Touhou Patch Center: Tutorial
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Budući da su prevoditelji dakako najvažnija skupina u ovom fandomu, učinili smo proces što jednostavnijim.
- Kao prvo, napravite račun tako da idete na link u gornjem desnom kutu (ili pritisnite na hyperlink).
Ako već imate račun, preskočite do drugog koraka. - Prijavite se na račun s vašim korisničkim imenom i lozinkom na istom mjestu gdje je bila i registracija.
(ili pritisnite na hyperlink)
Mijenjanje jezika na stranici
Jezik sučelja na stranici auomatski je postavljen na preferirani jezik sadržaja postavljen u vašem browseru. Ova postavka također se koristi za postavljanje prvotnog ciljanog jezika u meniju za prevođenje. Time preporučujemo da ga postavite na jezik u koji želite prevoditi - tako nećete slučajno pisati preko postojećeg prijevoda za neki drugi jezik.
Da biste promijenili ovu postavku, pritisnite jezični izbornik (gumb na vrhu stranice) i upišite domaće ime vašeg jezika ili njegov ISO 639-1 kod.
Ova postavka spremljena je kao kolačić i ako ste prijavljeni na vašem računu.
Starting a translation into a language not yet on the site
Most of the time, this is no problem. Just select the language like you normally would, and the administration will create the necessary links and portal pages for integration into the Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher shortly after.
In case your desired language is not present in the list, send a message on our Discord server in the #translation channel, and ping the @Webmaster role. Setting up a new language is a very quick process.
Editing text translations
Other translatable content | Languages with >95% coverage | Languages started & in progress |
• Hardcoded strings | ||
• Hardcoded ASCII strings | ||
• Game titles | ||
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- Go to the main page which can accessed from any page by clicking the logo.
- Choose a game you wish to translate.
On the right, you can see the list of translatable games, their progress in the respective languages, and whether they are finished. - Choose a piece of translatable content you want to work on.
Click on the small Translate this page label at the top of that page.
If you already are on a translated page, it will instead say
This page is a translated version of the page X and the translation is X% complete.
In that case, the first link will bring you to the translation interface and pre-select the page's language.
- Verify that the language selector indicates the correct language you want to translate into. The selected language is further reflected with its corresponding flag between the source and translated text,
- Click the table rows and enter your translation.
- Hit Publish translation.
- Then, just follow steps 6 + 7 for the remainder of the boxes.
Things to know
- If you're translating from another translation (most likely English), be sure to add the wiki page of this translation to your watchlist by clicking the star next to the search bar on the top. This will send you a notification whenever something has been changed and needs to be reflected in your language.
- If any text of an existing translation (again, most likely English) would not change in your translation, leave the respective box empty and don't copy-paste the text. This way, everyone can take full advantage of patch stacking.
- If you're translating in a group, you can make use of the proofreading feature offered by the translation interface:
- A white proofread icon (✔) will appear for any translation unit that was last edited by another translator.
- By clicking it, you indicate that you have proofread this translation and agree with it.
- Proof-read translation units will be highlighted in green, and removed from the Unreviewed view.
- If a translation changes, any previous proofread markers will be automatically removed.
- Refer to your language's portal page for stylistic guidelines.
- Line breaks are never done automatically. It's up to you to make sure that the text fits into the dialog box.
- You can always use a maximum of two lines for every message box, even if there is only one line in the original. The opposite is also true. We went to great lengths to make this possible, so please do make use of this. ☺
Since these do not show up in replays, the patcher can provide an unlimited amount of text lines here.
- There can always be a maximum of 5 lines at the screen at any time.
- For
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil,
Perfect Cherry Blossom,
Imperishable Night, and
Phantasmagoria of Flower View, automatic line breaks are inserted in case the line doesn't fit.
- Trying to print a 6th line these games will also insert a wait instruction and page break.
- Trying to print a 6th line
Mountain of Faith and later automatically clears all lines and displays the new one in the first line. No wait instruction is inserted when this happens - anything in that translation segment before this new first line will effectively not be visible.
- For
Character name translations are automatically taken from the respective translation group.
Uređivanje slika
Prijevod slika zahtijeva poprilično komplicirani proces kad se usporedi s prevođenjem teksta:
- (Optimalno bi bilo prvo prepisati originalni tekst.)
- Osnovni projekt za uređivanje slika trebao bi biti napravljen, originalni tekst izbrisan, pozadine rekreirane i prikladni fontovi izabrani.
- Potrebni fontovi bi trebali biti dokumentirani da ih urednici drugih jezika mogu koristiti.
- Originalni tekst bi trebao biti preveden.
- Na posljetku, prevedeni tekst bi trebao biti stavljen u izvornu sliku, pazeći na granice slike koje zadaje igra. (Trenutačno ih ne možemo mijenjati bez da uključimo cijelu ANM datoteku s izvornim nekomprimiranim podatcima o slici što bi bespotrebno povećalo veličinu zakrpe.)
Fontovi bi idealno trebali imati dovoljno širok Unicode raspon da se ista šablona može koristiti na više jezika.
Nažalost, najprimjereniji fontovi često imaju poprilično ograničen raspon, a nalaženje sličnoga s širim rasponom može biti težak, ako ne i nemoguć posao.
- Stoga ne morate nužno o ovome se brinuti za bilo koji jezik osim svog (ali bi drugim prevoditeljima sigurno bilo drago).
Jednolik izgled na svim jezicima bi bilo odlično imati, no ovo nije nužda ili službena politika - svaki jezik može koristiti koje god fontove urednici žele.
Ako Vas je briga, evo testni tekst s simbolima nekih od najaktivnijih jezika koji bi mogli biti problematični:
ÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÂÊÄËÏÖÜÃÑÕŐŰĂĔĞÆŒÅĄĘĖİÇČĢŁŇØŘŞȘŠẞȚÞŻŽ áéíóúàèìòùâêäëïöüãñõőűăĕğæœåąęėiçčģłňøřşșšßțþżž ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОӨПРСТУҮФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ абвгдежзийклмноөпрстуүфхцчшщъыьэюя « » “ ” ‘ ’ “ „ … ¿ ? ¡ !
Učinkovito testiranje prijevoda unutar igre
Izaberite skipgame
zakrpu zajedno s vašim prijevodom da uklonite sve igrače segmente i skratite karte čarolije na nekoliko sekundi. Ovo ostavlja samo dijalog i imena karata čarolije i omogućava brzinsko pregledavanje svega bez trošenja vremena na izbjegavanje metaka.
Zasebni instant_ending
omogućava pristup svim krajevima sa samo jednom odlukom u igračem segmentu jedne razine.
Uređivanje glazbe
Bilješke prevoditelja unutar igre
U igrama Ansambla fantazije Šangajska Alice one mogu biti ubačene manje više bilo gdje gdje se crta tekst korištenjem {{Tlnote}}
šablone; pogledajte tu stranicu za detalje. Trenutačno nisu podržane u Tasofro igrama, stoga nemojte koristiti šablonu na stranicama njihovih igara!
Koso i podebljano oblikovanje nije podržano.
Advanced configuration either in global.js (for all games), <game ID> (for a specific game), or in your runconfig:
{ "tlnotes": { "reference_resolution": [1280, 960], // Valid for all games, even the 640×480 ones. Font and region size are relative to this one. You typically don't need to change this. "region_topleft": [x, y], "region_size": [width, height], "read_speed": 35, // In UTF-8 bytes per second; determines the scrolling speed of longer TL notes that exceed the size of the region. Higher is faster. "fade_ms": 500, // Fade-in speed. "valign": "top" | "center" | "bottom", // Vertical alignment for notes that are shorter than the height of the TL note region. Default is "bottom". "font": "'MS Gothic' 32 0 400 DEFAULT_QUALITY", // Using the same font syntax used for fontrules, explained in Also subject to those same replacement rules. "outline_radius": 2, // Capped at 15, because it's drawn on the CPU and actually not that fast, and everything larger just *really* looks bad. } }
To disable TL notes completely, simply add , "tlnotes": ""
before the last } of your configuration file, created by thcrap