Th105/Marisa's Scenario English
Stage 1
Marisa |
This is troublesome. I can't dry my laundry if the rain continues like this. |
Marisa |
Even though the rainy season ended, the rain still doesn't want to end. |
Alice |
Yet, you can still tell that the rainy season ended? |
Marisa |
Whoa, when did you get here? |
Alice |
Ah, not again... |
Alice |
With nothing but hail my laundry will never dry. |
Marisa |
This is rare, the hail and all. |
Alice |
It's always been like this. But this year, it's still hailing after the rainy season... |
Marisa |
And you still managed to tell that rainy season ended. |
Alice |
That's because I'm not stupid like you. |
Marisa |
I could tell. |
Marisa |
You cranked up the humidity in the forest, didn't you? |
Alice |
Why would I do that? |
Marisa |
How should I know? I'll beat you up and find out. |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Alice |
Please think carefully about who's really raising the humidity. |
Alice |
You silly little rainmaker. |
⧼win⧽ | |
Marisa |
That's not it. It's not so much the hail. The rain is more of a problem. |
Alice |
The hail is still a problem. |
Marisa |
It's raining again... |
Marisa |
Alright, then. The rain is telling me that I need to go and get back the sun...? |
Stage 2
Marisa |
I've heard of rain dancing, but what do you do when you want the reverse? |
Marisa |
I don't believe in things like teruterubouzu... |
Reimu |
Are you here? |
Marisa |
Not right now, nope. |
Reimu |
Oh, really? But you're right in front of me. |
Marisa |
Ohhh? I was just saying that the sun isn't here, |
Marisa |
but the moment you came, it became sunny. |
Reimu |
Because it's <color FFFFFF>nothing but sun</color> recently. |
Reimu |
At this rate, all the plants are gonna die. |
Marisa |
Look at this forest! If the rain keeps falling, the forest's gonna rot! |
Reimu |
I know nothing of that. |
Marisa |
Oh, I get it. |
Marisa |
You're the sun. The weather's bad because you're lazing around, right? |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Reimu |
You're making such a fuss of this. |
Reimu |
I only came to look over the damage done by the earthquake. |
⧼win⧽ | |
Reimu |
I don't know what we just fought for... Are you okay from the earthquake this morning? |
Marisa |
Earthquake? I didn't really feel anything, actually. |
Reimu |
How can that be... The earthquake was strong enough to level my shrine! |
Reisen |
That magician doesn't know a thing. |
Marisa |
What's going on today? I've never had this many customers since this store opened. |
Reisen |
You had a store? |
Marisa |
Actually, I want to open shop, but the times are hard lately, you know. |
Reisen |
Anyway, it seems like something horrible is going to happen, so I came to you. |
Marisa |
It was just sunny, but it's all strange now... Is this "something horrible?" |
Reisen |
No, no, it's an earthquake. |
Reimu |
If you are talking about an earthquake then it already happened, one in the morning. |
Reisen |
Eh? I didn't feel anything this morning... |
Reisen |
But if an earthquake's going to happen, it wouldn't be a small tremor like that, I think. |
Marisa |
How do you know these things? |
Reisen |
Hmph, follow me. |
Stage 3
Reisen |
Can you see them clearly from here? The clouds around the Youkai Mountain. |
Marisa |
I can't see anything, just bad weather. |
Reisen |
Unnaturally colored clouds, unnatural climate, what it all means is that... |
Marisa |
Ah, whatever you say, then. I just want to take back the hot summer. |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Reisen |
At any rate, an earthquake struck the Shrine? What an odd occurrence. |
⧼win⧽ | |
Reisen |
I just wanted to explain this... |
Marisa |
It started to rain again. |
Marisa |
Maybe it only rains when I'm alone. |
Marisa |
Maybe I'm actually the rain woman...? (This refers to the ameonna.) |
Stage 4
Marisa |
I've realized something great. |
Marisa |
It's bound to be sunny above the clouds. If I climb the mountain, |
Marisa |
then I can finally see the sun. |
Marisa |
...... |
Marisa |
...The weather's getting bad. I'm not gonna give up. My goal is above the clouds. |
Aya |
I wondered who the mountain intruder in that report was. It's you again? |
Marisa |
Thank you for your reconnaissance work in this storm. |
Aya |
You make it sound like a big deal. |
Aya |
I shouldn't say this as a tengu, but the winds are strong around here. |
Aya |
Whatever business you have around here, why don't you forget it? |
Marisa |
The weather worry is the same everywhere. |
Marisa |
But wouldn't it be okay if you pray to the wind god? |
Aya |
About that, it seems that the wind only blows around me... |
Marisa |
Ho ho, |
Marisa |
I'm planning to journey to a rainless world from here. |
Aya |
How are you gonna do that? |
Marisa |
By climbing the mountain until I get above the clouds. |
Aya |
And then what? |
Aya |
How are you going to climb with the tengu's eyes upon you? |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Aya |
Now then, be a good girl and leave. |
Aya |
Even if you climb to Heaven, nothing will get solved. |
⧼win⧽ | |
Marisa |
Well, I'm going, now. Because the mountain is there. (Quoted from George Mallory's famous phrase.) |
Aya |
Can't be helped, then. You're already being watched. |
Aya |
Keep that in mind while you climb. |
Marisa |
It's alright, the mountain is only a checkpoint this time. |
Stage 5
Marisa |
It's rough in the clouds, but once I get past here... |
Marisa |
My world without rain is waiting for me! |
Iku |
The carp climbs the waterfall and becomes a dragon. The dragon grows inside the thunder clouds. |
Iku |
The human who swims in these clouds... |
Iku |
You. Who are you? |
Marisa |
Ohh? An obstructive person showed up. |
Iku |
I'm not here to block your path. |
Iku |
I'm just worried about the future of Gensokyo, and trying to warn you about it. |
Marisa |
If you're not in my way, then farewell. Except, you are in my way. |
Iku |
Why do you seek to go beyond the clouds? |
Marisa |
Because it's constantly raining and the sun won't come out! Although, the rain only fell around me. |
Iku |
So what do you plan to do beyond the clouds? |
Marisa |
Who knows. I mean, it doesn't rain above the clouds, right? |
Iku |
Such astonishingly naive thinking... |
Iku |
It's true that it doesn't rain above the clouds, |
Iku |
but that ends when you go back to the surface. |
Iku |
Do you plan to stay above the clouds? |
Marisa |
Hmph, I'm no idiot, you know. |
Marisa |
When there's someone controlling the climate and causing incidents, |
Marisa |
the criminal will be somewhere where the climate doesn't change. |
Marisa |
I'm going to crush that person and take back my hot, sunny summer, alright? |
Iku |
Is that so? I didn't know the climate had become so strange. |
Iku |
I've stayed in the clouds for a long time, so there wasn't any climate change here. |
Marisa |
...Then, I have found the criminal! |
⧼lose⧽ | |
Iku |
I am not the criminal. |
Iku |
Now, I have to get going to tell Gensokyo what is going to happen after. |
Iku |
This is all somewhat depressing. |
⧼win⧽ | |
Marisa |
I won! Now it's gonna be sunny! |
Iku |
It doesn't work that way. |
Iku |
Defeating me does not change the tragic future destined for Gensokyo. |
Marisa |
What are you babbling about? You kept saying future this and future that. |
Iku |
Gensokyo... is going to experience an apocalyptic earthquake. |
Marisa |
...Wasn't there someone who've said this before? |
Marisa |
...!? Didn't Reimu say there was an earthquake this morning? |
Iku |
Maybe that was a foreboding sign. |
Marisa |
What the... If there's an earthquake, my goods are gonna get all messed up, great. |
Marisa |
Can't we do something? |
Iku |
I do not have the power to suppress earthquakes. But... |
Marisa |
But? |
Iku |
Above these clouds there is Someone who can suppress earthquakes. |
Marisa |
That's right! My goal was to go above the clouds. There was nothing wrong with my plan. |
Stage 6
Marisa |
Oh, what's this I see? |
Marisa |
The weather is really good above the clouds. |
Tenshi |
Being in heaven, control the land. |
Tenshi |
Being in earth, remove its keystones. |
Tenshi |
And lay bare the scarlet hearts of people. |
Tenshi |
You've finally come. |
Marisa |
Who's there? |
Tenshi |
I'm a member of the Hinanawi clan that lives in the heavens. |
Marisa |
So it was you? You're the one who's been doing all that stuff? |
Tenshi |
All that stuff? I don't really get what you mean. |
Tenshi |
But yes, I did it. |
Marisa |
What did you do? |
Tenshi |
Your temperament is humid and heavy. |
Tenshi |
I am collecting everyone's temperaments into a scarlet mist, |
Tenshi |
and raising that mist to the heavens to create a scarlet sky. |
Tenshi |
Won't that be a beautiful lunatic summer? |
Marisa |
This world has too many folks with bad tastes. |
Tenshi |
The scarlet clouds are heavenly miracles that start catastrophes on earth. |
Tenshi |
With my Hisou no Tsurugi, I collect temperaments and materialize them into the scarlet mist... |
Tenshi |
and shake the earth with it. |
Marisa |
Whoa, an earthquake!? I didn't understand anything, but did you just do that? |
Tenshi |
Did you even listen to me? |
Marisa |
Sure I did, but I didn't understand anything you said. |
Marisa |
But an earthquake is troublesome, my house wasn't built to withstand earthquakes. |
Tenshi |
Now, I don't really want to unleash a great earthquake on Gensokyo. |
Tenshi |
A celestial's life is so boring, I just want to play like everyone else down there! |
Tenshi |
That's why I made these forboding signs of earthquake and see who might come and stop me! |
Tenshi |
You over there, who came all the way up here, |
Tenshi |
can you satisfy me? |
Tenshi |
You don't look very dependable.... |
Marisa |
Ahhh? You're an annoying fella. |
Marisa |
Did I tell you to tell me about your schemes? |
Marisa |
Unfortunately, I've heard nothing but talks of earthquakes, my goal is- |
Tenshi |
The weather, is it? Because it's all rain around you. |
Marisa |
Nah. There was a mountain so I climbed it. |
Tenshi |
Whatever. But if you don't do anything, your house is getting wrecked too, you know? |
Marisa |
But if I see someone when I climb a mountain, |
Marisa |
I'd certainly give her my greetings! |
Tenshi |
Yes, that's the spirit! |
Tenshi |
You all only need to solve incidents when you see them. |
Tenshi |
That is what makes the youkai happy, after all. |
Marisa |
I'm waiting for you to come at me, you know. |
Tenshi |
Huhuhu, let's see how your wet drizzling weather compare with my bright glittering weather! |