User talk:NamelessLegacy
Liste der Musikstücke
>>>Ich denke, die Liste der Musikstücke hat einen Link in der Musikspalte auf der Hauptseite verdient :-)<<< Wieso so bescheiden? Ich glaube, das gehört mit ziemlicher Sicherheit unter "Enzyklopädie" ;-) --カミロ 13:43, 5. Dez. 2011 (CET)
Huch, das tut mir leid. Hab ich leider nicht gesehen, also dass du das geschrieben hast. Ich dachte mir nur, dass es irgendwie logischer wäre, wenn der eine Satz von Reimu mit dem darauffolgenden Satz von Reimu in eine Zelle kommen, so sieht es nämlich auch ordentlicher aus. Das hat mich nur etwas verwirrt. Ich kann ja alles wieder trennen, dass ist ja kein Problem. --whatever 16:23, 10. Jan. 2012
Documentation subpage
Well... I update the template so that it no longer needs <noinclude>
when using this template, and I waiting someone know German to fix it... - KyoriAsh 16:13, 1. Feb. 2012 (CET)
Wegen Forum + Extension
Sorry habe erst jetzt deine Anmkerung bei 'Charakter Titel' gelesen (hatte einen Klinikaufenthalt). Ja, das Forum wurde wieder angegriffen und mir ist es bis jetzt völlig unbekannt wo die Sicherheitslücke liegen könnte. Da ich derzeit weder die Zeit noch die Lust habe andauernt das Forum neu aufzusetzen oder irgendwelchen Bots die irgendwelche Sicherheitslücken ausnutzen hinterherzujagen, habe ich die Sache mit dem Forum mal Grife überlassen.
Dein Extension werde ich später installieren.
- Achso, alles klar. Kein Problem, ich kann noch warten.
- Hast du wegen den Sicherheitslücken schon mal in den Webserver-Logfiles nachgeschaut? Zumindest ab dem BasicWeb XL-Paket werden die ja von Strato zur Verfügung gestellt. Wenn du die Logfiles selbst irgendwo hochladen würdest, könnte ich auch selber mal zumindest einen Blick auf das Problem werfen, aber mangels PHP-Kenntnissen werd ich wohl bei bei der Behebung auch nicht wirklich helfen können...
- Von Grife kam die Sache allerdings eher so rüber, dass du jetzt komplett aus dem Adminteam aussteigen möchtest? Deshalb hab ich im Forum angeboten, Hosting und Administration des Wikis selbst zu übernehmen. Da du ja aber jetzt wohl doch wieder da bist, erledigt sich die Frage, oder? Das Angebot würde immer noch stehen.--NamelessLegacy 16:18, 18. Mär. 2012 (CET)
Dein Extansion habe ich jetzt installiert.
In den Logfiles habe ich schon mehrmals nachgeschaut allerdings wohl mehr flüchtig drüber gesehen als genau hingeschaut ^^ Ich kann, wenn ich dazu kommen sollte, sie Heuteabend gerne mal wo hochladen dann kannst du dir sie ansehen wenn du willst.
Ich werde weitgehenst aussteigen. Konkret bedeutet das, das ich kaum noch administrieren und genauso wenig moderieren werde (höchstens noch ab und zu aushelfen). Ich hätte eigentlich grundsätzlich nichts dagegen wenn du das Wiki hosten würdest. Das wäre glaube ich zumindest mal besser als ein Strato-Webspace.
Ich werde jedoch weiterhin anbieten das Forum auf meinem Webspace zu hosten da sich der Angreifer (welcher offenbar ein Bot ist) ja an der Domain orientiert. Von daher ist ein Hosterwechsel für das Forum eigentlich Unsinn. カミロ 15:07, 19. Mär. 2012 (CET)
- OK, hab dir im Forum eine PM mit den Zugangsdaten geschickt --NamelessLegacy 15:28, 19. Mär. 2012 (CET)
Hallo. Nun, ich habe soeben an den Übersetzungen weitergearbeitet und wollte daraufhin meine Seite speichern. Dabei habe ich einfach "blind" auf "Seite speichern" geklickt und wollte danach meine Arbeit nochmal im Gesamtüberblick ansehen (keien Sorge, ich betrachtete diese zuvor nochmal in der Vorschau), merkte dann allerdings, dass meine Arbeit aus einem bestimmten Grund nicht abgespeichert wurde. Nach mehreren Spielereien fiel mir dann die 2 kleinen Zeilen "Bitte beantworte die Frage, bevor du diese Seite speicherst" (Satz variiert) aufgefallen, die meines Wissens nach erst vor kurzem eingefügt wurden. Nachdem ich die Frage beantwortete verlief alles wie gedacht.
Mein Verbesserungsvorschlag wäre dann entweder diese 2 Zeiel hervorzuheben, immens zu vergrößern oder wenigstens nach erfolgreichem Ignorieren zu markieren - Wie ist dabei deiner Kreativität belassen.
Ja, eigentlich wollte ich auch Artikel zu den Musik-CDs machen, weil ich finde, dass die Kommentare von ZUN lesenswert sind. Aber nur falls das kein Problem ist. Whatever... (Diskussion) 20:53, 5. Apr. 2012 (CEST)
Nur mal testen, ob der Mailserver jetzt endlich auch vom Wiki aus funktioniert... Mal sehen, ob die Mail jetzt endlich auch ankommt. --Twilight Sparkle (Diskussion) 11:36, 14. Apr. 2012 (CEST)
Bilder bei den Infoboxen
Ich rede mal besser nicht um den heißen Brei rum. Ich finde die ZUN-Artworks (Vor allem die älteren) pottenhässlich. Wäre es nicht sinnvoller, diese hier zu verwenden? (Zerochan will irgendwie keine Links, einfach das %7C am Ende wegmachen)
Die Bilder sehen einfach besser aus und sehen dem offiziellen Tasofro-Look zum Verwechseln ähnlich. Gerade, wo dieses Wiki teilweise noch eine echte Baustelle ist, könnte man ihm wenigstens eine schöne Fassade geben. Touhou basiert ja außerdem zu einem großen Teil auf dem Fandom und dieses Wiki behandelt auch viele von Fans erstellten Dinge. Ich habe allerdings keine Ahnung, wie das mit dem Urheberrecht und so aussieht. Ich würd mich jedenfalls freuen, wenn du als Admin was dazu sagen würdest. --Sakuya (Diskussion) 16:23, 30. Apr. 2012 (CEST)
Redirects for en-gb music
Ay up there Nameless, I was wondering how the themes for en-gb is gonna be directed from en? For instance, there's already "#REDIRECT [[tdb:th06_07/en-gb]]", but "明治十七年の上海アリス" isn't shown as translated from en. Would we use "#REDIRECT [[tdb:th06_07/en]]" on both of these or would the patch stacking sort that out anyway? Thanx in advance :) ― Tony (Talk/Con.) 20:45, 9 January 2013 (CET)
- Yeah, patch stacking would sort that out too. But that's no excuse for having red links everywhere. I'll set up complete redirects for en-gb music later today. In case there's spelling differences, just change the redirects to the corrected title. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 07:31, 10 January 2013 (CET)
- A~nd done. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 19:38, 10 January 2013 (CET)
Delete some mistakes I made
Hi. I messed up the th14 endings and fixed it, but it was when TonyUK was working on the UK version. Right now there are two lines of translation that shouldn't be there, but I can't delete them so I'm asking you if you can delete the translations for codes /69/en-gb and /73/en-gb of Marisa's Endings. Thanks, and sorry for messing up. --Ghildrean
- Done.
- These time codes and blank lines really are how they are for a reason. They need to exactly mirror the original layout of the file, and every page already has all the time codes there are in the original files. If there are line breaks at the start of a "text box", they're also there in the original file, and need to be replicated in every translation.
- Assigning a completely new time code to an existing box, even if the codes seem to follow a pattern, can never work because thcrap won't insert new text boxes. This has two reasons: firstly, it could desynchronize existing replays, and secondly, a complete text box needs more code than the .msg patcher knows about. The first one doesn't matter for endings, yes, but the underlying format is still the same. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 16:45, 16 August 2013 (UTC)
Broken Hardcoded strings translations
It seems the new hardcoded strings don't translate correctly on the wiki. I have translated everything correctly but the japanese names, except th10, don't appear in the corresponding language page. I made sure I didn't make any mistakes but it seems the error is in the code of the japanese strings. The code right now is written as T:alcostg JP, for example, when I think it should be T:alcostg_JP, like in th10. I won't touch anything just in case I break something, but at least pointing out the error.
Greetings. --Ghildrean 16:26, 16 August 2013 (UTC)
I accidentally the image
I uploaded a image to the wrong "language" as seen here.
I re-uploaded the old version so it's fine now, but you might want to just remove the images since they're useless.
- Done. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 09:38, 8 September 2013 (UTC)
Scrambled page
I was trying to translate the main music themes page for ms-Jawi and suddenly everything was aligned left-to-right. Can you fix this? --Sketchdoodle (talk) 02:12, 15 September 2013 (UTC)
- It shouldn't be mirrored? Alright, I'll remove that setting then. I just thought that a setup like the one used in the Arabic Wikipedia would be preferable for a script using Arabic characters. But yeah, it does look strange since most of the interface and content is not translated into ms-jawi. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 21:07, 15 September 2013 (UTC)
Greener Website
Hi! After looking though this website, I presume you're the author of it. I was wondering if your website would like take interest on adding a greener side to it - more info on this address > Sparkle (talk) 19:10, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- While I agree that this website is far from being efficient (and thus, energy-saving) and that there's a lot of work to be done in that regard, I don't think that running yet another JavaScript pulled from an external server is going to make any significant difference. Optimizing the server software, the scripts and the graphics already used by the site, on the other hand, certainly will, but it'll also be a lot of work since MediaWiki doesn't exactly lend itself to doing the things we do in an (energy-)efficient manner.
- The way this script operates also doesn't seem to make sense when thinking about typical usage patterns. If I leave my computer, I turn off the monitor. If I switch to reading a different website in another window or tab, this site wouldn't be visible anyway, and any sensible browser would stop rendering the page (and thus save energy). And if you spend a longer time reading or writing a wiki page, it will be quite annoying to have the site go dark every minute you don't happen to type or move the cursor.
- That Online Leaf site is also not presenting any information or figures on how much energy is really saved by using that script - while I already confirmed that disabling JavaScript altogether makes far more of a difference. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 04:08, 11 October 2013 (UTC)
Hey, man
Thanks a lot for building this patch and this wiki and everything, and to keep working on it. The Indonesian translation is going strong, and somehow I've learned a lot by doing it. I got some new friends, too.
I dunno if you read your own talk page. But you seem to be able to find everything by everyone about ThPatch, from everywhere (and reply to every single dang one of them, in a way). So here. I don't care what anyone else say about you. Thank you.
Oh, and sorry for the repeated image uploads for Indonesian th14. I just realized that I can just mess with the thcrap directory if I only want to test stuffs. Sorry if it's a burden on the server in any way. Just remove the previous versions if you want to.
PS: When are you going to update those progress flags? D: - PseudoMon (talk) 11:35, 7 January 2014 (UTC)
Modding Images
Hello. Just curious, with the new custom patch servers, is it possible to mod other images/graphics like bullets, spellcard backgrounds, effects, etc? Sorry, if I was bothering you. --Jsmdg257 (talk) 16:49, 26 January 2014 (UTC)
- Indeed, that's what they're for. ☺ At its core, thcrap is a full-fledged modkit that merely focuses on translations, but could in theory be used to modify anything in the game. Check out the first custom patch by
, who created a fun hack with quite a number of modded textures.
- To do this, you first need to get the original graphics by enabling game data dumping in your run configuration file (the .js file created by
)."dat_dump": false
with"dat_dump": true
. Then, as you play through the game, all of the files loaded by the game will be written to the subdirectorydat
in the respective game directory (the one that contains the .exe file).
- There, you simply look for the image you want to edit and copy that to your patch directory while keeping the exact directory structure. --NamelessLegacy (talk)
- As I described above, thcrap has a feature to extract all data from a game as you're playing it. However, you still have to convert these files from ZUN's ANM format to PNG. The fastest way to do all of this would be the following:
- Run
and select theskipgame
patch. - Open the generated
file in Notepad, change"dat_dump": false
to"dat_dump": true
, and save it. - Run the game whose data you want to have extracted using the Skipgame shortcut, and start a new game. Skipgame should get you through the whole game and the endings in 2-3 minutes.
- Look into the original game directory (the one that contains
). There should be a new directory nameddat
containing everything that has been extracted. - Get the latest version of the Touhou Toolkit from here and unpack it into the
directory. - Inside the
directory, create a new .bat file (maybe named something likeimage_extract.bat
) with the following contents:for %%f in (*.anm) do thanm x %%f
- Then, run this file. After it's done, the original images should be inside the newly created subdirectories.
- Run
- --NamelessLegacy (talk) 14:59, 27 January 2014 (UTC)
- As I described above, thcrap has a feature to extract all data from a game as you're playing it. However, you still have to convert these files from ZUN's ANM format to PNG. The fastest way to do all of this would be the following:
- Wow! It worked! Thanks for the help! And I already know how to make the modded graphics to appear in the game with the thcrap engine. So, I don't really need any explaination for that. Again, thanks for helping me! ^-^ --Jsmdg257 (talk) 15:54, 28 January 2014 (UTC)
Problems with Python 3
Hi! I'm trying to follow the steps to build my own patch server and I have a problem with the update.bat file. When I run it, it gives me an error about "no module named utils", but I don't know how to solve it. I'm using python 3.4.0, but it's the first time I use it, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. --Ghildrean (talk) 13:16, 26 April 2014 (UTC)
- Ah, thanks for reporting this. Turns out that I indeed forgot to add the utils component to the work-in-progress archive. This one should work. --NamelessLegacy (talk)
- Thanks, it worked! --Ghildrean (talk) 13:53, 26 April 2014 (UTC)
Wiki Issues and Questions
So, I finally decided to join the translation effort, starting with th14 as the most complete proper game, and I'm still trying to figure stuff out. A few things that I think can be improved:
- Some images like "helpmenu.png", "ename.png" and "staff.png" clearly have multiple sprites, but no borders, leaving you guessing the optimal positioning. All of the manual pages are also supposed to fit in the playing field, so some indication of that will be nice.
- When I first tried to upload an image (after figuring out you first need to open the page with a text translation - not a very logical thing to do), I got some kind of warning that this image already exists, which seemed impossible because I'd just created the page and the images are apparently given unique names per language. Anyway, I clicked ignore the warning and got... the English version of that image, which I had long since deleted from my PC. It took me three tries to get what I wanted and I still don't know what I did right/wrong.
- Not to mention that after updating an image, the resulting preview still shows the old one until you refresh, and when uploading my GIMP projects I always get a warning, because the image already has the same (default) name as the GIMP file, but obviously not the extension, so what's the issue?
- Wouldn't it make more sense to be able to upload Photoshop/GIMP/Fireworks projects per language and update them if a better version is available. For example, right now all three links for "front00.png" point to the same zipped psd file. How am I supposed to upload my GIMP version or the changes I made to the all the ascii font projects since I first uploaded them?
- The Hardcoded ASCII strings page specifically warns you not to edit the ascii files, so as not to mess up the replay interface. However: 1) With the exception of the main font, the others are only used in these strings, so isn't it safe to edit them?; 2) In th10 and later, some characters from the main font are never seen and can't even be entered from in-game. These are " ' < > \ and ` (the empty box just before the lowercase letters). I was able to pull off the Bulgarian (Cyrillic script) translation with just those 6 extra letters; 3) Is there anything preventing the translation of the replay interface strings?
- If you don't like the common font, how do you upload an alternative and make your patch default to that?
I'd like to use this one for the Bulgarian translation. So, you go to "" and add "{{thcrap Include|File:font_file_name}}" and "{{thcrap Include|File:lang_xx-global.json|target=global.js|Global font setting}}", and then use the redlinks to upload the font and a text file, containing the "font" config parameter with that font's name, with the correct formatting. I'd say that process could do with a bit of streamlining.
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text or if this isn't the right place to raise such issues.
- More things I've decided to bitch about after doing th14.3:
- The tutorial images can be trimmed like the manual pages, since they also use they play area as an effective sprite border.Fixed that for you.
- Where is front00.png? The one with the "score" and "highscore" sprites?It was actually uploaded already, but not linked with a template. Added that too.
- - On the other hand, a few images don't seem to be used in-game.
Does the front01.png image appear anywhere? Do stg4enm2.png or the text in enm6.png (which is even prefixed with th13)?Played through the whole game and no, they are not used. Maybe move them to their respective game pages, along with any finished translations?
- - Particular sprites in multi-sprite images are often not called. If you can tell which ones are passed over by the engine, maybe make their borders a different color or something, so people don't waste time with them.
- - Due to the naming conventions, item.png and item01.png have the same editing resources section, even though they are nothing alike. Better to just always use the same name as the base image and hide that section where it's not needed.
- - The way links are handled on the image pages is confusing. Some open wiki pages, some open images, some start file downloads. Photoshop and GIMP projects can't be updated without messing with either the URL or the fields in the generic upload tool, redlinks for "Fireworks PNG project" and "Textless template" don't take you to the upload screen. How are non-MediaWiki users supposed to figure all this out?
- - Why do you need to upload every Scene Title picture twice (beyond ZUN's disregard for resource efficiency), again with warnings every time that an identical file exists already? They are exactly the same, so just use redirects. Same for the image editing projects. You'd still need to have the parser copy and rename the files internally, I suppose... Or better yet download it once and patch it into the game twice.
- - Expanding on that last point, maybe consider moving images that appear more than once (like eff_line.png), or where the translation can be reused (like sig1280.png) to a common folder, so you'd only need one copy of them. Of course, you'd have to remove any old local files after. Since ZUN reuses images with minor changes so much, and as the database of translated images grows, the ultimate hack would be to automate some process to compare images from a new game to the old ones by sprites (once you've sifted out the non-text ones and the ones not used in game), keep only the matching ones, then check them against past translated images, and finally assemble only the corresponding translated sprites into pre-patched images that can be uploaded to the wiki as recommended templates with their related image resources copied from the old translations (you would need people to put up their projects file for every language though). That would encourage a consistent look across games even if they are not being translated by the same people, but that's probably asking the impossible.
- Yet more things I've decided to bitch about after doing th10:
- I'm currently unable to translate any text strings. Double clicking the box just selects text and nothing more. Is that related to that server issue from a few days ago?Fixed.
- - themes.js is not updated locally when I make changes from the wiki.
- - I think I figured out how that triple-linked .zip file thing from before happened. Apparently, the uploader sometimes just changes the file extension, which happened to me this time, when I uploaded "th10-front-front.xcf", which somehow came out as "". It's not an actual zip file, so as a bonus, you can't open it normally. It also displaces all three Photoshop/GIMP/Fireworks PNG project links, even after I re-uploaded "th10-front-front.xcf" with the correct extension. So, please delete the "" file and change the template, so it links only the correct files in the future.
- - The "fonts" section of same images carries over between multiple games, which is kind of problematic in cases where not all the signs have the same fonts, like the top lines in "front00" for th14 and th10 or "ascii" not having "enemy" in th14 (I've edited the templates to resolve these already). If the idea here was to encourage a consistent look between different games for a given language, it's not a very good way to do it, since just the font names aren't all that helpful. And in cases where editors already went with different fonts for the different games (like, say, the Spanish "front00" for th14 and th10), it's better to have a record of all the choices, for someone who may want to edit the images for consistency later on.
- - A better solution would be to have an unique fonts section for every image, in every game and give people reference links to any existing translations (and image editing assets) from other games of that particular image in their language, when they download one of the source images. Again, that's assuming the wiki can do all that.
- - Certain images like "title01" are impossible to translate, and still look at least somewhat presentable, without modifying sprite borders and probably the screen coordinates in some cases. Same with the vertical stage titles. Yes, I know that's not really a wiki issue, but there's really no point in even having those images up the way they are right now.
- - Hardcoded ASCII strings starting with "th10_" don't seem to actually be translated in th10 at the moment, so kind of false advertising there...
Broken page?
What happened to the Indonesian th07 image page? It's all empty. I can still translate them, but now I have no idea where to upload the images. Other languages seem to work fine. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming patching pre-th14 images is possible now, since we can edit them already. - PseudoMon (talk) 04:19, 26 June 2014 (UTC)
Eine kurze Frage, ich hoffe, sie ist hier angebracht, wenn nicht, Lösche ich sie gerne wieder:
Ist es irgendwie möglich, mit Thcrap nicht nur die inhalte der th**.dat und th**.exe, sondern auch die der thbgm.dat zu verändern?
(Falls thcrap überhaupt so funktioniert... Wie funktioniert es eigendlich?)
(Oder die datei einfach durch eine andere zu ersetzen - Entschuldigung nochmal für die Th11 bilderseite... oder so...) --Nutzer (talk) 20:13, 12 July 2014 (UTC)
- Ist für die Zukunft geplant, wird aber noch 'ne Weile dauern. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 22:14, 12 July 2014 (UTC)
Some questions
- First, the most serious issue: Using skipgame causes TH08 to crash. Seems to only happen during full-game playthroughs, after beating the midboss of Stage 6A or 6B. Considering I'm not skilled enough to get into Stage 6B and survive, I'm effectively locked out of the last parts of the dialogue(and many of the endings, once they become translatable).
- When entering the translation tables to translate dialog, usually you see first the name of the character who speaks, then to right the Japanese dialog, and then to the right of that the English or whatever language dialog to translate or fix. It's no different for TH08, except for the Boundary Team. So instead of showing something like "/2 Remilia/es", it simply shows "/2/es". I guess this isn't a big issue, but it's inconsistent with the other tables. And it's always helpful to be able to easily see who is saying what.
- This was the first page I converted to use the translation interface, back in June 2012, and the idea to add the character names to the section IDs only came a bit later.
- A lot of the hardcoded text of TH08 is missing from the Hardcoded Text page, and what is there doesn't seem to work at all. (27/7) Oh, so are the TH07 strings being used for TH08? Well, I guess since they are the same and all, it's okay. Then that means there are no(or not many) missing strings, and the problem would only be that they don't work at all in TH08.
- About thcrap 2.0, is everything that's already translated be ported there or will the translators be the ones to copy and paste those things?
- MuffinPimp promises to port every patch to whatever new system there will be. I also volunteered to do the conversion, because I feel that I owe at least that to everyone who has ever contributed here. I have a very strong personal interest in keeping the entire history of all translations on this site, and I'll do everything in my power to make that happen - provided, of course
- that I get to do that job in the first place (meaning that MuffinPimp needs to announce the conversion in time, and he hasn't been very talkative ever since he became project leader)
- and that the new format even supports it. A month ago, MuffinPimp was considering not keeping any patch history at all on Touhou Patch Center 2.0 ("let the patch authors worry about that"), and merely continuing to support external patches hosted on GitHub, which naturally keep their history.
- Also, it's very likely that the general patch format will change thoroughly in 2.0 and backwards compatibility will be broken wherever it makes sense (or wherever MuffinPimp feels like it). So, if there has been anything you particularly liked about the current system, by all means, speak up on any of our 10 existing communication platforms. (OK, maybe not here on the wiki, because MuffinPimp hates it already, and killing it with fire ASAP is his top priority. And maybe not on Bitbucket because MuffinPimp has never posted there and I doubt he's even looking at it. And maybe not on Trello because it has been dead for a month and MuffinPimp strongly prefers GitHub.)
- While there's nothing I can say about the "what i like about the wiki" subject since I have no idea what the new system is going to be like, I do have a question: Why even have Trello and BitBucket? Can't their functions be done by GitHub? I just see them as a dead weight honestly, but hey, you guys might know some stuff I don't. --Goldenhog (talk) 17:57, 2 November 2014 (UTC)
- MuffinPimp promises to port every patch to whatever new system there will be. I also volunteered to do the conversion, because I feel that I owe at least that to everyone who has ever contributed here. I have a very strong personal interest in keeping the entire history of all translations on this site, and I'll do everything in my power to make that happen - provided, of course
- (1/11)The engine can download wiki images that are gone. Like this one(few minutes later: uploaded a file there, but i hope my point gets across anyway). Supposedly there's nothing there, but if I start the game up, the file gets downloaded anyway. This one's annoyed me for an hour before I found out what was going on.
- The ability to delete local files as part of an update wasn't added to thcrap until 2014-05-06, and I've never added it to the wiki. You can work around this, though, by redirecting the file you want to delete to a transparent, 1x1 dummy image. To do this, simply replace the content of the file page with
#REDIRECT [[File:Dummy.png]]
- Can you do that with text files? I messed up one ending template (th11's e01.msg.jdiff) some time ago and have been unable to reset it since.
- The equivalent of that for text files would be to upload a file with the same name that only contains and
{{Thcrap Include}}
ing that on the respective patch page. I've never tried that, though, so it may or may not actually work.- It does work, but I had to do that for every language that had a page for Th11/Reimu's_Endings. But when I edited the Japanese page to resync all the the translations with the wiki in one go, the FuzzyBot didn't update the Polish, Korean and Brazilian Portuguese pages. What's more it seems to have stopped working on them sometimes before that, judging by their history. Is there any way to edit the page source directly?
- The equivalent of that for text files would be to upload a file with the same name that only contains
- Can you do that with text files? I messed up one ending template (th11's e01.msg.jdiff) some time ago and have been unable to reset it since.
- The ability to delete local files as part of an update wasn't added to thcrap until 2014-05-06, and I've never added it to the wiki. You can work around this, though, by redirecting the file you want to delete to a transparent, 1x1 dummy image. To do this, simply replace the content of the file page with
- (27/7)The "Do NOT upload images from the patches" warning is only in the TH10 page. Does that mean that the only game with that restriction is TH10? Or that the people at decided to let us use their images and the TH10 page wasn't updated yet? I'm inclined to believe that every Images page is supposed to have that warning, but the TH07 English images uploaded are from the patch, so I'm confused here. For now, though, I'll keep myself on the safe side and not use anything from those patches.
- I wrote a detailed overview on the licensing of the existing English patches on the English portal page. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 10:56, 22 August 2014 (UTC)
- (22/8)I don't know how likely it is for this question to get answered, or to even be read, but here goes nothing: Is development of ReC98 ceased? I've read about it, and it seemed like the best thing to ever grace Touhou. Replays, the possibility of HD patches, multilanguage, no need for emulators and fucking hitboxes at long last. It'd be a real shame if it never saw the light of day :(
- On the contrary. ReC98 is pretty much the only project I'm working on these days, and I've made some amazing progress in the past few weeks. However, I might still stop development once it gets difficult. Heh.
- Meanwhile, NightLunya from Touhou-Online is reorganizing the Touhou patch project right here... or, well, at least he said he would reorganize it, but nothing has really happened in almost three weeks. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 10:56, 22 August 2014 (UTC)
- (20/11) Is there a way to get rid of a translation? When I firt came in here, I translated Reimu's TH10 Scenario for es-419. After that, I did my stuff in the base es language since I figure it'd be more helpful that way. Anyhow, I wish to get rid of all this and I was wondering if there was a quick way of doing so, or if I'd have to delete each and every dialog page manually.
- Unfortunately not. I designed this page under constant fear of vandalism, and therefore made it impossible to delete any patch content from the wiki itself.
- With administrator rights, it should at least be possible to request the deletion of a translated page through the menu at the top. However, this merely adds a bunch of small deletion requests for the individual dialog pages to the MediaWiki job queue. Jobs are usually processed at the rate of one job per page view, and due to the hilariously bad design of this site, it's almost always full with translation-related updates, so you can't tell when these pages are actually deleted. The only way to enforce the deletion is to log into the server and run a script that instantly processes the entire job queue.
- Not to mention that we still need to remove the actual .jdiff files from
and the server's file system to actually remove it from the patch, and this, again, can only be done by logging into the server itself. --NamelessLegacy (talk)
- (13/12) This is a small thing, but if the Touhou Biolinum (linked to here) is installed in a machine of a thcrap user, it causes all the Touhou-Biolinum-using text in-game to become slighty bigger. This isn't always a bad thing - It helps make TH12.5's overly restricting 65-character limit seem like less of an issue - but it does cause many, many other problems in other games, like dialog spilling out of the dialogue box or spell card names being too long for the screen.
That's all, for now anyway. Sorry if this was the wrong place to put this in. --Goldenhog (talk) 23:37, 19 July 2014 (UTC)
en-gb Images
Hi Nameless :) Sorry to bother you, but how shall I make use of uploading images for en-gb? I remember from this image that I'd have to only place the differences as this would overlap the en version (if I'm not mistaken?). Would I have to do it like this, or can I just edit the images like any other language because the en image would be replaced with en-gb? I'm just quite confused on how I should edit and upload en-gb images. Any reply would be appreciated, cheers :) ― Tony (Talk/Con.) 10:11, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
- Whew, guess I have to explain how image patching works after all. Really though, it's high time I did this, this has become my favorite part in thcrap after all. ☺
- All image patching is done on sprite level, with a sprite being a rectangular section from the corresponding sprite boundary image. Every sprite is replaced separately using one of three modes based on the transparency of the original and the replacement, for every patch in a stack that provides a replacement image:
- If the replacement sprite is completely transparent (that is, every pixel has an alpha value of 0), nothing happens, and the sprite remains unchanged.
If the original sprite is fully opaque and has no transparent sections (that is, every pixel has an alpha value of 255), the replacement sprite is alpha-blended on top of it.
That's why in this case, it was necessary to keep the original background around the s. Otherwise, the transparent s from
Note that this is a completely optional feature. If you don't want to keep the file size of your translated images as low as possible, you can simply upload the fully opaque replacement sprite as you'd like it to appear in-game, and thcrap will blend that on top of the fully opaque original, thus effectively replacing it.lang_en-gb
would indeed overlap the z from thelang_en
patch stacked below.If the original sprite does have transparent sections (that is, any pixel has an alpha value below 255), the entire sprite is overwritten completely with the replacement.
Blending anything does not make sense in this case, as the replacement sprite would always overlap the original, making it impossible to remove any shapes from it.
In this case, a replacement image always needs to include the full sprite, as DTM recently explained. Leaving out any section inside a sprite would only work if we blended the replacements on top of the originals, which we can't do for the aforementioned reasons.
- In short, you only need to watch out in the first case where a non-transparent original sprite is patched with a transparent replacement. Otherwise, you'd simply take the English images, remove all sprites that are the same for British English, and only keep those that are different. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 12:50, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
- What happens if the replacement sprite doesn't match the size of the source. I distinctly remember a few times when the static English patches had increased the size of certain sprites.
- --Kill-o-matic (talk) 14:08, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
- The per-sprite copy/blend operation starts from the upper-left corner and ends as soon as either the lower-right corner of the original sprite or the edge of the replacement image is reached. In the latter case, the remaining part of the sprite stays unmodified. This means that you can make replacement images as large as you want to in order to cover up larger sprites in certain static patches, or cut it off within a sprite to only overwrite a region up to that point. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 17:13, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
Hi Nmlgc, I want to talk about le-crap that's on the Len'en Wiki. If I may ask, if Yoshiquest allowed it, would it be okay to have le-crap on thpatch? I've seen Len'en having some potential hosted on this wiki in the past, so I hope this could be accepted. Also, I've answered UnKnwn's question here. I hope it's understandable, but the wiki is more for encyclopaedic content, and personally I can see that le-crap would have more advantages if it was hosted here (even though I'm happy to see le-crap being on Len'wn Wiki, it's quite puzzling TBH). What do you think? Any reply will be much appreciated. ― Tony (Talk/Con.) 22:07, 9 July 2015 (UTC)
- Um. Since 3 August 2014, I haven't been responsible for what happens to this site anymore or keeping up any sort of focus. Any requests of that nature would technically go to MuffinPimp, who now hosts this site. And apparently, given that I am being asked this in the first place, that fact has still not reached people, and it's now up to me to explain it again. That should give you an impression of how little the supposed "new administration" actually cares about this project.
- As it turns out, MuffinPimp hates MediaWiki just as much as I do and is way too busy with real-life obligations (y'know, stuff that can actually earn you a living, unlike the colossal waste of time that is Touhou) to actually administer the site. Well, at least outside of really critical issues on the back-end that are necessary in order to superficially keep this mis-designed piece of shit of a website on life support. Like, see the missing flags on the front page? That's an example for a minor issue that hasn't been fixed in two months, and now everyone has lost interest.
- So, basically, you can just spam Touhou Patch Center with anything you want. No one will complain, and it's not like anyone cares what happens to this place anymore.
- However, as a result of all this, I wouldn't exactly say that your translations are safe here. Do you have any guarantee how long this site is going to stay up like that when literally everyone who claims to be an "admin" or "project leader" wants to kill MediaWiki with fire ASAP? Do you have any guarantee that Touhou Patch Center 2.0 will even allow you to translate Len'en in a way you and your entire team of editors agree with? Do you have any guarantee that your valuable translation history is being kept in the transition, with MuffinPimp having previously alluded that he doesn't care about that and just wants translators to keep track of that themselves? At this rate, Touhou Patch Center just isn't a place where I myself would entrust any of my data to. (Despite the fact that the site is now using HTTPS and supposedly oh so safe and responsible, lol.)
- Well, it's up to you. But whatever you end up doing: Please learn from this project and keep your translations in one place. No duplication of content, you're only heading straight for a maintenance nightmare. And as for pronouns: Since you've standardized them anyway, le-crap should just have an option to change the pronouns for people who object to them by doing client-side string replacements on the input data. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 23:20, 9 July 2015 (UTC)
Hello! I don't know if you're active still, but I have a question regarding the font used for spellcards and the music section in TH09.
It doesn't support letters ő and ű for the Hungarian language, so I edited it to allow them to be displayed. Is it possible to upload it in the place of Cirno.tff?
Best regards,
- script_latin, which contains the regular Cirno.ttf, has been hosted on GitHub for the past 7½ years. You probably want to resurrect this issue so that the remaining team (not me) can review your changes to that font, and then update the version used for every language.
- In the meantime though, you can always upload it for the Hungarian patch only. Check the Russian patch for an example of how to include custom fonts, and set them for specific games. --NamelessLegacy (talk) 15:28, 20 December 2021 (UTC)
- Alright, I see. Thank you very much for the speedy reply, I'll see what I can do. --Spectatorsatori (talk) 17:09, 20 December 2021 (UTC)
Hello again!
Sorry to bother you, I did just like you said and checked out the way the Russian community included their fonts. In the process however I screwed up both the Hungarian and Russian patches, and I suspect it's both because of the lang_hu-th09.json file I accidentally uploaded to File:lang_ru-th09.json AND because I tried using the File:Cirno_Regular_V2.ttf font which seems to be faulty.
I'd like to ask you to delete both of these files. Again, I apologize for bothering you, and thank you for you time.