User talk:Splashman

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Revision as of 20:36, 10 March 2018 by Splashman (talk | contribs) (→‎Touhou 15 title screen)
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Der korrekte Sprachcode dafür ist gsw. de-ch sollte als Schweizer Hochdeutsch eigentlich nur die Unterschiede zu "normalen" deutschen Text enthalten, genau wie wir das mit British English und American English machen (z.B. kein scharfes S in de-ch). Du musst dir darüber aber nicht wirklich Sorgen machen - editier einfach weiter in de und ich werd das selbst anpassen, wenn mir was auffällt.

Ich werd die Reimu A-Seite nachher selbst nach gsw verschieben (geht mit Adminzugang viel schneller). --NamelessLegacy (talk) 15:33, 11 July 2013 (CEST)

Ok bestens. Ich hab mir schon gedacht dass de-ch eher für Hochdeutsch gilt, aber da war noch keine Kategorie für schwyyzerdüütsch. --Splashman (talk) 15:48, 11 July 2013 (CEST)

4Kids translation

We need to work on Marisa's route in EoSD and Reimu's route in UFO. Dancingbug11 (talk) 21:03, 4 June 2015 (UTC)

th15 images

Hi Splashman. Just a quick question, do you still know what font you've used on this image? In relation to this, have you still got the original photoshop/GIMP file for other th15 images? If you do, it'd be much appreciated if you could upload them? Thank you. ― Tony (Talk/Con.) 07:18, 3 January 2016 (UTC)

Oh, of course. The font I used is Nyala, I just uploaded the PSD. Is there anything else you need?
Speaking of, I noticed how the older games still have tons of templates missing. Some of them do come with GIMP projects, but they're all for the Russian translation. Do you suppose we could rename and move them to their dedicated namespace? --Splashman (blub) (talk) 15:05, 3 January 2016 (UTC)

No, that's fine thankyou :) And yes, files under 'Unsorted Resources' should be moved to 'Language-Specific Resources' because 'Unsorted Resources' will eventually be removed. So some GIMG files are in Russian, and thus they need to be renamed "File:lang ru-xxxx" etc. so other languages can have their own Photoshop/GIMP file. The one you've uploaded needed to be separated into two files because it contains two languages. I've already fixed this. ― Tony (Talk/Con.) 21:51, 3 January 2016 (UTC)

th07 image translations?

Hi Splashman, I was just wondering if it would be possible if you could go through and do literal translations for the rest of th07 images? All there is to translate is phantasm.jpg and places with a tag that says "<please translate!>". I'm finding it too difficult to get the gist of the Japanese text on these untranslated parts. Thank you. ― Tony (Talk/Con.) 03:27, 12 February 2016 (UTC)

Okay, though I'm still struggling with Japanese myself, especially grammar. But I'll give it a try. Btw, if you feel like working together on translations and images more closely, feel free to contact me anytime on skype (igosplashman), or in our gitter group ( That way it's easier for me than wiki talk :P
Thankyou for your help, it's much appreciated :) And okay, I'll try and use gitter more often from now on. (btw, I'm not an expert in Japanese: I mainly use, Wiktionary and extensive research to help me translate) ― Tony (Talk/Con.) 20:51, 12 February 2016 (UTC)
I gave the th07 images a try. I don't know how literal you want it, because "Small area of enemy bullet effectiveness" just sounds wrong. Instead we could just use "Small hitbox" like it says on THWiki... Also, lately I'm using

a mouse hover dictionary extension called rikaikun/rikaichan. It's become inexpensible for me, so I highly recommend it.

Ah, I must of not worded my previous comment correctly. Basically, I'm trying to follow the same idea as you: "Stay as close to the context and spirit of the original as possible". That's what I meant by literal, sorry about that ^^'. So yeah, I understand that being outright literal in translation would make awkward phrases in another language, so "Small hitbox" it would be. ― Tony (Talk/Con.) 04:07, 13 February 2016 (UTC)
Exactly. I noticed that the majority of ZUN's texts either come off as mystical or humorous. I didn't know that most of menu text images say something completely different that the previous translations, for example "Music Room" > "Ghostly Music Room". That's the spirit I'm talking about, so it's nice to see that we're completely redoing them now. But "Small area of enemy bullet effectiveness" doesn't sound either mystical or funny. So if it's just a description with nothing more to it, we should keep it as a clear description. Because our text limit is small enough already.

Korrekturlesen ausstehend

Hi, ich würde mich anbieten, bei den deutschen Übersetzungen das Korrekturlesen zu übernehmen, oder wolltest du das lieber selbst machen? Zusätzlich würde ich mir notieren, wo Text überläuft oder ähnliche Probleme vorhanden sind und wollte diesbezüglich fragen, wie ich sowas gleich selbst beheben kann, oder, wenn das nicht möglich ist (z. B. weil schon alle Linien aufgebraucht sind), wo ich dir da am besten darüber Bescheid geben kann.--VyseGolbez (talk) 19:22, 13 March 2016 (UTC)

Tach! Aber bitte, schön dass mal wieder jemand mitmachen will :)
Meine Stärke ist vor allem Dialoge flüssig zu und einheitlich halten, aber dabei kann's vorkommen, dass ich öfters Flüchtigkeitsfehler mache. Darum sollte man noch einmal alle Dialoge auf Fehler überprüfen.
Satzzeichen, Rechtschreibfehler und überlaufende Zeilen kannst du ohne weiteres korrigieren. Wenn du inhaltlich etwas am Text ändern willst oder Verbesserungsvorschläge hast, frag mich bitte zuerst. Und wenn du Lust hast, es gibt auch noch ein paar Szenarios von th09 zu füllen.
Falls du Hilfe brauchst, ich bin erreichbar via Skype als "igosplashman".

--Splashman (blub) (talk) 19:52, 13 March 2016 (UTC)

Touhou 15 title screen

Hey, good afternoon! I noticed you uploaded Touhou 15 title screen PSD archive so I was wondering: do you know where I can get title screen font? (Game Start, Music Room, etc) I'm aiming for using it a school project. Thank you! --Paltea (talk) 19:33, 10 March 2018 (UTC)

H'lo, the font name is "Pickup Stix". It's a commercial font, so I can't share it here. But feel free to contact me on our Discord: --Splashman (blub) (talk) 20:36, 10 March 2018 (UTC)