User talk:GlassSkinned

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GlassSkinned ikutan nerjemahin juga, woeee. Hallo! Saya yang pertama kali ngerjamahin Touhou ke Bahasa Indo, dan lagi ngerjain TH14. Ikutan ngobrol gih di [portal Bahasa Indo.] Hallo sama yang lain. Kalau ada saran, pertanyaan, mau koordinasi, di situ juga.

Oh. And I'm actually a big fan of your music. Just sayin'. - PseudoMon (talk) 11:45, 9 September 2013 (UTC)

Hello, PseudoMon. I just realized recently - from your comment on my video yesterday, that you're the same PseudoMon who made this [[1]]. I also happened to read your post regarding your project to translate DDC. And, honestly speaking, I became interested as well. So here I am, translating one of my favorite touhou game just for the heck of it~ Kalau ada kesalahan di terjemahan saya, tolong dibenerin yah! Saya juga mau ngebantuin terjemahan DDC, - terutama yang images-nya - kalo boleh. And lastly, thank you very much! Glad you liked my music. - GlassSkinned (talk) 12:46, 9 September 2013 (UTC)
Wkwkwk. Ada orang lain juga toh yang bisa campur aduk bahasanya. Silahkan bantu nerjemahin... ehm, mohon bantu. And thanks for reading my blog! I'm glad you can, ah, understand my dysfunctional thoughts. :) - PseudoMon (talk) 14:08, 9 September 2013 (UTC)