [[:hr:


#28| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #28
th105_29 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon Oči lunatizma ~ <i$Invisible Full Moon> th08_12 (obrada) [[:hr:


#29| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #29
th105_30 風神少女 Djevojka božica vjetra th09_11 (obrada) [[:hr:


#30| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #30
th105_31 彼岸帰航 ~ Riverside View Povratak u Higan ~ Riverside View th09_14 (obrada) [[:hr:


#31| ]] link=:hr: Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Music #31


Icon th11.png Subterranean Animism


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th11_01 地霊達の起床 Buđenje zemljanih duhova th_main (obrada)
th11_02 暗闇の風穴 Tamna špilja vjetrenica
th11_03 封じられた妖怪 ~ Lost Place Zapečaćeni yōkai ~ Lost Place
th11_04 渡る者の途絶えた橋 Most kojim su ljudi prestali prelaziti
th11_05 緑眼のジェラシー Zelenooka zavist
th11_06 旧地獄街道を行く Šetnja cestom bivšeg pakla
th11_07 華のさかづき大江山 Cvjetno ukrašena posuda sa sakeom na Ōeyami
th11_08 ハートフェルトファンシー Heartfelt Fancy
th11_09 少女さとり ~ 3rd eye Satori djevojka ~ 3rd eye
th11_10 廃獄ララバイ Uspavanka napuštenog pakla
th11_11 死体旅行 ~ Be of good cheer! Putovanje trupla ~ Be of good cheer!
th11_12 業火マントル Paklene vatre plašta
th11_13 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion Solarna sekta mistične mudrosti ~ Nuclear Fusion
th11_14 ラストリモート Last Remote
th11_15 ハルトマンの妖怪少女 Hartmannova yōkai djevojka
th11_16 地霊達の帰宅 Povratak zemljanih duhova
th11_17 エネルギー黎明 ~ Future Dream... Energetska zora ~ Future Dream...
th11_18 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score th10_18 (duplikat)


Icon th12.png Undefined Fantastic Object


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th12_01 青空の影 Sjena na plavom nebu th_main (obrada)
th12_02 春の湊に Isplovljenje proljeća
th12_03 小さな小さな賢将 Mala malešna pametna zapovjednica
th12_04 閉ざせし雲の通い路 Put zatvorenih oblaka
th12_05 万年置き傘にご注意を Pripazi na kišobran koji je zauvijek ostavljen
th12_06 スカイルーイン Sky Ruin
th12_07 時代親父とハイカラ少女 Starac i otmjena djevojka
th12_08 幽霊客船の時空を越えた旅 Prostorvremeno putovanje sablasnog putničkog broda
th12_09 キャプテン・ムラサ Captain Murasa
th12_10 魔界地方都市エソテリア Esoterija provincijskog grada u makaiju
th12_11 虎柄の毘沙門天 Tigrasti Bishamonten
th12_12 法界の火 Vatre hokkaija
th12_13 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind Neboder emocije ~ Cosmic Mind
th12_14 夜空のユーフォーロマンス NLO romansa na noćnom nebu
th12_15 平安のエイリアン Heianska vanzemaljkinja
th12_16 妖怪寺 Yōkaijev hram th12_01 (obrada)
th12_17 空の帰り道 ~ Sky Dream Povratak doma s neba ~ Nebeski san th12_13 (obrada)
th12_18 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score th10_18 (duplikat)


Icon th123.png Touhou Hisoutensoku touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th123_01 君はあの影を見たか? (untranslated) th105_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #01
th123_02 萃夢想 (untranslated) th075_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #02
th123_03 伝説の巨神 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #03
th123_04 信仰は儚き人間の為に Vjera je za prolazne ljude th10_11 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #04
th123_05 おてんば恋娘 Zaljubljena muškaračica th06_05 (obrada) [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #05
th123_06 人形のある風景 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #06
th123_07 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea Šangajska kuća čaja ~ <i$Chinese Tea > th06_06 (obrada) [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #07
th123_08 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion Solarna sekta mistične mudrosti ~ Nuclear Fusion th11_13 (obrada) [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #08
th123_09 ぼくらの非想天則 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #09
th123_10 アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure (untranslated) [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #10
th123_11 空に浮かぶ物体X (untranslated) th123_10 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#11| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #11
th123_12 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients Dvobojni lotosni leptir ~ ''Ancients'' sh01_18 (obrada) [[:hr:


#12| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #12
th123_13 恋色マジック Magija boje ljubavi th02_09 (obrada) [[:hr:


#13| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #13
th123_14 the Grimoire of Alice ''the Grimoire of Alice'' th05_17 (obrada) [[:hr:


#14| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #14
th123_15 ヴワル魔法図書館 Voile, čarobna knjižnica th075_11 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#15| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #15
th123_16 明日ハレの日、ケの昨日 Sutra će biti posebno, jučer nije bilo th10_14 (obrada) [[:hr:


#16| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #16
th123_17 悠久の蒸気機関 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#17| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #17
th123_18 巨大な影と小さな結末 (untranslated) th123_17 + th123_01 (obrada) [[:hr:


#18| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #18
th123_19 東方妖恋談 (世紀末バージョン) (untranslated) th03_03 (obrada) [[:hr:


#19| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Hisoutensoku/Music #19


Icon th125.png Double Spoiler


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th125_01 ニュースハウンド Newshound th_main (obrada)
th125_02 あなたの町の怪事件 Misterij u tvom gradu
th125_03 妖怪モダンコロニー Moderna yōkai kolonija
th125_04 ネメシスの要塞 Uporište neprijatelja
th125_05 無間の鐘 ~ Infinite Nightmare Zvono Avīcija ~ Infinite Nightmare
th125_06 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain Gora yōkaija ~ Mysterious Mountain th10_09 (duplikat)
th125_07 はたてアンロック Hatate Unlock th125_01 (obrada)


Icon th128.png Fairy Wars


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th128_01 春の氷精 Proljetna vila leda th_main (obrada)
th128_02 可愛い大戦争のリフレーン (untranslated) mcd_fairy03_01 (duplikat)
th128_03 いたずらに命をかけて Stavljanje života na kocku zbog podvale
th128_04 年中夢中の好奇心 Cjelogodišnja apsorbirana radoznalost
th128_05 真夜中のフェアリーダンス Ponoćni ples vila
th128_06 妖精大戦争 ~ Fairy Wars Veliki ratovi vila ~ Fairy Wars
th128_07 ルーズレイン Loose Rain
th128_08 メイガスナイト Magus Night
th128_09 春の氷精 - 静 - Proljetna vila leda - i dalje - th128_01 (obrada)
th128_10 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score th10_18 (obrada)


Icon th13.png Ten Desires


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th13_01 欲深き霊魂 Duhovi čiste pohlepe th_main (obrada)
th13_02 死霊の夜桜 Noćne trešnje duhova mrtvih
th13_03 ゴーストリード Ghost Lead
th13_04 妖怪寺へようこそ Dobrodošli u hram yōkaija
th13_05 門前の妖怪小娘 Yōkai djevojka pred vratima
th13_06 素敵な墓場で暮しましょ Hajdemo živjeti na prelijepom groblju
th13_07 リジッドパラダイス Rigid Paradise
th13_08 デザイアドライブ Desire Drive
th13_09 古きユアンシェン Stara Yaunxian
th13_10 夢殿大祀廟 Veliki mauzolej dvorane snova
th13_11 大神神話伝 Legenda o Ōmiwi
th13_12 小さな欲望の星空 Zvjezdano nebo malih žudnji
th13_13 聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator Legenda o Shōtokuu ~ True Administrator
th13_14 妖怪裏参道 Yōkaijev stražnji put do hrama
th13_15 佐渡の二ッ岩 Futatsuiwa iz Sada
th13_16 神社の新しい風 Novi vjetar kod svetišta
th13_17 デザイアドリーム Desire Dream
th13_18 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score th128_10 (duplikat)


Icon th135.png Hopeless Masquerade touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th135_01 塵界不変のペシミズム~心綺楼囃子 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #01
th135_02 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path Proljetni puteljak ~ Colorful Path [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #02
th135_03 メイガスナイト Magus Night [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #03
th135_04 時代親父とハイカラ少女 Starac i otmjena djevojka [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #04
th135_05 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind Neboder emocije ~ Cosmic Mind [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #05
th135_06 大神神話伝 Legenda o Ōmiwi [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #06
th135_07 聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator Legenda o Shōtokuu ~ True Administrator [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #07
th135_08 芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend Akutagawa Ryuunosukina „Kappa” ~ Candid Friend [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #08
th135_09 ハルトマンの妖怪少女 Hartmannova yōkai djevojka [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #09
th135_10 佐渡の二ッ岩 Futatsuiwa iz Sada [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #10
th135_11 幻想郷の二ッ岩 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#11| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #11
th135_12 亡失のエモーション (untranslated) [[:hr:


#12| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #12
th135_13 塵界不変のペシミズム (untranslated) [[:hr:


#13| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #13
th135_14 心綺楼囃子 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#14| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #14
th135_15 暁雲 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#15| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #15
th135_16 官板黄昏新聞 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#16| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #16
th135_17 本日の一面記事 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#17| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #17
th135_18 心綺楼祭囃子 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#18| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #18
th135_19 人気のある場所 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#19| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #19
th135_20 人気のない場所 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#20| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #20
th135_21 使われなかった場所 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#21| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #21
th135_22 丑三つ時の里 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#22| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #22
th135_23 演者選択 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#23| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #23
th135_24 人気爆発/博麗霊夢 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#24| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #24
th135_25 人気爆発/霧雨魔理沙 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#25| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #25
th135_26 人気爆発/雲居一輪&雲山 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#26| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #26
th135_27 人気爆発/聖白蓮 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#27| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #27
th135_28 人気爆発/物部布都 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#28| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #28
th135_29 人気爆発/豊聡耳神子 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#29| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #29
th135_30 人気爆発/河城にとり (untranslated) [[:hr:


#30| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #30
th135_31 人気爆発/古明地こいし (untranslated) [[:hr:


#31| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #31
th135_32 人気爆発/二ッ岩マミゾウ (untranslated) [[:hr:


#32| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #32
th135_33 人気爆発/秦こころ (untranslated) [[:hr:


#33| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #33
th135_34 ラストワード発動 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#34| ]] link=:hr: Hopeless_Masquerade/Music #34


Icon th14.png Double Dealing Character


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th14_01 不思議なお祓い棒 Čudnovata šipka za pročišćavanje
th14_02 ミストレイク Mist Lake
th14_03 秘境のマーメイド Sirena iz neistraženog kraja
th14_04 運河を行き交う人妖 Kanal kojim putuju ljudi i sablasti
th14_05 柳の下のデュラハン Dullahan pod vrbom
th14_06 満月の竹林 Šuma bambusa punog mjeseca
th14_07 孤独なウェアウルフ Usamljena vukodlakinja
th14_08 マジカルストーム Magical Storm
th14_09 幻想浄瑠璃 Fantazijski jōruri
th14_10 空中に沈む輝針城 Dvorac sjajnih igli koji tone u zraku
th14_11 リバースイデオロギー Reverse Ideology
th14_12 針小棒大の天守閣 Pretjerana branič-kula
th14_13 輝く針の小人族 〜 Little Princess Patuljci sjajne igle ~ Little Princess
th14_14 魔力の雷雲 Olujni oblaci čarobne moći
th14_15 始原のビート 〜 Pristine Beat Praiskonski takt ~ Pristine Beat
th14_16 小槌の魔力 Čarobna moć malja
th14_17 不思議な不思議な道具達 Čudesni, čudnovati alati
th14_18 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score


Icon th143.png Impossible Spell Card


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th143_01 反則の狼煙を上げろ Pali baklju varanja
th143_02 不可能弾幕には反則を Varanje protiv nemogućeg danmakua
th143_03 ミッドナイトスペルカード Midnight Spell Card
th143_04 ロマンチック逃旅行 Romantični bijeg
th143_05 永遠の三日天下 Vječno kratka vlast
th143_06 秘境のマーメイド Sirena iz neistraženog kraja
th143_07 リバースイデオロギー Reverse Ideology
th143_08 幻想浄瑠璃 Fantazijski jōruri
th143_09 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain Gora yōkaija ~ Mysterious Mountain


Icon th145.png Urban Legend in Limbo touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th145_01 心揺さぶる都市伝説 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #01
th145_02 幻想郷ふしぎ発見 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #02
th145_03 ボールのある日常 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #03
th145_04 オカルトアラカルト Occult à la Carte [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #04
th145_05 顕現した伝承の形 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #05
th145_06 七玉蒐集ショウダウン (untranslated) [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #06
th145_07 時代の風の訪れ (untranslated) [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #07
th145_08 公正なる奪い合い (untranslated) [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #08
th145_09 価値がわからない (untranslated) [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #09
th145_10 対蹠地の鐘 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #10
th145_11 可能性を信じて (untranslated) [[:hr:


#11| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #11
th145_12 竹林インフレイム (untranslated) [[:hr:


#12| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #12
th145_13 真実を知る者 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#13| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #13
th145_14 華狭間のバトルフィールド (untranslated) [[:hr:


#14| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #14
th145_15 外界フォークロア (untranslated) [[:hr:


#15| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #15
th145_16 ラストオカルティズム ~ 現し世の秘術師 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#16| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #16
th145_17 各々の結末 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#17| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #17
th145_18 明かされる深秘 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#18| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #18
th145_19 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Red And White Dvobojni lotosni leptir ~ ''Red And White'' [[:hr:


#19| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #19
th145_20 恋色マスタースパーク <i$Master Spark> boje ljubavi [[:hr:


#20| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #20
th145_21 時代親父とハイカラ少女 Starac i otmjena djevojka [[:hr:


#21| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #21
th145_22 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind Neboder emocije ~ Cosmic Mind [[:hr:


#22| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #22
th145_23 大神神話伝 Legenda o Ōmiwi [[:hr:


#23| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #23
th145_24 聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator Legenda o Shōtokuu ~ True Administrator [[:hr:


#24| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #24
th145_25 芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend Akutagawa Ryuunosukina „Kappa” ~ Candid Friend [[:hr:


#25| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #25
th145_26 ハルトマンの妖怪少女 Hartmannova yōkai djevojka [[:hr:


#26| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #26
th145_27 幻想郷の二ッ岩 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#27| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #27
th145_28 亡失のエモーション (untranslated) [[:hr:


#28| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #28
th145_29 月まで届け、不死の煙 Dosegni mjesec, dime besmrtnosti [[:hr:


#29| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #29
th145_30 輝く針の小人族 〜 Little Princess Patuljci sjajne igle ~ Little Princess [[:hr:


#30| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #30


Icon th145 ps4.png Urban Legend in Limbo PS4 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th145_ps4_01 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon Oči lunatizma ~ <i$Invisible Full Moon> [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #01
th145_ps4_02 ネオ竹林インフレイム (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #02
th145_ps4_03 億万劫の鐘 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #03
th145_ps4_04 オカルトアトラクト Occult Attract [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #04
th145_ps4_05 境界フォークロア (untranslated) [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #05
th145_ps4_06 アンノウンX ~ Occultly Madness (untranslated) [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #06
th145_ps4_07 狂相貌の狂い ~ Horrible Night (untranslated) [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Music #07


Icon th15.png Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th15_01 宇宙巫女現る Javljanje svemirske svećenice
th15_02 忘れがたき、よすがの緑 Nezaboravljivo sjetno zelenilo
th15_03 兎は舞い降りた Zečica je sletjela
th15_04 湖は浄めの月光を映して Jezero odražava čistu mjesečinu
th15_05 九月のパンプキン Rujanska bundeva
th15_06 宇宙を飛ぶ不思議な巫女 Čudnovata svećenica koja leti svemirom
th15_07 永遠の春夢 Vječan proljetni san
th15_08 凍り付いた永遠の都 Zamrznuta prijestolnica vječnosti
th15_09 逆転するホイールオブフォーチュン Obrnuto kolo sreće
th15_10 遥か38万キロのボヤージュ Daleko putovanje od 380.000 kilometara
th15_11 星条旗のピエロ Klaun zastave zvijezda i pruga
th15_12 故郷の星が映る海 More gdje se zrcali rodni planet
th15_13 ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処 Pure Furies ~ Gdje srce leži
th15_14 見た事も無い悪夢の世界 Svijet neviđenih noćnih mora
th15_15 パンデモニックプラネット Pandemonic Planet
th15_16 神社から見える月 Mjesec viđen iz svetišta
th15_17 宇宙巫女帰還する Povratak svemirske svećenice
th15_18 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score


Icon th155.png Antinomy of Common Flowers


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th155_01 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Red And White Dvobojni lotosni leptir ~ ''Red And White''
th155_02 恋色マスタースパーク <i$Master Spark> boje ljubavi
th155_03 時代親父とハイカラ少女 Starac i otmjena djevojka
th155_04 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind Neboder emocije ~ Cosmic Mind
th155_05 大神神話伝 Legenda o Ōmiwi
th155_06 聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator Legenda o Shōtokuu ~ True Administrator
th155_07 芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend Akutagawa Ryuunosukina „Kappa” ~ Candid Friend
th155_08 ハルトマンの妖怪少女 Hartmannova yōkai djevojka
th155_09 幻想郷の二ッ岩 (untranslated)
th155_10 亡失のエモーション (untranslated)
th155_11 月まで届け、不死の煙 Dosegni mjesec, dime besmrtnosti
th155_12 輝く針の小人族 〜 Little Princess Patuljci sjajne igle ~ Little Princess
th155_13 華狭間のバトルフィールド (untranslated)
th155_14 ラストオカルティズム ~ 現し世の秘術師 (untranslated)
th155_15 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon Oči lunatizma ~ <i$Invisible Full Moon>
th155_16 永遠の春夢 Vječan proljetni san
th155_17 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven (untranslated)
th155_18 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star (untranslated)
th155_19 地の色は黄色 ~ Primrose (untranslated)
th155_20 マッシュルーム・ワルツ Mushroom Waltz
th155_21 聖輦船空を往く (untranslated)
th155_22 法力の下の平等 (untranslated)
th155_23 恒常不変の参廟祀 (untranslated)
th155_24 光輝く天球儀 (untranslated)
th155_25 沢の河童の技術力 (untranslated)
th155_26 地底に咲く薔薇 (untranslated)
th155_27 深緑の狸森にて (untranslated)
th155_28 心綺楼演舞 (untranslated)
th155_29 不滅のレッドソウル (untranslated)
th155_30 落日に映える逆さ城 (untranslated)
th155_31 千の試練を超えて (untranslated)
th155_32 夢世界フォークロア (untranslated)
th155_33 永遠に続く回廊 (untranslated)
th155_34 スリープシープ・パレード Sleep Sheep Parade
th155_35 至る有頂天 (untranslated)
th155_36 憑坐は夢と現の間に ~ Necro-Fantasia (untranslated)
th155_37 今宵は飄逸なエゴイスト(Live ver) ~ Egoistic Flowers. (untranslated)
th155_38 オカルトアトラクト Occult Attract
th155_39 ネオ竹林インフレイム (untranslated)
th155_40 億万劫の鐘 (untranslated)
th155_41 アンノウンX ~ Occultly Madness (untranslated)
th155_42 憑依投合 (untranslated)
th155_43 連帯責人 (untranslated)
th155_44 合縁奇縁 (untranslated)
th155_45 異心同体 (untranslated)
th155_46 壮言大語 (untranslated)
th155_47 知略縦横 (untranslated)
th155_48 意気揚々 (untranslated)
th155_49 開演間近 (untranslated)
th155_50 天衣無縫 ~ Yellow Lily (untranslated)
th155_51 異変の種子 (untranslated)
th155_52 疑惑の芽生え (untranslated)
th155_53 真相へ繋がる枝葉 (untranslated)
th155_54 舞い散る憑依華吹雪 (untranslated)
th155_55 行雲流水 (untranslated)
th155_56 未だ蕾む憑依華 (untranslated)
th155_57 咲き誇る憑依華 (untranslated)
th155_58 悠久の蒸気機関 (untranslated)


Icon th16.png Hidden Star in Four Seasons


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th16_01 桜舞い散る天空 Pad lepršećih trešnjinih cvijetova s neba
th16_02 希望の星は青霄に昇る Uzdizanje tračka nade u plavo nebo
th16_03 真夏の妖精の夢 San Ivanjske vile
th16_04 色無き風は妖怪の山に Bezbojni vjetar na Gori yōkaija
th16_05 山奥のエンカウンター Susret duboko u planini
th16_06 桜色の海を泳いで Plivanje u moru trešnjinih cvijetova
th16_07 一対の神獣 Par božanskih zvijeri
th16_08 幻想のホワイトトラベラー ''White Traveller'' fantazije
th16_09 魔法の笠地蔵 Magični jizō​ sa slamnatim šeširom
th16_10 禁断の扉の向こうは、この世かあの世か Vode li zabranjena vrata do svijeta živih ili do onoga svijeta?
th16_11 クレイジーバックダンサーズ Crazy Back Dancers
th16_12 イントゥ・バックドア Into Backdoor
th16_13 秘匿されたフォーシーズンズ Skrivena četiri godišnja doba
th16_14 もうドアには入れない Nema više prolaženja kroz vrata
th16_15 秘神マターラ ~ Hidden Star in All Seasons. Tajna boginja Matara ~ Hidden Star in All Seasons.
th16_16 不自然な自然 Neprirodna priroda
th16_17 白い旅人 Bijeli putnik
th16_18 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score


Icon th165.png Violet Detector


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th165_01 悪夢日記 Dnevnik noćnih mora
th165_02 ルーシッドドリーマー Lucid Dreamer
th165_03 ルナティックドリーマー Lunatic Dreamer
th165_04 ナイトメアダイアリー Nightmare Diary
th165_05 バー・オールドアダム (untranslated)
th165_06 燕石博物誌が連れてきた闇 (untranslated)
th165_07 永遠の春夢 Vječan proljetni san
th165_08 秘匿されたフォーシーズンズ Skrivena četiri godišnja doba


Icon th17.png Wily Beast and Weakest Creature


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th17_01 物言わぬ獣の霊 Duhovi šutljive zvjeradi
th17_02 地蔵だけが知る哀嘆 Jadikovanje za koje samo jizō​ zna
th17_03 ジェリーストーン Jelly Stone
th17_04 ロストリバー Lost River
th17_05 石の赤子と水中の牛 Dijete od kamena i govedo pod vodom
th17_06 不朽の曼珠沙華 Crveni paukov ljiljan vječnosti
th17_07 セラフィックチキン Seraphic Chicken
th17_08 アンロケイテッドヘル Unlocated Hell
th17_09 トータスドラゴン ~ 幸運と不運 Tortoise Dragon ~ Sreća i nesreća
th17_10 ビーストメトロポリス Beast Metropolis
th17_11 セラミックスの杖刀人 Keramički jōtōjin
th17_12 エレクトリックヘリテージ Electric Heritage
th17_13 偶像に世界を委ねて ~ Idoratrize World Povjeravanje svijeta idolima ~ Idolatrize World
th17_14 輝かしき弱肉強食の掟 Briljantan zakon opstanka najjačih
th17_15 聖徳太子のペガサス ~ Dark Pegasus Pegaz carevića Shōtokua ~ Dark Pegasus
th17_16 畜生達の休息 Odmor zvjeradi
th17_17 地下からの帰還 Povratak iz svijeta mrtvih
th17_18 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score


Icon th175.png Touhou Gouyoku Ibun touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th175_01 水没した沈愁地獄 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #01
th175_02 東方剛欲異聞 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #02
th175_03 天理人欲 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #03
th175_04 魔法使いの憂鬱 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #04
th175_05 暗闇の風穴 Tamna špilja vjetrenica [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #05
th175_06 旧地獄街道を行く Šetnja cestom bivšeg pakla [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #06
th175_07 業火マントル Paklene vatre plašta [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #07
th175_08 御柱の墓場 ~ Grave of Being Groblje onbashira ~ Grave of Being [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #08
th175_09 大地の底、剛欲の海 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #09
th175_10 不朽の曼珠沙華 Crveni paukov ljiljan vječnosti [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #10
th175_11 魔法少女達の百年祭 Stogodišnjica za čarobne djevojke [[:hr:


#11| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #11
th175_12 少女綺想曲 ~ Dream Battle Djevin capriccio ~ <i$Dream Battle> [[:hr:


#12| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #12
th175_13 恋色マスタースパーク <i$Master Spark> boje ljubavi [[:hr:


#13| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #13
th175_14 封じられた妖怪 ~ Lost Place Zapečaćeni yōkai ~ Lost Place [[:hr:


#14| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #14
th175_15 万年置き傘にご注意を Pripazi na kišobran koji je zauvijek ostavljen [[:hr:


#15| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #15
th175_16 キャプテン・ムラサ Captain Murasa [[:hr:


#16| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #16
th175_17 神さびた古戦場 ~ Suwa Foughten Field Veličanstveno drevno bojište ~ Suwa Foughten Field [[:hr:


#17| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #17
th175_18 今宵は飄逸なエゴイスト(Live ver) ~ Egoistic Flowers. (untranslated) [[:hr:


#18| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #18
th175_19 華のさかづき大江山 Cvjetno ukrašena posuda sa sakeom na Ōeyami [[:hr:


#19| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #19
th175_20 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion Solarna sekta mistične mudrosti ~ Nuclear Fusion [[:hr:


#20| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #20
th175_21 セラフィックチキン Seraphic Chicken [[:hr:


#21| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #21
th175_22 U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? U.N. Owen je bila ona? [[:hr:


#22| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #22
th175_23 強欲な獣のメメント Memento pohlepne zvijeri [[:hr:


#23| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #23
th175_24 有機体全てのメメント ~ Memory of Fossil Energy. Memento svih organizama ~ Memory of Fossil Energy. [[:hr:


#24| ]] link=:hr: Touhou_Gouyoku_Ibun/Music #24


Icon th18.png Unconnected Marketeers


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th18_01 虹の架かる幻想郷 Duga koja se nadvila nad Gensokyom
th18_02 妖異達の通り雨 Pljusak čudnih pojava
th18_03 大吉キトゥン Mače velike sreće
th18_04 深緑に隠された断崖 Litica skrivena pod tamnim zelenilom
th18_05 バンデットリィテクノロジー Banditry Technology
th18_06 駒草咲くパーペチュアルスノー Stalni snijeg cvijeta komakuse
th18_07 スモーキングドラゴン Smoking Dragon
th18_08 廃れゆく産業遺構 Zastarjele industrijske ruševine
th18_09 神代鉱石 Ruda iz doba bogova
th18_10 待ちわびた逢魔が時 Iščekivani vražji sumrak
th18_11 星降る天魔の山 Tenmina gora gdje padaju zvijezde
th18_12 ルナレインボー Lunar Rainbow
th18_13 あの賑やかな市場は今どこに ~ Immemorial Marketeers Gdje je sada ta prometna tržnica? ~ Immemorial Marketeers
th18_14 幻想の地下大線路網 Velika podzemna željeznička mreža fantazije
th18_15 龍王殺しのプリンセス Princeza koja kolje kraljeve zmajeve
th18_16 嵐の後の日曜日 Nedjelja nakon oluje
th18_17 虹色の世界 Svijet dugine boje
th18_18 プレイヤーズスコア Player's Score


Icon th185.png 100th Black Market


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th185_01 コレクターの憂鬱な午後 Melankolično poslijepodne kolekcionara
th185_02 ワクワクする見慣れた幻想郷 Uzbudljiv i odveć poznat Gensokyo
th185_03 妖怪フックオン Yō​kai na udici
th185_04 闇市場は場所を選ばない Crno tržište ne bira mjesto
th185_05 弾幕を持て、バレットフィリア達よ Metkofili, držite danmaku
th185_06 100回目のブラックマーケット 100. Black Market
th185_07 ルナティックドリーマー Lunatic Dreamer
th185_08 ルナレインボー Lunar Rainbow
th185_09 あの賑やかな市場は今どこに ~ Immemorial Marketeers Gdje je sada ta prometna tržnica? ~ Immemorial Marketeers
th185_10 虹色の世界 Svijet dugine boje


Icon th19.png Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
th19_01 獣の知性 Zvjerska inteligencija
th19_02 世界は可愛く出来ている Svijet je slatko napravljen
th19_03 魔獣スクランブル Grabež zvjerskih duhova
th19_04 鬼は悠久の山に Oni na planini vječnosti
th19_05 タイニーシャングリラ Tiny Shangri-La
th19_06 勇敢で有閑な妖獣 Hrabra i slobodna zvijer
th19_07 吸血怪獣チュパカブラ Vampirsko chupacabra čudovište
th19_08 振り向かない黄泉の道 Nepovratan put do Yomija
th19_09 逸脱者達の無礙光 〜 Kingdom of Nothingness. Nesmetano svjetlo nastranih ~ Kingdom of Nothingness.
th19_10 少女が見た日本の原風景 Iskonski prizor Japana koji je djevojka vidjela
th19_11 妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it! Sablasno divljanje ~ <i$Who done it!>
th19_12 一対の神獣 Par božanskih zvijeri
th19_13 春の湊に Isplovljenje proljeća
th19_14 忘れがたき、よすがの緑 Nezaboravljivo sjetno zelenilo
th19_15 死体旅行 ~ Be of good cheer! Putovanje trupla ~ Be of good cheer!
th19_16 待ちわびた逢魔が時 Iščekivani vražji sumrak
th19_17 佐渡の二ッ岩 Futatsuiwa iz Sada
th19_18 トータスドラゴン ~ 幸運と不運 Tortoise Dragon ~ Sreća i nesreća
th19_19 聖徳太子のペガサス ~ Dark Pegasus Pegaz carevića Shōtokua ~ Dark Pegasus
th19_20 強欲な獣のメメント Memento pohlepne zvijeri
th19_21 獣王達の休息 Odmor kraljeva zvijeri
th19_22 獣に知性はあるか Ima li zvijer inteligenciju?

Glazbeni CDi

ZUN's Music Collection


Icon mcd 01.png Dolls in Pseudo Paradise touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_01_01 蓬莱伝説 Hōrai legenda [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#01| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #01
mcd_01_02 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Red And White Dvobojni lotosni leptir ~ ''Red And White'' sh01_18 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#02| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #02
mcd_01_03 桜花之恋塚 ~ Japanese Flower Voljeni humak trešnjinih cvjetova ~ ''Japanese Flower'' sh02_08 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#03| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #03
mcd_01_04 明治十七年の上海アリス Šangajska Alice Meijija 17 th06_07 (obrada) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#04| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #04
mcd_01_05 東方怪奇談 Čudna istočna diskusija th01_05 (obrada) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#05| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #05
mcd_01_06 エニグマティクドール ''Enigmatic Doll'' sh02_10 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#06| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #06
mcd_01_07 サーカスレヴァリエ ''Circus Reverie'' sh01_09 (obrada) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#07| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #07
mcd_01_08 人形の森 Šuma lutaka [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#08| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #08
mcd_01_09 Witch of Love Potion ''Witch of Love Potion'' tmgc_01 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#09| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #09
mcd_01_10 リーインカーネイション ''Reincarnation'' th03_04 (obrada) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#10| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #10
mcd_01_11 U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? U.N. Owen je bila ona? th06_15 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#11| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #11
mcd_01_12 永遠の巫女 Vječna svećenica th01_02 (obrada) [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#12| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #12
mcd_01_13 空飛ぶ巫女の不思議な毎日 Čudnovata svakodnevnica leteće svećenice [[:hr:

Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story

#13| ]] link=:hr: Dolls in Pseudo Paradise/Story #13


Icon mcd 02.png Ghostly Field Club touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_02_01 夜のデンデラ野を逝く (untranslated) [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#01| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #01
mcd_02_02 少女秘封倶楽部 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#02| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #02
mcd_02_03 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple Istočan sablasan san ~ <i$Ancient Temple> th07_10 (obrada) [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#03| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #03
mcd_02_04 古の冥界寺 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#04| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #04
mcd_02_05 幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes Noć iluzija ~ <i$Ghostly Eyes> [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#05| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #05
mcd_02_06 魔術師メリー (untranslated) [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#06| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #06
mcd_02_07 月の妖鳥、化猫の幻 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#07| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #07
mcd_02_08 過去の花 ~ Fairy of Flower (untranslated) [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#08| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #08
mcd_02_09 魔法少女十字軍 Križarski rat čarobne djevojke sh01_11 (obrada) [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#09| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #09
mcd_02_10 少女幻葬 ~ Necro-Fantasy Djevin iluzorni sprovod ~ <i$Necro-Fantasy> th07_16 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#10| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #10
mcd_02_11 幻想の永遠祭 Vječan festival fantazije [[:hr:

Ghostly Field Club/Story

#11| ]] link=:hr: Ghostly Field Club/Story #11


Icon mcd 03.png Changeability of Strange Dream touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_03_01 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures (untranslated) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#01| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #01
mcd_03_02 華胥の夢 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#02| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #02
mcd_03_03 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea Šangajska kuća čaja ~ <i$Chinese Tea > th06_06 (obrada) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#03| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #03
mcd_03_04 ヴォヤージュ1969 <i$Voyage 1969> th08_13 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#04| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #04
mcd_03_05 科学世紀の少年少女 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#05| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #05
mcd_03_06 永夜の報い ~ Imperishable Night Odmazda za vječnu noć ~ <i$Imperishable Night> th08_08 (obrada) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#06| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #06
mcd_03_07 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star (untranslated) th075_17 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#07| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #07
mcd_03_08 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女 Lutkin sud ~ Djevojka koja se igra s figurama ljudi th07_07 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#08| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #08
mcd_03_09 夢と現の境界 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#09| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #09
mcd_03_10 幻想機械 ~ Phantom Factory (untranslated) sh01_14 (obrada) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#10| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #10
mcd_03_11 幽玄の槭樹 ~ Eternal Dream (untranslated) th08_20 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Changeability of Strange Dream/Story

#11| ]] link=:hr: Changeability of Strange Dream/Story #11


Icon mcd 04.png Retrospective 53 minutes touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_04_01 ヒロシゲ36号 ~ Neo Super-Express Hiroshige br. 36 ~ Neo Super-Express [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#01| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #01
mcd_04_02 53ミニッツの青い海 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#02| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #02
mcd_04_03 竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic Princess Bijeg rezača bambusa ~ <i$Lunatic Princess> th08_15 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#03| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #03
mcd_04_04 彼岸帰航 ~ Riverside View Povratak u Higan ~ Riverside View th09_14 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#04| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #04
mcd_04_05 青木ヶ原の伝説 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#05| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #05
mcd_04_06 お宇佐さまの素い幡 Bijeli barjak Use th09_10 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#06| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #06
mcd_04_07 月まで届け、不死の煙 Dosegni mjesec, dime besmrtnosti th08_18 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#07| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #07
mcd_04_08 レトロスペクティブ京都 Retrospective Kyoto th095_05 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#08| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #08
mcd_04_09 ラクトガール ~ 少女密室 <i$Locked Girl> ~ Djevojkina zaključana soba th06_09 (obrada) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#09| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #09
mcd_04_10 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon Gensokyovo tisućljeće ~ <i$History of the Moon> th08_14 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#10| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #10
mcd_04_11 最も澄みわたる空と海 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Retrospective 53 minutes/Story

#11| ]] link=:hr: Retrospective 53 minutes/Story #11


Icon mcd 05.png Magical Astronomy touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_05_01 月面ツアーへようこそ (untranslated) [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#01| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #01
mcd_05_02 天空のグリニッジ (untranslated) [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#02| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #02
mcd_05_03 東の国の眠らない夜 Besana noć istoka th095_04 (obrada) [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#03| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #03
mcd_05_04 車椅子の未来宇宙 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#04| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #04
mcd_05_05 Demystify Feast <i$Demystify Feast> th075_16 (duplikat) [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#05| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #05
mcd_05_06 衛星カフェテラス (untranslated) [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#06| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #06
mcd_05_07 G Free G Free [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#07| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #07
mcd_05_08 大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy (untranslated) [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#08| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #08
mcd_05_09 ネクロファンタジア <i$Necrofantasia> th07_18 (obrada) [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#09| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #09
mcd_05_10 向こう側の月 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Magical Astronomy/Story

#10| ]] link=:hr: Magical Astronomy/Story #10


Icon mcd 055.png Unknown Flower, Mesmerizing Journey touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_055_01 未知の花 魅知の旅 (untranslated)
mcd_055_02 無間の鐘 ~ Infinite Nightmare Zvono Avīcija ~ Infinite Nightmare th125_05 (obrada)
mcd_055_03 明日ハレの日、ケの昨日 Sutra će biti posebno, jučer nije bilo th10_14 (duplikat)


Icon mcd 06.png Trojan Green Asteroid touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_06_01 衛星トリフネ (untranslated) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#01| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #01
mcd_06_02 トロヤ群の密林 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#02| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #02
mcd_06_03 デザイアドライブ Desire Drive th13_08 (obrada) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#03| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #03
mcd_06_04 フェアリー冒険譚 (untranslated) mcd_fairy04_01 (obrada) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#04| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #04
mcd_06_05 天鳥船神社 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#05| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #05
mcd_06_06 夜空のユーフォーロマンス NLO romansa na noćnom nebu th12_14 (obrada) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#06| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #06
mcd_06_07 ハルトマンの妖怪少女 Hartmannova yōkai djevojka th11_15 (obrada) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#07| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #07
mcd_06_08 天鳥船神社の結界 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#08| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #08
mcd_06_09 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind Neboder emocije ~ Cosmic Mind th12_13 (obrada) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#09| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #09
mcd_06_10 宇宙に浮かぶ幻想郷 (untranslated) [[:hr:

Trojan Green Asteroid/Story

#10| ]] link=:hr: Trojan Green Asteroid/Story #10


Icon mcd 07.png Neo-traditionalism of Japan touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_07_01 緑のサナトリウム (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #01
mcd_07_02 牛に引かれて善光寺参り (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #02
mcd_07_03 ハートフェルトファンシー Heartfelt Fancy th11_08 (obrada) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #03
mcd_07_04 六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years Sud istoku u šezdesetoj godini ~ Fate of Sixty Years th09_15 (obrada) [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #04
mcd_07_05 アガルタの風 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #05
mcd_07_06 イザナギオブジェクト Izanagi Object [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #06
mcd_07_07 妖怪裏参道 Yōkaijev stražnji put do hrama th13_14 (obrada) [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #07
mcd_07_08 アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure (untranslated) th123_10 (obrada) [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #08
mcd_07_09 日本中の不思議を集めて (untranslated) [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #09
mcd_07_10 素敵な墓場で暮しましょ Hajdemo živjeti na prelijepom groblju th13_06 (obrada) [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Neo-traditionalism_of_Japan/Story #10


Icon mcd 08.png Dr. Latency's Freak Report touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_08_01 他愛も無い二人の博物誌 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #01
mcd_08_02 凍り付いた永遠の都 Zamrznuta prijestolnica vječnosti [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #02
mcd_08_03 Dr.レイテンシーの眠れなくなる瞳 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #03
mcd_08_04 九月のパンプキン Rujanska bundeva [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #04
mcd_08_05 須臾はプランクを超えて (untranslated) [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #05
mcd_08_06 シュレディンガーの化猫 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #06
mcd_08_07 空中に沈む輝針城 Dvorac sjajnih igli koji tone u zraku [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #07
mcd_08_08 禁忌の膜壁 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #08
mcd_08_09 故郷の星が映る海 More gdje se zrcali rodni planet [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #09
mcd_08_10 ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処 Pure Furies ~ Gdje srce leži [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #10
mcd_08_11 永遠の三日天下 Vječno kratka vlast [[:hr:


#11| ]] link=:hr: Dr._Latency%27s_Freak_Report/Story #11


Icon mcd 09.png Dateless Bar "Old Adam" touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_09_01 バー・オールドアダム (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #01
mcd_09_02 燕石博物誌が連れてきた闇 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #02
mcd_09_03 リバースイデオロギー Reverse Ideology [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #03
mcd_09_04 アウトサイダーカクテル (untranslated) [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #04
mcd_09_05 大神神話伝 Legenda o Ōmiwi [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #05
mcd_09_06 パンデモニックプラネット Pandemonic Planet [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #06
mcd_09_07 旧世界の冒険酒場 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #07
mcd_09_08 魔界地方都市エソテリア Esoterija provincijskog grada u makaiju [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #08
mcd_09_09 人気爆発/雲居一輪&雲山 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #09
mcd_09_10 二日酔いの同床異夢 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Dateless_Bar_"Old_Adam"/Story #10


File:Icon mcd 095.png Rainbow-Colored Septentrion touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_095_01 七ツ石の狼、雲を取りに駆ける (untranslated)
mcd_095_02 幻想のホワイトトラベラー ''White Traveller'' fantazije
mcd_095_03 あの賑やかな市場は今どこに ~ Immemorial Marketeers Gdje je sada ta prometna tržnica? ~ Immemorial Marketeers


File:Icon mcd 10.png Taboo Japan Disentanglement touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_10_01 七夕坂に朝が来る (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #01
mcd_10_02 不等式のティンカーベル (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #02
mcd_10_03 禁断の扉の向こうは、この世かあの世か Vode li zabranjena vrata do svijeta živih ili do onoga svijeta? [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #03
mcd_10_04 スモーキングドラゴン Smoking Dragon [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #04
mcd_10_05 夢幻能 ~ Taboo Marionette (untranslated) [[:hr:


#05| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #05
mcd_10_06 クレイジーバックダンサーズ Crazy Back Dancers [[:hr:


#06| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #06
mcd_10_07 憑坐は夢と現の間に ~ Necro-Fantasia (untranslated) [[:hr:


#07| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #07
mcd_10_08 ひとりぼっちの常陸行路 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#08| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #08
mcd_10_09 地蔵だけが知る哀嘆 Jadikovanje za koje samo jizō​ zna [[:hr:


#09| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #09
mcd_10_10 秘匿されたフォーシーズンズ Skrivena četiri godišnja doba [[:hr:


#10| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #10
mcd_10_11 夜じゃなくてもお化けはいるから (untranslated) [[:hr:


#11| ]] link=:hr: Taboo_Japan_Disentanglement/Story #11

Artbook extras


Icon mcd baijr.png Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red CD touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_baijr_01 風神少女 Djevojka božica vjetra th09_11 (obrada) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Bohemian_Archive_in_Japanese_Red #01
mcd_baijr_02 おてんば恋娘の冒険 Avanture zaljubljene muškaračice th09_07 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Bohemian_Archive_in_Japanese_Red #02
mcd_baijr_03 花映塚 ~ after Higan Retour Odražavajući cvjetni humak ~ after Higan Retour th09_16 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Bohemian_Archive_in_Japanese_Red #03


File:Icon mcd pmiss.png Perfect Memento in Strict Sense CD touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_pmiss_01 ジャパニーズサーガ Japanese Saga [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Flyer_of_Yougakudan #01
mcd_pmiss_02 阿礼の子供 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Flyer_of_Yougakudan #02
mcd_pmiss_03 夜の鳩山を飛ぶ - Power MIX (untranslated) zsw_07 (obrada) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Flyer_of_Yougakudan #03


Icon mcd ssib.png Silent Sinner in Blue CD touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_ssib_01 妖怪宇宙旅行 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Silent_Sinner_in_Blue_(CD) #01
mcd_ssib_02 綿月のスペルカード ~ Lunatic Blue (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Silent_Sinner_in_Blue_(CD) #02
mcd_ssib_03 呑んべぇのレムリア (Retro Ver) (untranslated) alcostg_06 (obrada) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Silent_Sinner_in_Blue_(CD) #03


Icon mcd gom.png The Grimoire of Marisa CD touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_gom_01 魔法使いの憂鬱 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: The_Grimoire_of_Marisa_(CD) #01
mcd_gom_02 スプートニク幻夜 Iluzorna noć Sputnika sh01_08 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: The_Grimoire_of_Marisa_(CD) #02


Icon mcd fs.png Forbidden Scrollery CD touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_fs_01 判読眼のビブロフィリア (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Forbidden_Scrollery_(CD) #01
mcd_fs_02 運河を行き交う人妖 Kanal kojim putuju ljudi i sablasti [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Forbidden_Scrollery_(CD) #02
mcd_fs_03 兎は舞い降りた Zečica je sletjela [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Forbidden_Scrollery_(CD) #03


File:Icon mcd scoow01.png Strange Creators of Outer World Volume 1 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_scoow01_01 繚乱ノ罪桜 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_1_(CD) #01
mcd_scoow01_02 絶縁体 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_1_(CD) #02


#03| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_1_(CD) #03


File:Icon mcd scoow02.png Strange Creators of Outer World Volume 2 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_scoow02_01 オカルトアトラクト Occult Attract [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_2_(CD) #01
mcd_scoow02_02 永夜の報い 〜 Pipes and Fiddle. (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_2_(CD) #02
mcd_scoow02_03 ラストオカルティズム ~ 現し世の秘術師 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_2_(CD) #03


File:Icon mcd scoow03.png Strange Creators of Outer World Volume 3 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_scoow03_01 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_3_(CD) #01
mcd_scoow03_02 ミストレイク Mist Lake [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_3_(CD) #02
mcd_scoow03_03 呑んべぇのレムリア (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_3_(CD) #03


File:Icon mcd scoow04.png Strange Creators of Outer World Volume 4 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_scoow04_01 巡るHarvest (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_4_(CD) #01
mcd_scoow04_02 無生命サーフェス (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_4_(CD) #02
mcd_scoow04_03 終わる現実と、遥か後方の (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_4_(CD) #03


File:Icon mcd scoow05.png Strange Creators of Outer World 2018 Spring! touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_scoow05_01 鍵盤旋風少女 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_5_(CD) #01
mcd_scoow05_02 ハルトマンの睡眠少女 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_5_(CD) #02
mcd_scoow05_03 ネクロファンタジア <i$Necrofantasia> [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_5_(CD) #03


File:Icon mcd scoow06.png Strange Creators of Outer World 2019 Autumn! touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_scoow06_01 明星ロケット (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_6_(CD) #01
mcd_scoow06_02 DesireDrive (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_6_(CD) #02
mcd_scoow06_03 ネクロファンタジア <i$Necrofantasia> [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World_6_(CD) #03



File:Icon mcd fairy01.png Eastern and Little Nature Deity touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_fairy01_01 サニールチルフレクション (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Eastern_and_Little_Nature_Deity_(CD)#ZUN.27s_comments #01
mcd_fairy01_02 夜だから眠れない (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Eastern_and_Little_Nature_Deity_(CD)#ZUN.27s_comments #02
mcd_fairy01_03 妖精燦々として (untranslated) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Eastern_and_Little_Nature_Deity_(CD)#ZUN.27s_comments #03


Icon mcd fairy02.png Strange and Bright Nature Deity 1 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_fairy02_01 サニーミルクの紅霧異変 (untranslated) mcd_fairy01_01 + th06_15 (obrada) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_1_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #01
mcd_fairy02_02 雪月桜花の国 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_1_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #02
mcd_fairy02_03 スターヴォヤージュ2008 Star Voyage 2008 [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_1_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #03


File:Icon mcd fairy03.png Strange and Bright Nature Deity 2 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_fairy03_01 可愛い大戦争のリフレーン (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_2_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #01
mcd_fairy03_02 サニールチルフレクション (untranslated) mcd_fairy01_01 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_2_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #02
mcd_fairy03_03 夜だから眠れない (untranslated) mcd_fairy01_02 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_2_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #03
mcd_fairy03_04 妖精燦々として (untranslated) mcd_fairy01_03 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#04| ]] link=:hr: Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_2_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #04


Icon mcd fairy04.png Strange and Bright Nature Deity 3 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_fairy04_01 フェアリー冒険譚 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_3_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #01
mcd_fairy04_02 二つの世界 (untranslated) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_3_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #02


File:Icon mcd fairy05.png Oriental Sacred Place 1 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_fairy05_01 神域のかくれんぼ暮らし (untranslated) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Oriental_Sacred_Place_1_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #01
mcd_fairy05_02 妖怪モダンコロニー Moderna yōkai kolonija th125_03 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Oriental_Sacred_Place_1_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #02


Icon mcd fairy06.png Oriental Sacred Place 2 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_fairy06_01 年中夢中の好奇心 Cjelogodišnja apsorbirana radoznalost th128_04 (obrada) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Oriental_Sacred_Place_2_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #01
mcd_fairy06_02 真夜中のフェアリーダンス Ponoćni ples vila th128_05 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Oriental_Sacred_Place_2_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #02
mcd_fairy06_03 妖精大戦争 ~ Fairy Wars Veliki ratovi vila ~ Fairy Wars th128_06 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Oriental_Sacred_Place_2_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #03


File:Icon mcd fairy07.png Oriental Sacred Place 3 touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
mcd_fairy07_01 メイガスナイト Magus Night th128_08 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#01| ]] link=:hr: Oriental_Sacred_Place_3_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #01
mcd_fairy07_02 いたずらに命をかけて Stavljanje života na kocku zbog podvale th128_03 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#02| ]] link=:hr: Oriental_Sacred_Place_3_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #02
mcd_fairy07_03 古きユアンシェン Stara Yaunxian th13_09 (duplikat) [[:hr:


#03| ]] link=:hr: Oriental_Sacred_Place_3_(CD)#ZUN.27s_Comments #03



Icon zsw.png ZUN's Strange Works touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
zsw_01 宵闇の魔術師 Čarobnjak sumraka [[:hr:

ZUN's Strange Works

#01| ]] link=:hr: ZUN's Strange Works #01
zsw_02 Magic of Life ''Magic of Life'' [[:hr:

ZUN's Strange Works

#02| ]] link=:hr: ZUN's Strange Works #02
zsw_03 Plastic Space ''Plastic Space'' [[:hr:

ZUN's Strange Works

#03| ]] link=:hr: ZUN's Strange Works #03
zsw_04 Inventive City ''Inventive City'' [[:hr:

ZUN's Strange Works

#04| ]] link=:hr: ZUN's Strange Works #04
zsw_05 夢幻回廊 Vizionarni koridor [[:hr:

ZUN's Strange Works

#05| ]] link=:hr: ZUN's Strange Works #05
zsw_06 蓬莱幻想 ~ far East Horajevska fantazija ~ ''far East'' [[:hr:

ZUN's Strange Works

#06| ]] link=:hr: ZUN's Strange Works #06
zsw_07 夜の鳩山を飛ぶ Noćni let nad Hotoyamom [[:hr:

ZUN's Strange Works

#07| ]] link=:hr: ZUN's Strange Works #07

Other games

These games are not counted toward the Touhou Project touhouwiki.png, but include a soundtrack fully or partly composed by ZUN touhouwiki.png. Some of these themes appear in an arranged version within the Touhou canon.



Icon sh01.png Shuusou Gyoku touhouwiki.png


# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
sh01_01 秋霜玉 ~ Clockworks Jesenjska mrazena kugla ~ ''Clockworks'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#01| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #01
sh01_02 フォルスストロベリー ''False Strawberry'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#02| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #02
sh01_03 プリムローズシヴァ ''Primrose Shiver'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#03| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #03
sh01_04 幻想帝都 Prijestolnica fantazije [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#04| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #04
sh01_05 ディザストラスジェミニ ''Disastrous Gemini'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#05| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #05
sh01_06 華の幻想 紅夢の宙 Cvjetna fantazija, svemir grimizna sna [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#06| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #06
sh01_07 天空アーミー Nebeska vojska [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#07| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #07
sh01_08 スプートニク幻夜 Iluzorna noć Sputnika [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#08| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #08
sh01_09 機械サーカス ~ Reverie Mehanički cirkus ~ ''Reverie'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#09| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #09
sh01_10 カナベラルの夢幻少女 Vizionarna djevojka sa Canaverala [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#10| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #10
sh01_11 魔法少女十字軍 Križarski rat čarobne djevojke [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#11| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #11
sh01_12 アンティークテラー ''Antique Terror'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#12| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #12
sh01_13 夢機械 ~ Innocent Power Stroj snova ~ ''Innocent Power'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#13| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #13
sh01_14 幻想科学 ~ Doll's Phantom Fantazijska znanost ~ ''Doll's Phantom'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#14| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #14
sh01_15 少女神性 ~ Pandora's Box Djevojkina božanstvenost ~ ''Pandora's Box'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#15| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #15
sh01_16 シルクロードアリス ''Silk Road Alice'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#16| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #16
sh01_17 魔女達の舞踏会 ~ Magus Vještičin bal ~ ''Magus'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#17| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #17
sh01_18 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients Dvobojni lotosni leptir ~ ''Ancients'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#18| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #18
sh01_19 ハーセルヴス ''Herselves'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#19| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #19
sh01_20 タイトルドメイド ''Titled Maid'' [[:hr:

Shuusou Gyoku/Music

#20| ]] link=:hr: Shuusou Gyoku/Music #20


Icon sh02.png Kioh Gyoku touhouwiki.png


Maximum number of loops have been performed
# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma
sh02_01 稀翁玉 ~ Fairy Dance Rijetka štovana kugla ~ ''Fairy Dance'' [[:hr:

Kioh Gyoku/Music

#01| ]] link=:hr: Kioh Gyoku/Music #01
sh02_02 天鵞絨少女戦 ~ Velvet Battle Boj baršunaste djevojke ~ ''Velvet Battle'' [[:hr:

Kioh Gyoku/Music

#02| ]] link=:hr: Kioh Gyoku/Music #02
sh02_03 Castle Explorer -in the Sky- ''Castle Explorer -in the Sky-'' [[:hr:

Kioh Gyoku/Music

#03| ]] link=:hr: Kioh Gyoku/Music #03
sh02_04 オルフェの詩 ~ Pseudoclassic Orfička pjesma ~ ''Pseudoclassic'' [[:hr:

Kioh Gyoku/Music

#04| ]] link=:hr: Kioh Gyoku/Music #04
sh02_05 新幻想 ~ New Fantasy Neofantazija ~ ''New Fantasy'' [[:hr:

Kioh Gyoku/Music

#05| ]] link=:hr: Kioh Gyoku/Music #05
sh02_06 オルレアンの聖騎士 Sveti vitez Orléansa [[:hr:

Kioh Gyoku/Music

#06| ]] link=:hr: Kioh Gyoku/Music #06
sh02_07 My Maid, Sweet Maid ''My Maid, Sweet Maid'' [[:hr:

Kioh Gyoku/Music

#07| ]] link=:hr: Kioh Gyoku/Music #07
sh02_08 桜花之恋塚 ~ Flower of Japan Voljeni humak trešnjinih cvjetova ~ ''Flower of Japan'' [[:hr:

Kioh Gyoku/Music

#08| ]] link=:hr: Kioh Gyoku/Music #08
sh02_09 乙女戦士 ~ Heart of Valkyrie Djevojka vojnik ~ ''Heart of Valkyrie'' [[:hr:

Kioh Gyoku/Music

#09| ]] link=:hr: Kioh Gyoku/Music #09



Icon tmgc.png Torte Le Magic touhouwiki.png


Maximum number of loops have been performed
# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma


Icon alcostg.png Uwabami Breakers


Maximum number of loops have been performed
# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma


File:Icon touki.png Magus in Mystic Geometries touhouwiki.png


Maximum number of loops have been performed
# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma


File:Icon thmj.png Touhou Unreal Mahjong touhouwiki.png


Maximum number of loops have been performed
# japanski Izvorni naslov hrvatski Prijevod Izvorna pjesma